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Coal Creek March
Not available

Sail Away To The Sea
Old School Songs
The hands on the clock keep turning round
They point to the time of the day
The time means nothing with you by my side
Though some time I'll be on my way.
Down the road to where I must go
There's nothing between you and me
I'll take a boat down the river my love
And sail away to the sea
I'll sail away to the sea.
What will you take to remember me by
I've no money to buy you a smile
I can't say the words to bid you farewell
So I'll carry them with me a while.
You'll wave goodbye 'till I pass out of sight
As you're waving goodbye for good
I can't even take you part of the way
I only wish that I could.

That Which Once Was Mine
Old School Songs
If in some capricious moment
I should give you cause to fear
Then you have but to remember
That my being here is mere fortune
For the rules have laid down
To guide the thoughts of those who stray.
If in some deserted hour
We should murmur last goodbyes
With the snowflakes falling softly
As the tears well in your eyes
Then we kiss but once and walk away
Never turning round
And the snow falls on our footsteps
Leaving nothing to be found.
And my life is yet determined
By the span of what it holds
And the span grows ever shorter
As my lifetime folds away.

How Everyone But Sam Was A Hypocrite
Old School Songs
Half a bitter for the vicar
He's here to save your soul
He's looking fat and jovial
Though he's nearly on the dole
Anne Riley cooks his dinner
She keeps him washed and fed
She doesn't need much prompting
To jump into his bed.
And they all think they're so grand
Yes, they all think they're so grand
Yes, they all think they're so grand
But they're not
Oh no they're not.
Dr. Watson drinks large whiskies
He's nearly always high
He supplements his income
Aborting on the sly
Mrs. Thompson is an angel
In the W.V.S.
Her meals on wheels are very cheap
And she cooks the books for less.
Sammy Cohen is the bookie
Sitting over there
Drinking three star brandy
He doesn't seem to care
No-one wants to know him
They say he's been inside
They say his dear old mother
Committed suicide.
Dr. Watson charged Anne Riley
A fifty guinea fee
For Mr. Thompson's peace of mind
As far as I can see
Mrs. Thompson envies Annie
Cooking for the preacher
And everyone thinks Sam
Is a quite disgusting creature
But if the truth was known
It would shake all their foundations
It seems the preacher lives
On Sam's anonymous donations.

October To May
Old School Songs
Summer's gone come chill October days
We will stroll through russet trees
Through the fallen leaves of oak and sycamore
That carpet earth through harsh December freeze.
Fireworks and children with eyes that sparkle bright
In November's Guy Fawkes flames
Parents thinking of their forgotten years
As they join in with their children's games.
December brings nostalgic Santa Claus
Toys and shining Christmas trees
Families huddled round their open fires
As they wait for winter's grip to ease.
Seaside piers, iron girders gaunt and still
Gone the crowds of yesterday
Icy fingers in the sea at night
Sad and empty tears the first of May.

On My Way
Not available
Empty glasses on the table
Rows of bottles without labels
No-one drinks with friends no more
Look to yourself and that's for sure.
Pull up all the roots I'm growing
I'm on my way
Don't know quite just where I'm going
I'm on my way
I'm on my way
I don't know when but I'm going soon
On my way
It won't be long, perhaps this afternoon.
I'll follow signs that point the way
To yet another empty day
Seems it's just my generation
But I never leave the station.
Memories that come it seems
To haunt me always in my dreams
Trains go whistling by forever
I'll just hope for sunny weather.
Pull up all the roots I'm growing
I'm on my way
Don't know quite just where I'm going
I'm on my way
I'm on my way
I don't know when but I'm going soon
On my way
It won't be long, perhaps this afternoon.

All I Need Is You
Old School Songs
Love is a mist that's turning everything red to white
Like the full moon it send you out of your mind at night
Wishing wells ain't no use, they just say may or might.
And all I need
Well all I need is you
Somehow it just grew and grew
Till all I need is you.
Cats have got eyes that seem to follow me where I go
Purple and green, they seem to know everything I know
Be it all the feelings I just didn't want to show.
And all I need
Well all I need is you
Somehow it just grew and grew
Till all I need is you
All I need is you,
Yes all I need is you.
Caught my mind suddenly just drifting out the door
Saw all my lifetime passing, feeling so insecure
You knew for certain, but I just didn't know for sure.
And all I need
Well all I need is you
Somehow it just grew and grew
Till all I need is you
All I need is you
Yes all I need is you
Yes all I need is you.

