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Dick Greener
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© 2025
Dick Greener

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Site © Copyright 2025   Dick Greener

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All I Need Is You


Old School Songs

Love is a mist that's turning everything red to white
Like the full moon it send you out of your mind at night
Wishing wells ain't no use, they just say may or might.

And all I need
Well all I need is you
Somehow it just grew and grew
Till all I need is you.

Cats have got eyes that seem to follow me where I go
Purple and green, they seem to know everything I know
Be it all the feelings I just didn't want to show.

And all I need
Well all I need is you
Somehow it just grew and grew
Till all I need is you
All I need is you,
Yes all I need is you.

Caught my mind suddenly just drifting out the door
Saw all my lifetime passing, feeling so insecure
You knew for certain, but I just didn't know for sure.

And all I need
Well all I need is you
Somehow it just grew and grew
Till all I need is you
All I need is you
Yes all I need is you
Yes all I need is you.

Stay Awhile With Me


Old School Songs

It seems that loving is a game that I can't win
No sooner are you here than gone again
Is there nothing I can say
To change your mind and stay
Alone with you is all I long to be
Will you stay awhile with me.

I've often gazed into my crystal ball
To find out if you think of me at all
But there's no reason why
You should even try
For there's nothing I can give as you can see
If you stay awhile with me.

Stay awhile with me
And I will show you I'm true
Stay awhile with me
That's all I'm asking you to do.

I see you in the street lamp's rusty gleam
It casts a magic spell as in a dream
The night is growing old
Come in from the cold
I'll lock the door and throw away the key
If you stay awhile with me.

Sail Away To The Sea


Old School Songs

The hands on the clock keep turning round
They point to the time of the day
The time means nothing with you by my side
Though some time I'll be on my way.

Down the road to where I must go
There's nothing between you and me
I'll take a boat down the river my love
And sail away to the sea
I'll sail away to the sea.

What will you take to remember me by
I've no money to buy you a smile
I can't say the words to bid you farewell
So I'll carry them with me a while.

You'll wave goodbye 'till I pass out of sight
As you're waving goodbye for good
I can't even take you part of the way
I only wish that I could.

Two Weeks Last Summer


Old School Songs

The dancing flames grow low
Burning embers start to glow
Pictures soon will fade
Pictures that the flames have made
Your hazy wistful face
Suddenly is gone without a trace.

Summer days all float downstream,
Wondering where the day has been
Boats that sail away at night
Come the day have sailed far out of sight.

Reminiscing, summer walks
Empty glances, moonlit talks
[Promises that mean so much
Broken with a single touch/
Candy floss and ice cream cones
Discotheques and Rolling Stones]
Passing fancies fly away
Empty shadows on a sunlit bay.

Summer days all [I] float downstream,
Wondering where the day has been
Boats that sail away at night
Come the day have sailed far out of sight.

[Deserted evenings warm and still
Strangers come and go at will
Driftwood on the silent shore
Laughter from an open door.
Friendly faces once again
Come inside before it starts to rain.]

Summer days all float downstream,
Wondering where the day has been
Boats that sail away at night
Come the day have sailed far out of sight.

Nothing Else Will Do


Not available

My gate is swinging open
My fence is broken down
My window's staring blindly
Greets the callers with a frown
And I need a place to hide away
When I am feeling blue.

Nothing else will do, babe
Nothing else will do.

I've got no friends to turn to
When I am feeling low
I'm lonely sad and empty
Most everywhere I go
I'd like to leave the world behind
And try and start anew.

Nothing else will do, babe
Nothing else will do.

All I ever wanted
Was a place to call my own
A place that's quiet and peaceful
Where I can feel so all alone
I've been told this place is heaven
I wonder if it's true.

Nothing else will do, babe
Nothing else will do.

But it seems the path to heaven
Is always round the bend
And always in the distance
There's a road that has no end
But I will hope to find it
Before my life is through.

Nothing else will do, babe
Nothing else will do.

Who Knows Where The Time Goes


Not available

Across the purple sky all the birds are leaving
How can they know it's time for them to go
Before the winter fire we'll still be dreaming
I have no thought of time.

But who knows where the time goes
Who knows where the time goes.

