JAMMING, 1991-1992
I joined up with Jamming rather late in the process and received the first three issues in one go - an absolute treasure trove of delights for a Strawbs anorak like me, each issue chock full of stuff that I didn't know. Sadly there were to be no more installments ...
The first issue concentrates on a lengthy review of the first album, illustrated with some great not seen before pictures, and an interview with Tony Hooper. Also included are reviews of the new Ringing Down The Years CD and the Preserves Uncanned cassette edition from Dirty Linen, Cousins & Willoughby and Strawbs live reviews, and a feature about the Strawbs' day jobs.
The longest issue of Jamming at 48pp focusses on Dragonfly, with a Julian Edsen review, interviews with Dave Cousins/Tony Visconti about the album, and memories from Steve Davies of a 1970 gig. Also includes a John Tobler band bio, live reviews of Cousins & Willoughby and Strawbs, features on Cry No More and Rod Demick and an album review of Sandy And The Strawbs.
The truncated last issue with a very informative interview with Brian Willoughby, a review of Antiques And Curios, and a live review of Cousins & Willoughby and the Strawbs' performances at the 1992 A Mid Winter's Tale of Folk Rock festival.
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