Josephine For Better Or For Worse
Old School Songs
The years have left their mark
And time must be to blame
To me you're still the same
Josephine, for better or for worse.
I thought that I would stay
Always young and free
But now you're part of me
Josephine, for better or for worse.
For richer, for poorer
To honour and obey
For better or for worse
You're still the same today ... Josephine.
Sometimes our way of life
Has gone against the grain
Yet somehow you remain
Josephine, for better or for worse.

We'll Meet Again Sometime
Old School Songs
I only have my memories to last me the remainder of my days
For time has now decided that we must go our individual ways
The warmth I feel inside can more than overcome my loss
But this is me today and tomorrow I must count the cost.
We'll meet again sometime
Though the road is steep and very hard to climb.
The pleasures of a lifetime condensed into a fleeting glimpse of truth
A moment of delight as when a child receives a sixpence for a tooth
The simple things in life mean more to me than money ever buys
The greatest thing for me to see my love reflected in your eyes.
We'll meet again sometime
Though the road is steep and very hard to climb.
We'll meet again sometime
Though the way is never clear
My sacrifice is made
Everything that I hold dear
We'll meet again sometime
Though the road is steep and very hard to climb.
Oh lover of a lifetime let me look upon your loveliness alone
Oh but I cannot gaze too long for I fear that it will turn me into stone
A monument to life to stand forever by your grave
Inscribed for all to see, a message of respect, "Be brave".
For we'll meet again sometime
Though the road is steep and very hard to climb.

Spanish Is The Loving Tongue
(Trad. Arr. Cousins)
Not available
Spanish is the loving tongue,
Soft as music, light as spring
Was a girl that I learned it from,
Living down Sonora way.
I don't look much like a lover,
But I say her love words over,
Mostly when I'm all alone
"Mi amor, mi corazón."
On the nights that I would ride
She would listen for my spurs,
Throw those big doors open wide,
and raise those laughing eyes of hers
How those hours get to flying
All too soon I'd hear her sighing
In her little sorry tone
"Mi amor, mi corazón."
I haven't seen her since that night
I can't cross the line you know
Want me for a gambling fight
Like as not, it's better so.
And Yet I've always sort of missed her
Since that last sad night that I kissed her
Lost my heart and left to roam
"Mi amor, mi corazón."

Handsome Molly
(Trad. Arr. Cousins)
Not available
I wish I was in London
Or some other sea port town
I'd set my foot on a steamboat
That'd sail the ocean around
Sail across the ocean
Sailing across the sea
I think of handsome Molly
Where ever I may be
Her eyes were dark as raisins
Her hair was black as coal
And she's the finest lady
Where ever I may go
Do you remember Molly
When you gave me your right hand
You swore that if you married
I would be your man
I went to Church on Sunday
I saw her go on by
I knew her love was changing
By the rolling of her eyes

Hard Times
Not available

How I Need You
Old School Songs
My ashtray's flowing over,
And the 'phone's left off the hook.
I've been staring for three hours
At the first page of a book.
Day and night I keep the curtains drawn,
And curse the very day that I was born,
And get to thinking,
How I need you,
I keep staring at my wristwatch,
Until it's ticking fills the room,
And the hollow sound reminds me
Of the silence of a tomb,
And as the ceiling and the walls close in,
And the furniture begins to spin,
I get to thinking,
How I need you,
And as the days go passing by,
And I never get a letter,
How I need you.
Days turn into weeks,
And it doesn't get much better,
How I need you.
The gaslit streets lean slowly
As I reel against the wall,
And my musty head is aching
As I stagger down the hall;
Then I fill the broken glass once more,
And fling the empty bottle to the floor,
And get to thinking,
How I need you ...

