This is certainly a collection of antiques and curios, which,given the inclusion of French language material was probably prepared for someone in France.
The most recent thing here appears to be a
1974 Strawbs biog (dated August 1974) which was updated for the 1975 Ghosts Press pack.
There's also a two page French biog "Les Strawbs" and a handwritten sheet about the French single "Part Of The Union".
A three page photocopy of some 1972 US material from Zoo World (yes, really!) to promote the Strawbs first US tour in 1972, and a review of
A photocopy of the Nov 1972 Melody Maker feature on the Strawbs, after Dave Lambert joined.
Also included:
1972 "glam" A&M promo 10x8 - not repeated here - see link
Grave New World biog "A Re-introduction to the Strawbs" - not repeated here - see link
The glossy black press pack itself is rather fine. Both front and back covers have a flap on the bottom, which fold up to show a cut out "A" and "M", and there's an ampersand printed in the middle of the inside to go between them. A stylish design idea.
1974 Biography

French "Les Strawbs" Biography

1972 Zoo World article, 1973 Fusion review

Melody Maker "Strawbs file" article (25 Nov 1972)

The press pack
Both front and back covers have a flap on the bottom, which fold up to show a cut out "A" and "M", and there's an ampersand printed in the middle of the inside to go between them. A stylish design idea.
Front cover

Inside shot, with white paper placed behind the flaps to show the cutouts.