Sad deserted shore, your fickle friends are leaving
Ah but then you know, it's time for them to go
But I will still be here, I have no thought of leaving
I do not count the time.

But who knows where the time goes
Who knows where the time goes.

And I'm not alone, while my love is near me
I know it will be so until it's time to go
So come the storms of winter, and then the birds in spring again
I do not fear the time.

But who knows how my love grows
Who knows where the time goes.

I've Been My Own Worst Friend


Old School Songs

At the gate you will wait
And hesitate and you will lose
I've got my life to live
You must take what you make
From the fake without a name
I've nothing more to give.

But if pleasure means money, then take it all
I'll make sure I'm out the next time you call
I know that something always turns up in the end
I've been my own worst friend.

I was blind, you were kind
Now I find that I was shy
Nothing to do but leave
I understand, it was planned
Like the sand I'm high and dry
I've no more dreams to weave.

But if pleasure means money, then take it all
I'll make sure I'm out the next time you call
I know that something always turns up in the end
I've been my own worst friend.

Like a fool, I was cool
As a rule it works out fine
This time it worked out wrong
Now you've turned, I have learned
And I've earned that which is mine
Why not take me along.

But if pleasure means money, then take it all
I'll make sure I'm out the next time you call
I know that something always turns up in the end
I've been my own worst friend.

I Turned My Face Into The Wind


Old School Songs

I wandered far onto the lonely moors
Sparse coarse tufts of grass reached out to trip me
And above my head the leaden clouds hung low
As I turned my face into the rain.

I huddled close against a tumbling wall
Wrapped in a cloak to shield me from the bitter cold
The solitude weighed heavy on my mind
As I turned my face into the rain.

The mist rolled down across the countryside
I thought I heard the coastal sirens sound
As I turned my face into the rain.

I tried to peer into the deepening gloom
To glimpse a lighted window in the distance
But just too far to penetrate the rain
As I turned my face into the rain.

And yet somehow I sensed her presence near
And tufts of sheep's wool hanging from a gorse bush
Were as though her hands were beckoning me home
As I turned my face into the rain.

On Growing Older


Old School Songs

The scarecrow stood with its head held high
Admiring the view from the hill
The waterfall scattered its glistening jewels
As the heron stood gracefully still
It seemed I looked without seeing
I failed to grasp what I saw
For all of Nature's beautiful gifts
I blissfully chose to ignore.

As sandy beaches and soft swelling tides
Invite the inquisitive young
And caviar, oysters and pate de fois
Invite the discerning tongue
So comes the desire to be lost awhile
In the depths of the forest glade
Midst the cool deep greens where ancient oaks
Cast wondrous spells in their shade.

And if sometimes I feel in retrospect
A regret for the waste of my youth
Then I pause to reflect that I still have time
Before growing long in the tooth
To achieve all the things that I should have achieved
When idleness led me astray
And being aware of what I have missed
I'm extending my use of the day.

And You Need Me


Old School Songs

I wish I knew you were to stay
I know too well why I feel this way
It's just that I can plainly see
That I need you and you need me.

I'll stay with you while the days go past
Live for today, try and forget the past
My friends all say and I agree
That I need you and you need me.

I'd like to say it isn't true
But all of me must lie with you.
Sometimes I say how can it be
That I need you and you need me.

Do you recall what I said before
I meant it then, now I mean it more
I'd like somehow to make you see
That I need you and you need me.

I'd like somehow to make you see
That I need you and you need me.

Ah Me Ah My


Old School Songs

I'd like to live on a farm again like I did for part of the war
I've got a few happy memories though we were rather poor
But I can't go back, these days have gone
I'm only reminiscing
Ah me, things aren't what they used to be
Ah my, in days gone by.

Just take a look at these photographs I took of baby and you
They're rather brown but you still can see the love come shining through
But a photograph's no substitute
I'd rather have the real thing
Ah me, things aren't what they used to be
Ah my, in days gone by.

I've got a pile of old clothes upstairs that have come in style again
I know they suited me but nowadays it doesn't seem the same
'Cause I can't go back those days have gone
I'm only reminiscing
Ah me, things aren't what they used to be
Ah my, in days gone by.

