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UK vinyl
Europe vinyl
Asia Pacific vinyl
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UK releases
Super 2391 287 (Oyster, 1977). Single sleeve with Patrick Woodroffe painting of melting candles and eyes (also used for a Brian Aldiss novel, "The Billion Year Spree"). No logos on front cover. There's a "Widescreen" logo (Lesser's prodution outfit) and Oyster and Polydor logos on the back at the bottom. Very dark brown, almost black, inner bag with lyrics on one side and montage of band members in circular design. Back cover features live concert photo.
Front and back covers

Inner sleeve
Starting from top and going clockwise: Dave Cousins, Dave Lambert (unusually with beard), Jeffrey Lesser, Robert Kirby, Rod Coombes, John Mealing, Chas Cronk.


US releases
Vinyl album (US): OY-1-1604 (Oyster, 1977). Packaging very similar to UK album. Like the American release of Deep Cuts there are several known variants.
Variant 1 Labels (Pitman pressing, matches promo release below)

Variant 2 Labels (PRC pressing)

Variant 3 Labels (Santa Maria pressing)

Variant 0 Labels (credited by Discogs as Pitman pressing, but identical to Santa Maria pressing above)

US advance promo release
Vinyl album (US): OY-1-1604 (Oyster, 1977). Plain sleeve with catalogue number written on. Plain pre-printed blue label - side 1 has A written on, nothing on side 2. Insert with track details.
Cover detail and Insert


US promo release
Vinyl album (US): OY-1-1604 (Oyster, 1977). Packaging very similar to UK album, but with Oyster logo and cat number bottom left and Poldor logo bottom right of front cover. At the bottom of the back cover, US addresses and reference to US 8-track and cassette releases. Back cover top left is gilt-stamped "Demonstration, Not For Sale", and the US cat number is top right. The inner sleeve also has the US cat number and "Printed in USA" on the lyrics side. Typography on label matches Variant 1 below.

Canadian release
Vinyl album (Canada): OY-1-1604 (Oyster, 1977). Packaging very similar to UK album with different addresses at foot of back page, and a Polydor Canada logo. There's reference to Canadian 8-track and cassette releases, bottom right. (The inner LP bag with my copy has the UK catalogue number - not certain whether that's been switched somewhere or whether Canada was too lazy to change it!)

Canadian promo release ??
(*) Vinyl album (Canada): OY-1-1604 (Oyster, 1977). Very likely that there was a Canadian promo release - anyone got one?

Italian release
Vinyl album (Italy): 2391 287 A (Oyster, 1977). Front cover same as UK, but with Oyster and Polydor logos at bottom front left and right respectively. Back cover has Italian info and circular 1877/1977 logo "100 Anni Di Registrazione Sonore" at bottom right. The inner sleeve is black and white, slightly coarser paper than other inners I've seen. The labels include SIAE in a box, "D.R" and Made In Italy; side 1 has an actual SIAE ink stamp.

Dutch release
(*) Vinyl album (Netherlands): BK16472 (Oyster, 1977). Listed in Gemm.com.

French release
Vinyl album (France) (Oyster, 1977).Fairly standard issue of this album.

Spanish release
Vinyl album (Spanish): 23 91 287 (Oyster, 1977). Fairly similar packaging to the UK release except that the inner sleeve is 1 colour black and white rather than full colour. The back cover has details of the Spanish company releasing it.
Back cover detail


Norwegian (?) release
Vinyl album (Norway?) 2391 287 (Oyster, 1977). Difficult to be certain about this. The cover seems identical to the UK release, including being manufactured in England. The album has writing round the rim referring to the Polydor trade mark being held by Deutsche Grammofon in Hamburg, but no other information. The seller listed this as a Norwegian pressing. The label has a "n©b" logo, which is the logo of Nordisk Copyright Bureau, a rights organisation based in Copenhagen. NCB is owned by the Nordic performing rights societies – KODA in Denmark, STEF in Iceland, STIM in Sweden, TEOSTO in Finland and TONO in Norway. It is a non-profit society, owned which administers copyrights for the Nordic and Baltic countries. All products manufactured under an NCB licence must carry its logo. However it is not 100% clear that having that logo means it is a release from one of those territories.

