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UK release
CD: 4933692 (Universal, Sept 2002). Excellent packaging, front cover with the "Shine On Silver Sun" photo in moody black and white. Elsewhere, a Burstingperiod shot of the band relaxing on a couch, the "Beat Instrumental" cover shot of mixing From The Witchwood, one of the "get back to the country shots" of the Hero band from the inside of the 1974 tour programme, the glam shot from "Diana" grls' teen mag, and best of all, a shot (very grainy, so probably from a newspaper clipping) of Wakeman playing with the band, Dave resplendent in his crochured coat of many colours. The back cover, another H&H photo. Under the clear tray, a version of the GNW logo - the StrawbS lettering picked out as a yellow outline, and the strawberries filled in with green and red - very tasteful.

Tray back and inner


Promo release
CD: 4933692 (Universal, Sept 2002, promo). Promotional copies were sent out in a plain white foldover sleeve.