Josephine For Better Or For Worse


Old School Songs

The years have left their mark
And time must be to blame
To me you're still the same
Josephine, for better or for worse.

I thought that I would stay
Always young and free
But now you're part of me
Josephine, for better or for worse.

For richer, for poorer
To honour and obey
For better or for worse
You're still the same today ... Josephine.

Sometimes our way of life
Has gone against the grain
Yet somehow you remain
Josephine, for better or for worse.

Just The Same In Every Way


Not available

At the gateway to my life you stood
The door was open wide
And even though I tried so hard
You would not step inside
You would not step inside

You're just the same in every way
As others I have known
I just don't want you round no more
I'd rather be alone
I'd rather be alone

I keep on hearing footsteps, on the stairs
Makes me think I made the grade
But they pass on by my empty room
And down the hall they fade
And down the hall they fade

You took all I had to give
And flung it back in my face
And what's the use of trying again
I have nothing left to waste
I have nothing left to waste

How Everyone But Sam Was A Hypocrite


Old School Songs

Half a bitter for the vicar
He's here to save your soul
He's looking fat and jovial
Though he's nearly on the dole
Anne Riley cooks his dinner
She keeps him washed and fed
She doesn't need much prompting
To jump into his bed.

And they all think they're so grand
Yes, they all think they're so grand
Yes, they all think they're so grand
But they're not
Oh no they're not.

Dr. Watson drinks large whiskies
He's nearly always high
He supplements his income
Aborting on the sly
Mrs. Thompson is an angel
In the W.V.S.
Her meals on wheels are very cheap
And she cooks the books for less.

Sammy Cohen is the bookie
Sitting over there
Drinking three star brandy
He doesn't seem to care
No-one wants to know him
They say he's been inside
They say his dear old mother
Committed suicide.

Dr. Watson charged Anne Riley
A fifty guinea fee
For Mr. Thompson's peace of mind
As far as I can see
Mrs. Thompson envies Annie
Cooking for the preacher
And everyone thinks Sam
Is a quite disgusting creature
But if the truth was known
It would shake all their foundations
It seems the preacher lives
On Sam's anonymous donations.

Young Again


Old School Songs

Wandering the streets
Searching for a thought
I chanced across an unexpected park
Streams of boys and girls
Laughing as they ran
Were there to see the puppet man
Perform his mighty tricks
And you and I are young again.

Running through the grass
Hold your hand in mine
And lose yourself in simple skyman dreams
Sing out with rest
When he says the word
The magic word to make his tricks
Succeed before your eyes
And you and I are young again.

Silver smiles and peals
Bursting from within
I know what innocence can really mean
Never let it grow
Stay a child within
And you will find a peace of mind
That's rare these softless days
And you and I are young again
And you and I are young again
And you and I are young again.

Whichever Way The Wind Blows


Not available

I didn't realise how much it would grieve you
How I hurt you when I said I was going to leave you
Understand I didn't know, but it only goes to show
How blind I must have been not to believe you

My mind is in a whirl and its spinning madly
In my dreams you looked at me so very sadly
I tried to show surprise when a tear fell from your eyes
You know I didn't mean to hurt you so badly

I can't believe that I've been chasing rainbows
But I'll think of you and follow you whichever way the wind blows

In the silent hours of night I'll be thinking about you
And I wonder how it was I came to doubt you
Let fortune cast its spell remind me that I fell
Remind me that I just can't live without you

I can't believe that I've been chasing rainbows
But I'll think of you and follow you whichever way the wind blows



Old School Songs

I've got something richer than money
I've got something sweeter than honey
I've got someone funnier than funny
Sweetling I've got you
Sweetling I've got you.

I hear music better than Bach was
I see light shine into my darkness
I feel your touch electric sparkle
Sweetling I've got you
Sweetling I've got you.

I love you Sweetling
I'd give you anything
You're so delighting

I've got something richer than money
I've got something sweeter than honey
I've got someone funnier than funny
Sweetling I've got you
Sweetling I've got you.

I love you Sweetling
I'd give you anything
You're so delighting

I hear music better than Bach was
I see light shine into my darkness
I feel your touch electric sparkle
Sweetling I've got you
Sweetling I've got you.

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