A&M, 1975

Release date: 4 Apr 1975 (UK)
"Lemon Pie" was the second UK single pulled from Ghosts, an example of the lighter style of Dave's writing which was beginning to emerge again after the fairly bleak period following the break up of his first marriage. The song was written for and about Sarah, his then girlfriend, later his second wife.
Different territories chose different B-sides:
UK vinyl
US vinyl
Canada vinyl
Asia Pacific vinyl
Other vinyl
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UK promo
"Lemon Pie" (Cousins)/
"Don't Try To Change Me" (Lambert)
(AMS 7161, A&M, 1975)
The UK single, released on 4 Apr 1975, put Dave Lambert's "Don't Try To Change Me" on the B-side. Whilst there is no reference (as with the Canadian promo) to this being an edited version, at 3.10 mins it is a good deal shorter than the album at 4.01.

UK promo variant (*)
Spotted online. Some copies came with sticker - not sure whether those copies have a black "A" underneath!

UK release
"Lemon Pie" (Cousins)/
"Don't Try To Change Me" (Lambert)
(AMS 7161, A&M, 1975)

US vinyl
US promo release>br/>
"Lemon Pie" (Cousins)/
"Where Do You Go (When You Need A Hole To Crawl In)" (Cousins>
(1687-S, A&M, 1975)

US release
"Lemon Pie" (Cousins)/
"Where Do You Go (When You Need A Hole To Crawl In)" (Cousins)
(1687-S, A&M, 1975)
Initially it looked as though this did not get to full release, however a full release copy has turned up to go with the promo.

This replaces a copy bought from Zimbabwe, where its owner at some point has handwritten the SA release details on the label of side 1 (for the real SA release, see below). In the package was a thousand dollar note - Zimbabwe dollars that is ... about two quid!

Canadian promo release
"Lemon Pie (edited version)" (Cousins)/
"Where Do You Go (When You Need A Hole To Crawl In)" (Cousins)
(1687-S, A&M, 1975)
The promo white label features an "edited version" of the A-side (3.20 min - NB this is 10 seconds longer than the UK single release; on the album it is 4.01 mins). The B-side is thought to be the same as the released version.

Canadian full release
"Lemon Pie" (Cousins)/
"Where Do You Go (When You Need A Hole To Crawl In)" (Cousins)
(1687-S, A&M, 1975)
There is no reference to this being an "edited version", but the time is the same as the above promo, 3.20 mins (NB 10 seconds longer than the UK single release; the albumn clocks in at 4.01 mins). My copy came in a nice Canadian A&M company sleeve.

Australian release
"Lemon Pie" (Cousins)/
"Don't Try To Change Me" (Lambert)
(K-5924, A&M, 1975)
The Australian release is on the A&M silver label.

New Zealand release
"Lemon Pie" (Cousins)/
"Don't Try To Change Me" (Lambert)
(K-5924, A&M, 1975)
The same choice of B-side as the UK for this New Zealand release

South African release
"Lemon Pie" (Cousins)/
"Where Do You Go (When You Need A Hole To Crawl In)" (Cousins)
(AMRS 1151, A&M, 1975)