The Man Who Called Himself Jesus
Old School Songs
He came into the shop and looked me straight between the eyes
And said "You know I'm Jesus", and I must have looked surprised
Because he said "Please don't be hasty, no-one understands
But I've got a way to prove it" and he lifted up his hands.
He was the man who called himself Jesus.
For a minute I was speechless, then I looked into his face
With sufficient lines of sadness for the total human race
And I said "You must be joking" but he slowly shook his head
And said "That's what they all say, I might as well be dead".
He asked me if I knew a place where he could start to preach
I said "Well try a church or maybe Brighton beach"
And I was trying to be serious but he didn't seem impressed
He said "You think I'm crazy, you're just like all the rest".
I was really quite embarrassed, he was looking so sincere
So I said "I close the shop soon, won't you come and have a beer"
Then he asked me if I meant it and he smiled a funny smile
And he said he'd rather like that and he hung arounds a while.
On the way he stopped to pat little children's heads
And he taught them one line prayers to say as they went off to their beds
But mostly they were frightened and they looked at him wide eyed
And when he said his name was Jesus, one girl even cried.
In the pub I asked him if he'd tried to see the Pope
And he said although he'd thought about it there was really not a hope
Then he said he thought he'd better go, he had some work to do
He said he'd come and see me in about a week or two.
Well after he had gone I thought of what he'd said
And all his funny actions they kept running through my head
And when I felt my mind was drowning in a sea of mud
It seemed his pint of beer had turned into a pint of blood.

Pieces Of 79 And 15
Old School Songs
Pieces of 79 and 15
Drifting along a jumbly scene
Pieces of 79 and 15
Drifting along a jumbly scene.
Out of work people
Sitting on top of a barberous pole
Strippers who like it and fancy a bit
And parties and songs in the night.
More people but mostly the same
Girls down with love, tell me what can you do
Seeing your friends down a hole in the ground
With the ceilings and walls falling down.

Following The Rainbow
Not available
Red tears of deepest sorrow
Will flow until tomorrow
The sun sets in the West
And nights grow cold
I'm following the rainbow
'Till I find a pot of gold
The orange blossom falling
And the sound of people calling
Will last a million years
So I have been told
Yellow flowers in the morning
Will blossom in a warning
The river bursts its banks
Unless controlled
Green trees upon the mountain
And a ripple of a fountain
A silver kiss at night
And love was sold
The blue moon sends a shiver
Of light across the River
There's nothing left but space
For men to hold
An indigo confusion
Is the sign of man's delusion
The searing heat
Turns matter into mould
The violet robes of morning
Will surely bring a warning
To everyone around
Who's growing old

Always On My Mind
Not available
When we met for the first time
I didn't even like your name
Then we met once again and
I wondered if I'd been insane.
Now I find you're always on my mind
Now I find you're always on my mind.
Never thought love could hit me
The way it does when I'm with you
Never dreamed I'd feel this way
Loving you the way I do.
Now I find you're always on my mind
Now I find you're always on my mind.
Now it seems I've always known you always on my mind
Couldn't stand to live without you
These days you're always on my mind.
When we met for the first time
I thought that love was just a game
Then I fell for you and then
You told me that you felt the same.
Now I find you're always on my mind
Now I find you're always on my mind.

Martin Luther King's Dream
Old School Songs
Speak only with your voices
And not the sword
Listen to your leaders
And the words of the Lord.
Shake hands with your brothers
Has been my theme
For I have had a dream.
While fury gathers around you
Provoking you to hate
Remember what I told you
Don't heed the dangled bait.
The leaders of the country
Are speaking much the same
As those who've gone before them
And those who are to blame.
Proclaim a day of mourning
And let the flags fly low
The future is before us
As I have told you so.

Bitter Sunshine
Not available
Bitter sunshine sinking this way has no return
See the Redwings gliding
See the rivers burn
Reflections in the water
Memories of a dream
Night time shadows coming you'll see what I mean
Heat wave comes so suddenly
There's no time to hide
Bent and twisted tree trunks on the other side
Shrivelled water melons
Lie rotting in the sun
I'm just a poor man, please don't point that gun
I've been here about a year
No chance of getting home
Though may be I'll get sent back, set in solid stone
Then looking for a reason
There's none that I can see
I don't know who I am fighting they all look the same to me
Bitter sunshine sinking this way has no return
See the Redwings gliding
See the rivers burn
Reflections in the water
Memories of a dream
Night time shadows coming you'll see what I mean

All The Little Ladies
Old School Songs
looking through their windows
Peering through lace curtains
All the little ladies
With grey haired hat-pinned heads
Watching people they know who don't understand
That they're living their lonely lives second hand
Even second hand's better than none.
Spreading all the gossip
Baking cakes for tea time
All the little ladies
With lonely single beds
Watching children they know as they jump and play
Trying giving them sweets but they run away
Even naughty boy's better than none.
Sunday lunch is coming
In a van of kindness
All the little ladies
With no friends but the dead
Watching doctor they know as he takes their pulse
Trying giving a smile for there's nothing else
Even this sad life's better than none.

