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Something For Nothing
Old School Songs
The question was survival
The answer was myself
I was on the inside looking out
You took me to the limit
But you only took yourself
You were on the outside looking in.
Something for nothing
Something for nothing
Was all you ever wanted from me
Something for nothing
Something for nothing
Was all you ever wanted to be.
You bit the hand that fed you
Ripped the fingers to the bone
You were scoring blood, when times were lean
While I looked on disgusted
Ashamed to be your friend
Thinking to myself what might have been.
Now the lone wolf beats a new trail
With scent of easy game
Howling at the full moon on his back
While his lover eats her heart out
To the bitter taste of failure
Hungry for the leader of the pack.

Another Day Without You
Old School Songs
We were young
Our hopes were high
Our sights were set
On the terra nova
Now it's over
I can't bear to spend
Another day without you.
We set sail
On a changing tide
When the glass was down
And the moon was mellow
Lucky fellow
I can't bear to spend
Another day without you.
We were drifting as the days turned into night
The sky sent up a signal in the fiery Northern light
I can't bear to spend another day without you.
I was broken and I doubted I would last
The clouds had gathered quickly now the final die was cast
I can't bear to spend another day without you.
The storm came up
As the sun went down
I was all at sea
On the raging ocean
Such devotion
I can't bear to spend
Another day without you.

We Can Make It Together
Old School Songs
Like a high tree in the wind you are lost when you're alone
Like a wild bird in a cage you are trapped inside your home
If you don't accept the plan, you'd better get out while you can.
We can make it together
If we try
Oh if we try.
As the mountain top is trash so the bottom is decayed
The machinery is aging, like a worn out coat it's frayed
The frown on every face is the national disgrace.
We can make it together
We can make it together
If we try
Oh if we try.
As people feel the burden of the crosses that they bear
The social fabric stretches until at last it starts to tear
So hold your backs up proud, you'd better shout your name out loud.
We can make it together
We can make it together
We can make it together
If we try
Oh if we try.

Heartbreak Hill
Old School Songs
I was taken prisoner and carried down
To a dungeon cold and bleak
Where my trial was a foregone conclusion
At which I might never speak
While the innocent live with freedom of speech
And the confidence of their wives
So the guilty remain on Heartbreak Hill
In the chains of their humdrum lives.
The sun beat a trail in the summer sky
It mounted me with desire
It consumed me with ease and then left me to burn
In the wake of its hungry fire
I was torn limb from limb by its passionate kiss
I was left in a cold deep sweat
Now I shiver alone on Heartbreak Hill
With a memory to forget.
It was spring when I woke from a long deep sleep
Inspired with a second chance
And I join with the newborn leaves in the trees
Spinning in the dance
As I rubbed the sleep from my deep-rimmed eyes
I was gratified by the sight
Now I see myself on Heartbreak Hill
In a totally different light.
If I've broken my back on the treadmill once
I've broken my heart on it twice
I'm not going back on Heartbreak Hill
At any price.
A man must do what a man must do
A woman must do what she must
But neither can really be satisfied
Without that mutual trust
In the eyes of a child, there's a simple truth
One can either be right or wrong
But if you ask those on Heartbreak Hill
They will sing you a different song.
If I've broken my back on the treadmill once
I've broken my heart on it twice
I'm not going back on Heartbreak Hill
At any price
At any price
At any price.

Starting Over
Old School Songs
When I was a young man I wasted my days
Dreaming of fortune and fame
Now as I look back, I can see the mistakes
It's time to move on for I'm starting over
A kid starting out has much more of a chance
Than I ever had at his age
If only he's willing to take what is his
Time to move on for I'm starting over.
Time knocks again and again at your door
Opportunities never return
Remember you only get back what you give
It's time to move on for I'm starting over.]
Time, you have everything
Share it with me
Dark is the mystery
How silently the kestrel is flying.
He of the watchful eye
In careful pursuit
We the willing prey
Aware of the danger
Content with our fate.
Swift is the kestrel's flight
Straight to the heart
Solved in a second's pause
How short-lived our time here.
I envy the wild bird his freedom and space
His view of the world far below
My eyes are wide open to take in the view
It's time to move on for I'm starting over
An experience entered can only be gained
It's never forgotten or lost
We're here for a purpose that few of us find
It's time to move on for I'm starting over.

Two Separate People
Old School Songs
When two separate people
Go two separate ways
There's too many hours
In the long and lonely days
When two separate people
Make two separate plans
There's two points of view
The woman's, the man's.
We're two separate people
Who drifted apart
Two separate people
Who made a false start
Two separate people
Beginning again
Two separate people
In need of a friend.
When two separate people
Lead two separate lives
There's too many kids
And not enough wives.

The Desert Song
Old School Songs
The night was ablaze
With the light of a thousand memories
Your eyes were on fire
With the light of a million stars
The clouds went sailing past the moon
Like silver-winged flamingoes
And then he kissed you
The eyes of your desert prince
Had held you spellbound
You could feel the full heat of the sun
Across his back
He dragged you to his Bedouin tent
This rapid Valentino
And then he kissed you
You had tasted the fruits
Of his privately owned oasis
He had drugged your wine
Massaged you with perfumed oils
He drank deep at the well
Until you fell back in surrender
And then he kissed you
The ceaselessly shifting sands
Have erased his footprints
You are left with his jewelled dagger
In your hand
Your face still glows with pleasure
As you linger in the sunset
Until I kiss you
Until I kiss you

Let It Rain
Old School Songs
I'm never one for fighting, but I'm about to make a stand
There's no sense in retreating when you're standing on dry land
Our life has been a turmoil, a stormy night at sea
The low of deep depression to the high of ecstasy.
Let it rain, let it pour
That's what the sun shine's for
Who needs sadness anymore
That's what the sun shine's for
Let it rain, let it pour
That's what the sun shine's for.
True love runs a narrow gauge, it carries heavy freight
It never runs on schedule but it comes to those who wait
The going may be torturous and the truth may hit you hard
At your final destination, I'll be standing there on guard.
Now you're making progress, I've got something to report
At last we've learned our lessons after all that we've been taught
We've travelled such a long way down a solitary track
We're heading for the sunrise and never looking back.