JOEY AND ME, Arista, 1978

Release date: Jan 1978 (UK)
UK vinyl
Europe vinyl
Asia Pacific vinyl
Another record label move, this time to Clive Davis' Arista Records (Roy Hill who toured with the Strawbs in 1978 as support act was also with the label, his first album being produced, coincidentally, by none other than Gus Dudgeon)! Arista gave the Strawbs a good push, this the first of three singles pulled off Strawbs only album for the label - Deadlines.
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UK Release
"Joey And Me" (Cousins/Cronk/Lambert)/
"Deadly Nightshade" (Cousins)
(ARIST 159, Arista, Jan 1978)
Straightforward company sleeve only for the UK release. Not seen a promo release, not certain whether Arista did them ... anyone seen one?

Dutch release
"Joey And Me" (Cousins/Cronk/Lambert)/
"Deadly Nightshade" (Cousins)
(5N 006-60508, Arista, 1978)
This picture sleeve features the Cousins/Cronk/Lambert/Fernandez/Richards line-up which was current when the single was released (the keyboards on the album had been provided by sessions men Robert Kirby, John Mealing and others). The reverse is an ad for the album.

Spanish release
"Joey And Me" (Cousins/Cronk/Lambert)/
"Deadly Nightshade" (Cousins)
(C 006-60508, Arista, 1978)
This picture sleeve features another photo of the 1978 line-up. The reverse features ads for three albums, including Deadlines.

German release (with promo sheet)
"Joey And Me" (Cousins/Cronk/Lambert)/
"Deadly Nightshade" (Cousins)
(C 006-60 508, Arista, 1978)
A bright flourescent pink, slightly punk look for the German release. I have a copy which includes an Electrola promo sheet.

New Zealand
"Joey And Me" (Cousins/Cronk/Lambert)/
"Deadly Nightshade" (Cousins)
(BL 349, Arista, 1978)
Not certain whether the sleeve my copy came in was original, but it probably was.

New Zealand promo (AB)(*)
"Joey And Me"/"Deadly Nightshade"
(BL 349, Arista, 1978)
This has also been spotted as a promo release, white label with "Demonstration Record etc." and "Property of EMI New Zealand" notices. Again, not certain that the sleeve is the original.