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Germany didn't release the album when it originally came out, but released both Strawbs and

Vinyl album: 87 992 ET (A&M Germany, 1970).. Released at the same time as the German reissue of Strawbs, one catalogue number later. I later acquired a German stickered cover with the UK variant silver label reissueabove. It seems that a UK cover was used with a typed sticker on front and back. (The Strawbs German reissue just has a typed sticker wth the catalogue number pasted on the front of the UK sleeve, with nothing else.) Copy of the sleeve I have has sticker at top right of sleeve back, nothing visible on front. I have seen online stickers at top left of back and over label number on front cover
Not clear whether it had an insert - reasonably likely if printed materials came from UK.
As with the UK vinyl releases, Tony Hooper's "Young Again" appears on the label as "Young Man".


Just A Collection Of Antiques And Curios
Vinyl album: 85063 IT (A&M Germany, 1970). Recently acquired a copy but it is a UK first release, with a German sticker on the back cover being the only German thing about it.
Also spotted online, a later release with the "pub" picture, but it too looks to be a stickered UK release.
Anyone seen a true German brown or silver label pressing of this one?

From The Witchwood
Vinyl album: A&M 85 616 ET (A&M, Germany, 1971??) Spotted online - almost certainly a UK cover stickered with a German catalogue number. Anyone got one?

Bursting At The Seams
Vinyl album: A&M 86 658 (A&M Germany, 1973) Same as UK release, except with Im-Ariola Vertreib on the bcak cover at the bottom. There's also a sticker "Including Part Of The Union" been added to the front cover. Brown A&M labels.
Labels from 86 658 release

Sticker from 86 658 release

Vinyl album: A&M 88 004 ET (A&M Germany) . Silver labels. The copy I have has a stickered catalogue number on the back cover - the spinr carries the brown release catalogue number (86 658 IT), so presumably that's what's underneath the sticker. UK address details on back of sleeve with "Im Ariola Vertreib" overprinted at the bottom.
Back cover/sticker from 88 004 release


Vinyl album: A&M 394 383-1 (A&M Germany, date?) . Black labels. Polydor Hamburg archive copy: no outer sleeve, but it came with a couple of archive pages. They are date-stamped "27 Juli 1988", but not clear whether the release was that year, or that was just when they were archived. The white inner sleeve is stamped Ungepruftes Muster" (which I think translates as untested sample.
As well as the archive copy I have a copy with fairly standard sleeve, which has US trademark info but no other indication of country or date of release. There's a bar code on back cover top left. Discogs dates the German CD release below (394 383-2) as being a 1985 release, so this may have come out at the same time as that early CD release.

Archive info

Special price cover sticker

Hero And Heroine
One of the few brown label releases for this album, which came out over the back end of 1973 and early part of 1974. Cover based on US copy, but with Ariola details at bottom of back cover and German catalog number at top right back cover. Inner lyrics sleeve is based on US, but has German cat no at bottom left of side 2 lyrics.

Vinyl album: 87 709 IT (A&M/Ariola, Germany, 1974).

Vinyl album: 88564 XOT (A&M, Ger, 1974).

Vinyl album: 89 373 XOT (A&M, Germany, 1975). The copy I have has a blemish on the label on side 1, so the image is reconstructed here. German printer details back cover bottom left, catalogue number back cover top right. Lyric sleeve rather than insert.

Deep Cuts
Vinyl album (Germany): 2391 234 (Oyster, 1976). Cover same as UK cover except for the back cover which has German printing details bottom left and German catalogue number top right, which also lists cassette details. No insert in my copy, but Jan Tore Gethius has one in his. Though it can't be seen on the scanner, the pressing itself is odd, having a much larger run-off than normal (over an inch deep, pushing all the tracks out towards the rim).

Burning For You
Does not seem to have been released

Vinyl album: 1C 064-60 518 (EMI/Electrola, 1978, Germany). A gatefold cover, pretty much the same as UK release - the back cover has EMI Electrola details and catalog number at bottom left/top right respectively. Inner spread is exactly as per UK release, including English Arista addresses.