Australian release ??
Deep Cuts was released in Australia and New Zealand - was there ever an Australian release for this album?

New Zealand release
Vinyl album (NZ): 2391 287 (Polydor/Oyster NZ, 1977). Single sleeev, front cover is as most other releases, brown with the candles illustration. Back cover is same design but both spine and back cover are printed in black and white. Oyster and Polydore logos are at top right, along with a "Price Code A" logo. There's a "marketed by Phonogram" logo at bottom left next to the Widescreen logo. The second statement at the centre bottom on the UK version ("manufactured and distributed is England etc." is missing for obvious reasons.
Back cover


Japanese release
Vinyl album (Japan): MWF 1034 (Oyster, 1977). Japanese full release. As expected, the same in allo respects as the promo except for release labels (though my copy has lost its Obi.

Japanese promo release
Vinyl album (Japan): MWF 1034 (Oyster, 1977). Japanese promo release with Obi. Front cover identical to UK, except for Polydor, Oyster logos and Japanese catalog number at bottom centre. Back cover has Polydor and Oyster logos at bottom right (hidden by the obi on the scan) and Japanese manufacturing details bottom centre.
There is a 4 page LP-sized insert - the outer pages replicate the UK inner sleeve, with the band photos and lyrics. On the inner pages there are track details in English and Japanese, and Japanese sleeve notes by Yoshi Hoshina, dated 13 Jun 1977.
Front and back cover with Obi

Inner, middle pages


South African release
Vinyl album: (Polydor South Africa 2391 287, 1977). Back cover has interpak logo and "84" in a circle above it. There's a Polydor logo and "Marketed by Polydor Division", with no mention of Oyster on either labels or cover.
Back cover


UK Cassette
UK Cassette: 3177 287 . Simple packaging - cover painting on front, track listing inside flap, nothing on the reverse. Same running order as album.
Cassette outer


US cassette
US Cassette: CT-1-1604. Printed white paper labels on cassette. Back of cassette outer is blank.
Cassette outer


US cassette club edition
US Cassette: CT-1-1604. Very minimalist packaging, the inner card is blank, and the tracks are printed onto the cassette case. The cassette case bears the letters "CRC" which stand either for Columbia Record Club or Columbia House (Record Club) - see Discogs for more info.
Cassette outer


US 8-track
8-track US: 8T-1-1604. The 8 track comes with a Polydor standard red card "foldover" to protect the exposed recording tape, which folds over the front back and all the way down each side.
Front and head

Front and back with Polydor foldover

Running order
Programme 1
Burning For Me
Carry Me Home
Barcarole (For The Death Of Venice)
Programme 2
Barcarole (For The Death Of Venice) (cont)
Back In The Old Routine
Alexander The Great
Programme 3
Keep On Trying
I Feel Your Loving Coming On
Programme 4
I Feel Your Loving Coming On (cont.)
Cut Like A Diamond
Goodbye (Is Not An Easy Word To Say)

US 8-track variant (*)
8-track US: 8T-1-1604. Spotted online - differnt packaging
Front and back of cartridge

Front and back case

Canadian cassette
Canada cassette: OY4-1-1604. Simple packaging, with blank card inner.

Canadian 8-track
(*) Canada 8-track: OY8-1-1604. Listed on rear of Canadian vinyl release. Running order is the same as the UK album, but "I Feel Your Loving Coming On" is split over Programes 1 and 2, and "Heartbreaker" over Programmes 3 and 4.

Running order
Programme 1
Burning For Me
Cut Like A Diamond
I Feel Your Loving Coming On part 1
Programme 2
I Feel Your Loving Coming On part 2
Alexander The Great
Programme 3
Keep On Trying
Back In The Old Routine
Heartbreaker (part 1)
Programme 4
Heartbreaker (part 1)
Carry Me Home

French cassette
(*) French cassette: 3177 287. Listed on rear of French vinyl release.

