Updated: 21 Nov 2008
Photos from Knut Gakkestad- more photos from Knut
Benedictus/Simple Visions
Tears And Pavan
New World
Another Day
Midnight Sun
Oh How She Changed
The Call To Action
Josephine, For Better Or For Worse
A Glimpse of Heaven
Shine On Silver Sun
Cold Steel
Lay Down
The Hangman and The Papist
We'll Meet Again Sometime
Acoustic Strawbs had their first ever gig at Garage in Bergen to-night. The electric version of the band has visited Bergen on four occasions (1986, 1987, 1989 and 1999). In 1999 they were given the questionable honour of being called "dinosaurs" by the leading Bergen news-paper Bergens Tidende.
"Is it always raining here in Bergen?", Dave Cousins asked entering the stage with a smile on his face. (The statistical correct answer is that it rains in Bergen 230 days a year, on average. But 2008 has been an exception, with only around 150. But as DC observed it was raining to-day, 17.6 mm to be precise.)
DC told us that his connection with Bergen goes much further back than 1986. He had been here around 40 years ago on his first wedding trip, and had spent two weeks in the mountains overlooking the Hardangerfjord. On that trip he had also learned about the Hardanger fiddle. "There are many elements combined in the Strawbs music", he stated.
Around 70 people had found their way through the rain and wind to Garage, and Acoustic Strawbs were in a very good mood to-night, DC told us. We soon learned this was true. DC told us they would like to take the audience for a trip around the World with Strawbs, and introduce to us a few of the people they had met along the way.
The set started with "Benedictus" and "Simple Visions", then DC told of his first trip to Italy, going over the Alps and looking down into a most beautiful valley, giving the inspiration for "Tears And Pavan". Then he returned to the streets of London in the early 1970s with its bombs, blood and dust in "New World". Then we were taken to the West Country and to the innocence of the 1960s with "Another Day". Strawbs have recorded several albums in Copenhagen, and when recording "Midnight Sun", Strawbs were introduced to a group of Norwegians. Not only had they told him of the midnight sun, they even had shown him how to drink.
Dave Lambert took the leading vocals on "Oh How She Changed", the first Strawbs single from 1968. Gus Dudgeon and Tony Visconti had been in charge of the production. Later the two became world famous, and brought Elton John, David Bowie and T. Rex to the stars. The first part of the show ended in modern times with "The Call To Action" where DC were demonstrating his full vocal strength, and the three guitars were really thundering through this song about the religious fundamentalism and terror of today.
The second part opened with "Ghosts", going on to present us for the charm and loyalty of "Josephine". DC said he never was asked to sing this song. That seems unbelievable, because it is such a beautiful song, and has been one of my favourites since I got hold of the album Dragonfly. We were brought to "A Glimpse Of Heaven" in Sidmouth in the West Country, where DC lived for twenty years.
DC picked up his banjo for "Shine On Silver Sun", and that introduced the grand finale! Dave Lambert took the lead vocals on his own rocking "Cold Steel", and went straight into the harmonies and beauty of "Autumn", before all three shared the vocals with the audience in "Lay Down".
Whenever in Bergen, DC is asked to play "The Hangman And The Papist". And so far he has always done! It is a fantastic piece of music. The lyrics are terrific, and all three musicians were showing exploding energy. This time Dave Lambert struck his chords so hard that his thumb started bleeding. "A love-bite", DC commented. The atmosphere in the room was electric, and the roof almost lifted.
Two fantastic hours ended with "We'll Meet Again Sometime", and to great applause DC said he might bring the Electric Band to Bergen next year.
Strawbs had brought fifty copies of The Broken Hearted Bride to Norway, but much to the disappointment of the audience in Bergen all copies had been sold on the gigs in Hamar and Oslo.
On the way out I met the man who called Strawbs "dinosaurs" in 1999, and I asked him if that still was his impression, pointing to the fact that DC and Strawbs have produced at least 18 CDs/DVDs since 1999. The journalist told me he really was very impressed by Dave Cousins, who still has as good a voice as he had 40 years ago.
And we went into the rainy Bergen night with the sun still shining inside, and with smiles on our faces. We'll see you next year, I hope!
Photos from Bente Nedrebø - more photos from Bente
Benedictus/Simple Visions
Tears And Pavan
New World
Another Day
Midnight Sun
Oh How She Changed
The Call To Action
Josephine, For Better Or For Worse
A Glimpse of Heaven
Shine On Silver Sun
Cold Steel
Lay Down
We'll Meet Again Sometime
A warm welcome back to Denmark. After a 3 day tour of Norway, the Strawbs arrived in Denmark with a 5 concert schedule. The concert on Wednesday was held in a suburb of west Copenhagen called Brønshøj. It was only arranged about two weeks ago and took place at the local community rooms. The mention of community rooms conjures up mental images of sterile rooms and acoustically impossible challenges. The room at Brønshøj is the building's café with a bar, a small stage and table seating for about 80 people - actually a very cosy place. This and the fact that Tuborg's Christmas beer was on sale (at a very reasonable price) definitely helped to shape the evening. Initial fears that not many tickets were sold were put to shame, and by the time the band made their entrance at 8:00 pm, there was a good crowd and all tables were taken.
Dave has naturally a lot of anecdotes concerning Scandinavia and especially Denmark, and this evenings show was to be no exception. The playlist was a very pleasant mixture of old and new, including songs originally recorded in Denmark - and all played with great enthusiasm and feeling. The acoustics in the room were surprisingly good, and it was a pleasure to enjoy a 'louder' live Strawbs than usual. A parallel sideshow was given by some happy guests dancing by the stage. Especially one over-happy female who had not changed her dancing style since the sixties. Very amusing for the audience - slightly disconcerting for Dave. A great evening, with a fantastic selection of music. Thanks for bringing so much happiness to so many people. The tour continues in Denmark until Sunday, when the band sadly returns to the UK.
Photos from Rune Søndergård - more photos from Rune