Just The Same In Every Way
Not available
At the gateway to my life you stood
The door was open wide
And even though I tried so hard
You would not step inside
You would not step inside
You're just the same in every way
As others I have known
I just don't want you round no more
I'd rather be alone
I'd rather be alone
I keep on hearing footsteps, on the stairs
Makes me think I made the grade
But they pass on by my empty room
And down the hall they fade
And down the hall they fade
You took all I had to give
And flung it back in my face
And what's the use of trying again
I have nothing left to waste
I have nothing left to waste

Strawberry Picking
Not available

A Good Woman's Love
(Trad. Arr. Cousins)
Not available
I've been a roaming
By land and by sea
Till a good woman's love
Made a man out of me
Life had no meaning
It was all incomplete
'Till a good woman's love
Put me back on my feet
Instead of roaming
I go home in the evening
And she's waiting there
And I know that no matter what happens
She'll always care
And when the night falls
And the moon shines above
I'm a man with a dream
And a good woman's love

The Battle
Old School Songs
In the early dawn the Bishops' men
Shivered in the damp
But the shiver came not from the cold
And spread throughout the camp
The trembling horses sensed the fear
Of silent thoughtful men
Who prayed that wives and families
Might see them once again.
The bishops sent a dawn patrol
To investigate the weight
Of forces at the King's command
Ensconced behind the gate
The ground mist hid the patrol's approach
As they drew close enough to show
The sentries on the battlements
And an archer drew his bow.
From the topmost tower a sentry fell
As an arrow pierced his skull
And his headlong flight into the moat
Seemed that of a gull
The patrol reported little
There was nothing much to see
But the strong and silent castle
A symbol of the free.
The King's men took communion
As the first rays of the sun
Lit up the castle's gloomy walls
The fatal day begun
From the castle green the rooks took flight
To the high trees in the east
To their carrion minds the battlefield
Set a table for a feast.
A tide of black, the Bishops' men,
Equality their right
Swarmed like ants across the hill
Their aim at last in sight
The King's men dressed in purest white
Were driven back by force
And the fighting grew more violent
As the battle took its course.
The Bishops gave the order
No mercy to be shown
The sacrifice will reap rewards
When the King is overthrown
The sight of children lying dead
Made hardened soldiers weep
The outer walls began to fall
They moved towards the keep.
The rooks surveyed the battlefield
Their hungry beady eyes
Revelled in the sight of death
Showing no surprise
The pressure mounted steadily
As the Bishops neared the gate
And the desperate King called to his knights
"It's your lives or the State"
When the anxious King began to fail
As many thought he might
The Queen ran screaming round the walls
And urged the men to fight
The Bishops' men were tiring
As the afternoon drew late
And the King's men lowered the drawbridge
And poured out through the gate.
They fought their way across the bridge
The men like falling leaves
Or ears of corn that fall in swathes
The vicious sickle cleaves
The tide receded up the hill
The waste of reclaimed land
Once decaying swamp became
A shore of pure white sand.
A blinded priest was seen to bless
Both dying and the dead
As he stumbled around the battlefield
His cassock running red
If uniform were black or white
His eyes could never see
And death made no distinction
Whatever man he be.
As darkness fell both camps withdrew
Their soldiers slain like cattle
Leaving the rooks to feast alone
The victors of the battle
At evensong both camps reviewed
Their sad depleted ranks
As survivors of the battle
Gave God their grateful thanks.

Jenny O'Brien
Not available
Jenny O'Brien sat waiting that evening
Impatiently watching the clock
Twisting her handkerchief into a bundle
Waiting for Harry to knock
The first picture started
Still that doesn't matter
Jean said it wasn't much good
If he's drinking with Peter
I'll never forgive him
Though I suppose if I had to I would
She was waiting at home on a Saturday night
Waiting for hours
I wonder why
He doesn't call
He told me he'd be round about seven
I told him not to be late
I just can't imagine what could have happened
Here it is a quarter past eight
He's never this late
I just hope nothings happened
Maybe the cars broken down
It's a pity he's not on the phone
Or I'd ring him
Perhaps he's been held up in Town
Wait there's a car
No it's going next door
For a minute I thought it was him
And here I am stuck in
On Saturday night
When I could have gone dancing without him
I wonder why
He doesn't call
He told me he'd be round about seven
I told him that'd be fine
I just can't imagine what could have happened
Here it is well after nine
He said he quite fancied
That girl in the office
I am sure he was having me on
I've run out of fags
So I'll go down the shop
But then he'll turn up while I'm gone
What was her name?
I think he said Ann
He said she lived out his way
If he thinks that he can go off
With somebody else
Then I'll really have some thing to say
She was waiting at home
On a Saturday night
Waiting for hours
I wonder why
He doesn't call

