The DVD is most enjoyable. It's great to see the Acoustic Strawbs playing on such a vast stage in front of so large an audience. There was always the risk that an acoustic performance would be lost in such surroundings, and they must have considered electrification, but in fact the performance is strong and impressive. Maybe they should have stood up? Only "Shine On Silver Sun" seems a bit sotto voce and lost in the setting. There are some shots of the large and appreciative audience, and of the dramatic backdrop. Dave is in good form and tells his banjo perfect pitch joke to good effect. A strong "Lay Down", followed by an impressive "New World", then a slight dip with "Shine On", but three excellent tracks to finish - "Ghosts", "Midnight Sun" and, most appropriately, "A Glimpse Of Heaven" which all the Wakeman fans should have recognised. Chas' bass pedals are well used and Dave Lambert is in great voice throughout. The musicianship of the three artists is outstanding.
The main performance consists of six tracks, all apparently from the Saturday when the weather was kind. A solitary "bonus" track of "Oh How She Changed" is included from the Friday evening when it was clearly cold and people were walking around during the performance.
There are four audio Acoustic Strawbs tracks including Rick on piano. They feature some excellent still photos.
Finally a preview of the main event of the evening - the Six Wives of Henry VIII. In fact it is "Tudor Rock" and gives an impression of what must have been an amazing aural and visual experience with Rick at a deck of keyboards and flamboyantly (!) dressed, with massed ranks of choristers and orchestra......
Overall, a really excellent purchase. It gives a real feeling for the event itself, and is much appreciated by this ageing fan who was unable to attend the actual thing.
I've just watched the Hampton Court DVD from start to finish, and I too agree it is absolutely brilliant. The sound is crystal clear and the chaps all sound A1, and the photography is superb. I just felt I had to share this beautiful moment with you all and am off to wave a lighted candle.
I have watched the DVD twice now. It's great. The audio and video quality is top notch, not to mention the performance. Also I think the audio tracks with Wakeman on piano are wonderful. Fine renditions.
I was at the Friday May 1st gig and it was the very first time I had ever seen the Strawbs live. I loved it. I was about 12 rows back towards stage left so therefore I had a good view as well. The DVD captures the spirit and atmosphere of the event very well!
By the way, on the first night they played "Simple Visions". That was a real treat for me being one of my all time favorite Strawbs songs. I was really impressed how Lambert pulled off the electric riffs on acoustic!
Unfortunately on Friday there were some technical problems with Chas' bass pedals. I heard later they were not functioning due to some cabling mix up. It would have been nice to have "Simple Visions" from Friday included on the DVD as well. But maybe due to the technical glitches on Friday that was the reason for not including it?
At any rate I really enjoyed being there on May 1st and now having the May 2nd show on DVD is nice. Now I have the experience of both performances.