South African cassette
South African cassette: 3177 287. Pretty minimalist packaging - cassette out which lists tracks on inner flap. Nothing on the reverse. No country of origin anywhere, but the clue is the Interpak logo (Interpak was a South African priting firm and appears on many SA release sleeves.)
Cassette outer


Running Order
Unusually for the late 70s, the cassette running order has been changed to equalise the two sides and save a minuscule amount of tape:
Side 1
Burning For Me
Cut Like A Diamond
Keep On Trying
Back In The Old Routine
Alexander The Great
Side 2
I Feel Your Loving Coming On
Carry Me Home

UK double CD with Deep Cuts
CD: RGF/WCDCD 027 (Road Goes On Forever UK, 1996, 2CD with Deep Cuts). The cover has been redone to combine graphic elements of both albums. Tray inner (i.e. under the lift-up tray) has portrait shot of 4-piece band (Cousins, Lambert, Cronk, Coombes). 12pp booklet contains lyrics (pp2-10) and track details (p11) for both albums - front and back of booklet (p1 and p12).
Front (p1) and back (p12) of booklet

Pages 2 and 3 of booklet

Pages 4 and 5 of booklet

Pages 6 and 7 of booklet

Pages 8 and 9 of booklet

Pages 10 and 11 of booklet


Tray inner and back

Japanese Muskrat card sleeve facsimile CD release release (with bonus track "Joey And Me")
CD: RATCD 4220 (Muskrat, 2003, Japanese facsimile re-issue). Beautiful limited edition facsimile re-issue in card sleeve, with obi. The package even has a miniaturised lyric sleeve to match the original vinyl release, as well as a Japanese language one-sided black and white insert with sleeveg notes dated Oct 2003. Both the back cover and lyric inner have the Muskrat catalogue number, not the UK number. Though the original packaging doesn't refer to it, there's a bonus track - an acoustic version of "Joey And Me", which sounds as though it's really a Cousins/Willoughby track from slightly later on.
Insert, CD and Obi

Witchwood Media CD release (with bonus track "Joey And Me")
CD: WMCD 035 (Witchwood Media, 2007). 4pp booklet - the front page reproduces the LP front cover, the back page an adjusted version of the circular montage that came on the LP inner bag. The centre spread of the booklet contains the lyrics in black & white. Outer side of the CD tray has an adjusted version of the LP back cover, and the CD reproduces the Patrick Woodroffe "candles with eyes" illustration - nice touch. Brian Willoughby is credited on the bonus track "Joey And Me".
Back of booklet

Inner spread of booklet

CD and tray back

Japanese Airmail card sleeve facsimile CD release release (with bonus track "Joey And Me")
CD: AIRAC 1705 (Airmail Recordings, 2013, Japanese facsimile re-issue). Outer cover is replica of original album. Obi includes ads for Sandy & The Strawbs, Two Weeks Last Summer and Deadlines. There is a CD bag which exactly replicates the inner LP bag which came with the UK album - a circular design with photos of the band in concert and lyrics on the other side (see above). Both back cover and lyric inner still have the UK catalogue number.
Also included is a 2x2 CD sized b/w insert with Japanese sleeve notes (by Masayoshi Funabiki, dated 7 Jul 2013) and track listing on one side and the lyrics (and who played what) reproduced on the other. Also noted that this is a 24-bit remaster. The CD comes in a fabric bag, the disc itself got up to represent the original Oyster label album.
This was also included in the Sandy Denny & The Strawbs boxed set of 5 or 8 Airmail Strawbs-related releases. See: the Sandy Denny & Strawbs Complete Recordings page.

CD and Obi

Esoteric Extended CD release
ECLEC 2701 (Esoteric, Nov 2019). Booklet style outer cover with CD tray glued to inner back flap. 16pp booklet, with new essay by Dave Cousins. Pre-orders from Cherry Red came with a postcard - Heartbreak Hill on one side, Burning For You on the other.
Cover and CD


Postcard - Burning For You side
For the other side see Heartbreak Hill Extended Edition page.

See also extended edition page.