Old School Songs
I've got something richer than money
I've got something sweeter than honey
I've got someone funnier than funny
Sweetling I've got you
Sweetling I've got you.
I hear music better than Bach was
I see light shine into my darkness
I feel your touch electric sparkle
Sweetling I've got you
Sweetling I've got you.
I love you Sweetling
I'd give you anything
You're so delighting
I've got something richer than money
I've got something sweeter than honey
I've got someone funnier than funny
Sweetling I've got you
Sweetling I've got you.
I love you Sweetling
I'd give you anything
You're so delighting
I hear music better than Bach was
I see light shine into my darkness
I feel your touch electric sparkle
Sweetling I've got you
Sweetling I've got you.

Flinthill Special
(Trad. Arr. Cousins)
Not available

The Blantyre Explosion
(Trad. Arr. Cousins)
Not available
By Clyde's bonny banks
As I sadly did wander
Among the coal slag heaps
As evening drew nigh,
I spied a fair maiden
A-weeping and wailing
Weeping and wailing
With many a sigh.
I stepped up beside her
And thus I addressed her:
"Pray tell me fair maid
Of your trouble and pain."
Sobbing and sighing,
She sadly did answer:
"Johnny Murphy, kind sir,
Was my true lover's name."
Twenty-one years of age,
Full of youth and good looking,
To work down the mines
To High Blantyre he came.
The wedding was fixed
All the guests were invited
That calm summers evening
Young Johnny was slain.
The explosion was heard,
All the women and children
With pale anxious faces
They haste to the mine.
When the news was made known,
The hills rang with their moaning,
Young miners were killed
Now husbands and wives
And sweethearts and brothers,
That Blantyre explosion
They'll never forget;
And all you young miners
That hear my sad story,
Shed a tear for the victims
Who are laid to their rest.

Tell Me What You See In Me
Old School Songs
My ship sails in
On a cloud of broken promises
It's just not true
Not a single word she says
Time will tell
Whether I can change my ways
It might take years
It might even take always.
Tell me what you see in me
And I'll tell you what I see in you.
Your picture melts
Before my tired eyes
And all it leaves
Is just a trace of paradise
You'll change again
That's what I've been told
But don't take long
Or I might get too old.
Take it easy
But take it slow
For who knows which way next
That wind will blow
Time goes by
Just as quickly as I want it to
And I'll make out
Like I never knew.

Or Am I Dreaming
Old School Songs
The fragile gentle butterfly with multi-coloured wings
Settles on the toadstools in the midst of fairy rings
Midsummer sounds of tinkle bells as sweet Titania sings.
Or am I dreaming
Or am I dreaming ?
And I will have a castle with a drawbridge and a moat
And light my open fires with a brand new five pound note
And go off on a winter cruise in a bright red sailing boat.
Pick the golden casket
And you'll get what you deserve
Yards of pure white chiffon
Falling in a graceful curve
Crystal clear cut chandeliers
Orchids in a bowl
Mulled wine by the fire
And the finest ermine stole.
The water melon moon makes gentle progress in the sky
Upside down it's floating as the satellites go by
And you can hold a conversation if you're not too high.
The magic mountain music man
Is really rather shy
Or am I dreaming ?

I'll Show You Where To Sleep
Old School Songs
Just paint a picture of the world
In gentle pastel shades
Indistinct and somehow blurred
Like childhood escapades
The painting box is rather dear
But the paints themselves are cheap
Leave your pack at the side of the road
I'll show you where to sleep.
Dead brown weeds in a ditch at the side
Of a field of burning corn
The road opens out before you
Like the womb where you were born
There's no need to pretend again
To try and earn your keep
Leave your pack at the side of the road
I'll show you where to sleep.
And crowds will gather in the sun
As stone madonnas weep
And the shepherd is a good man
As he tends his flock of sheep.
In case you find your tortoise shell
Is getting rather tight
You can wrap yourself in your magic cloak
And disappear from sight
And I will stand guard over you
As through the door you creep
Leave your pack at the side of the road
I'll show you where to sleep.

