An official release licensed to the Windsong label for most of the tracks from the two BBC In Concert programmes from 1973 and 1974, which saw the light of day in their entirety as BBC Transcription Discs and the bootleg Heroes Are Forever. Where the same song was performed in both concerts, Windsong have opted for the 1973 versions in order to fit it all onto one disc, so completists may want to track down Heroes or another bootleg - Prince and Princess - which reproduces the 1974 gig in full (despite information on the Prince CD which indicates it is another concert entirely).
Dave Cousins (gtrs, vcls)
Dave Lambert (gtrs, vcls)
*Richard Hudson (dms, vcls)
*John Ford(bs, vcls)
*Blue Weaver (kybds, accordian)
**Chas Cronk (bs, vcls)
**John Hawken (kybds)
**Rod Coombes (dms, vcls)
Track listing
The first 1000 copies list "Just Love" on the track listing but the track does not appear.