

You can now sign up to a Strawbs discussion group and chat to other Strawbs fans. "Witchwood" is hosted on YahooGroups and is owned by Norwich-based Strawbs fan Steve Young; Adrian the Rock, Alison Brown, Les Cotton and I are co-moderators.

The discussion ranges widely, athough we try to keep on vaguely on topic. Most Strawbs news is posted there simultaneously as it appears on Strawbs Web.

To subscribe

1. Click on the "subscribe" icon
2. Send an e-mail to Witchwood-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
3. Visit http://www.yahoogroups.com/group/Witchwood/.
4. Put your e-mail address in the box below and press submit.

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To unsubscribe:

1. Click on the "unsubscribe" icon
2. Send an e-mail to Witchwood-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
3. Visit http://www.yahoogroups.com/group/Witchwood/.


On the site (once you've subscribed) you can view the archive of past messages, and you can opt to received the postings one by one, as a consolidated daily e-mail, or just to see messages on the site rather than receive any e-mails.

If you only want e-mail updates every month or so, or when major events are in the offing, then don't join Witchwood, sign up for StrawbsWebNews instead (click here for info) - if you sign up to Witchwood however, you won't miss out as I'll post the same information to Witchwood as a matter of course). Look forward to seeing you on Witchwood.


In what I hope will be the first of a number of Witchwood events, a few intrepid travellers decided to meet before the London gig of the 2000 tour. DG chose the pub (based on his wide experience of central London boozers) only for the assembled Witchwooders to find that it didn't open on Sundays ! Fortunately, another venue over the road beckoned, so we left a big note on the door to direct latecomers to join us.

From left to right: Steve Young, Roy Lemarechal, William Jones, Mike Gebhardt, Dick Greener, Lindsay Sorrell, Christine Horsburgh, Paco Fox and his fiancee Nieves. Claridge arrived just too late for the photoshoot. Whew!

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