And You Need Me
Old School Songs
I wish I knew you were to stay
I know too well why I feel this way
It's just that I can plainly see
That I need you and you need me.
I'll stay with you while the days go past
Live for today, try and forget the past
My friends all say and I agree
That I need you and you need me.
I'd like to say it isn't true
But all of me must lie with you.
Sometimes I say how can it be
That I need you and you need me.
Do you recall what I said before
I meant it then, now I mean it more
I'd like somehow to make you see
That I need you and you need me.
I'd like somehow to make you see
That I need you and you need me.

You Keep Going Your Way
Old School Songs
I see you in the mist across the river of the night
You're a shadow of the past that hurts me so
The icy stream of nothing runs before my sightless eyes
But I'm blinded by a driving sheet of snow
In the gutter I can see my lifeblood flowing
Where you cut me down with but a single blow.
So you keep going your way
And I'll keep going mine
And everything will turn out just fine
Yes, everything will turn out just fine.
A spider's web of intrigue, spun in strands of gleaming black
Oh the thousand lies to light the way to you
A bent and twisted scarecrow tells the future of the past
In a field high on a hill without a view
In a moment you had vanished from my dreaming
And I was left here with the chosen few.
So you keep going your way
And I'll keep going mine
And everything will turn out just fine
Yes, everything will turn out just fine.
The sand runs through my fingers as the hours fade away
And the stars they beckon from on high
A team of six black horses rising from the ocean deep
Will carry up my body when I die
The rustle of the pebbles on the shoreline
Reminds me that my time's in short supply.
So you keep going your way
And I'll keep going mine
And everything will turn out just fine
Yes, everything will turn out just fine.

Where Is This Dream Of Your Youth
Old School Songs
Wake up one day, you're left alone
From now on you're on your own
The sands of time are running low
You'll have nothing left to show
The months slip by and change to years
Soon the twilight gloom appears
And then one day before you know
You'll have nothing left to show.
Where is this dream of your youth.
The pictures on the walls are shaking
They can hear the storm a-breaking
Storms may come and storms go
You'll have nothing left to show
They can hear the earth a-quaking
Buildings come and buildings go
You'll have nothing left to show.
Tomorrow brings another dawn
It might be better from now on
Before too long that day will go
You'll have nothing left to show
You'll have nothing left to show
You'll have nothing left to show
You'll have nothing left to show.
Where is this dream of your youth ?

Old School Songs
Mirror, mirror, speak the truth
I see my age but not my youth
Pride comes before a fall
The winner's eye is ever small.
I realise it's not too late
... (?) a penny on the plate
... (?) I feel so free
So blind eyes can never see.
I keep on sliding down the wall
Till I can't slide no more at all
I can't climb back, I never could
And I just won't try but I know I should.

Lawrence Brown
Not available
Lawrence Brown was a family man
Worked as hard as any man can
His wife was thin
And his daughters were fat
And all day long his daughters just sat
And watched their mother scrub the floors
And do the other family chores
They just sat around indoors
A bank clerks life is boring is as hell
It's even worse when you're not feeling well
He came home one afternoon
At four o'clock on the second of June
With a cup of tea
He went to bed
He took a book
That he never read
By five o'clock Mr Brown was dead
The Doctor came and with hardly a look
He drew the sheet and closed the book
Mrs Brown sat numb and just stared
The only one who really cared
She thought of all that she had to do
And wondered how she would see it through
And how she did it no one knew
Her daughters went out dancing that night
Staying home didn't seem right
Mrs Brown was left all alone
To sort the future out on her own
She got a job in a week or two
In an office block with a lousy view
Of another block
That was lousy too
Six months later poor Mrs Brown
Had a council flat in the middle of Town
Her youngest girl had ran off from home
Leaving her mother to cope on her own
Her elder daughter quite by chance
Had an easy life in the South of France
As a paid companion
To a maiden Aunt

Wild Strawberries
Not available

Song For Alex
Old School Songs
I've been many places, I've passed through many cities
Paris to Toronto and the rest
The travelling can bring you down, you're always on your own
But I see friendly faces everywhere.
From a song that pulls your heartstrings to a sea of smiling faces
Oh, but a careless word can make you feel so sad
But in the end I add things up and I find it's all worthwhile
When I see friendly faces everywhere.
The windswept streets are empty when my working day is over
And I always think of home last thing at night
Then I close my eyes and fall asleep for I know that in my dreams
That I'll see friendly faces everywhere.