DEJA FOU, 2004

Dave's decision to get the Hero And Heroine line-up (aka "the US line-up") back together again to tour in June/July 2004 was much welcomed (though with sadness at the demise of the "BATS plus Brian" line-up that toured in 1999-2001 and last played at the Trowbridge Village Pump festival and a "farewell to Brian"end of tour gig at the NFL Teddington in July 2004). At that point you have to admire DC - for a few months, he was playing different arrangements of key songs with two electric bands and the Acoustics at the same time!
They headed back in the studio in 2004, for a brand new album with brand new songs. Designed to provide material for both acoustic and electric line-ups, the Acoustics quickly fastened on "Face Down In The Well" and "If" as regulars in the acoustic set, and Dave Lambert's "Cold Steel", featuring DC on banjo has been in the set ever since, over 10 years. "On A Night LikeThis" came out as a single and gave DC an opportunity toplay his recently acquired mandolin, and "This Barren Land" and "Here Today Gone Tomorrow" (and "Cold Steel") joined classic sings in the electric set.
David Cousins – vocals, guitar, banjo, mandolin, chromaharp.
Dave Lambert – vocals, guitar.
Chas Cronk – vocals, bass, guitar.
Rod Coombes – drums, percussion.
John Hawken – keyboards
Julie Matthews and Chris While - vcls
Adam Wakeman - piano
Robert Kirby - string arangements, french horn
Michael Humphrey (violin)
Paul Robson (violin)
Jonathan Welch (viola)
Rebecca Gilliver (cello)
Nick Worters (double bass)
Track listing
- Riviera del Fiori (Cousins/Lambert)
- Under A Cloudless Sky (Cousins)
- Face Down In The Well (Cousins)
- On A Night Like This (Cousins)
- If (Cousins)
- Cold Steel (Lambert)
- Sunday Morning (Cousins/Lambert)
- This Barren Land (Cousins/Lambert)
- When The Lights Came On (Lambert)
- Russian Front (Cousins/Cronk/Hawken/Lambert)
- Here Today, Gone Tomorrow (Cousins)
- NRG (Cousins)
Sleeve Notes
Recorded In May 2004 at KD's Studio , Chiswick, London
Produced by Dave Cousins
Mixed by Kenny Denton
Engineered by Kenny Denton and Chas Cronk
Mastered by Roger Wake
Sleeve design
Design and Art work Rod Green
Other information
Rod Coombes uses Turkish hand made cymbals, Istanbul and Duallist pedals.
Robert Kirby plays a rather elderly German French Horn
www. strawbsweb.co.uk
Distributed by Pinnacle 01689 873144