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Dick Greener
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© 2025
Dick Greener

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Site © Copyright 2025   Dick Greener

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Lyrics © Copyright lyrics copyright owner.
All rights reserved. Reproduced by permission.
Please do not reproduce these lyrics elsewhere without express permission.

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Use the letter menu above to get to lyrics starting with that letter. NB songs beginning with "The" or "A" are filed alphabetically under T and A respectively for now. Use the "up-arrows" at the end to get back to the letters menu.

Lyrics for Strawbs and Dave Cousins albums and single releases are included in full where I have them, along with related artist tracks where they appear on a Strawbs release (e.g
Halcyon Days (UK edition)) or where related artists are include in a live release (e.g. Strawberry Fayre.

There currently are no known lyrics with titles beginning with V, X or Z.

Versions listed are the originally released studio or live version unless otherwise specified.

Releases are listed in order of release. CD or vinyl re-issues are only listed where they include new or different bonus tracks for the first time, eg the 1998, 2008 Universal reissues and the recent Esoteric extended editions. Re-issues which are the same as a previous release are not included other than in the notes.

In some cases, owing to variations in splitting/combining/sequencing tracks (e.g. "The River/Down By The Sea"), track numbering may not completely match how the tracks on a CD are configured, but they are listed in the correct order in which they appear.

Where lyrics were provided in the release, they have been used without checking back to see if they match what was sung; otherwise they have been transcribed. Further notes to the releases and missing lyrics will be added in due course.

Corrections/comments to Dick Greener

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A dog is all a good boy needs
To lick his wounds when his heart bleeds
To gnaw his bones and chew his meat
A friend to turn to in defeat.

A dog is all a good boy needs
To follow where the master leads
A faithful servant true and kind
The seeing eye that guides the blind
Who understands all his commands
Who never queries his demands
Who disapproves but still concedes
A dog is all a good boy needs.

A dog is all a good boy needs
To cure the sick among the weeds
To fix the root of his disease
And set his weary mind at ease
Who always answers when he calls
Who never stumbles when he falls
Who breaks the back of his misdeeds
A dog is all a good boy needs.
Who bares her teeth but never bites
the Mother courage when she fights
Who stands to lose but still succeeds
A dog is all a good boy needs.



Strawbs: Don't Say Goodbye, 1987, side 1, track 1

Strawbs: Don't Say Goodbye (CD), 1987, track 1



The hillside was a patchwork quilt
Neatly stitched with tidy hedge
And crumbling grey stone wall
The trees were bare, but Spring was near
To conjure up its endless strings
Of green magic handkerchieves

Could you only see what I've seen
You would surely know what I mean
I think I must have caught a glimpse of heaven.

A string of diamonds formed a stream
That tumbled down the daunting cliff
To sparkle bright on the beach.

New born lambs that sweetly played
Speckled eggs all newly laid
But for you I would have stayed
I think I must have caught a glimpse of heaven.



Strawbs: From The Witchwood, 1971, side 1, track 1

Strawbs: Best Of Strawbs, 1978, side 1, track 3

Strawbs: Rock Storia E Musica (cass), 1983, side 1, track 2

Strawbs: A Choice Selection Of Strawbs, 1992, track 5

Strawbs: From The Witchwood (CD, Universal), 1998, track 1

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 8

Strawbs: The Complete Strawbs (Live At Chiswick House), 2000, track 9

Various Artists: Thirty Years In Rock, 2001, track 13

Wakeman piano version from The Piano Albu,

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: Live 1988, 2005, track 3

Live Exeter 1988

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD3, track 11

Cousins And Willoughby, live Sidmouth Folk Festival

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 3

1971 Live In Concert (recorded 23 Jun 1971, aired 1 Jun 1973)

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: 40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 2 (CD), 2010, track 7

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: 40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 2 (DVD), 2010, track 16

Acoustic Strawbs: Acoustic Gold, 2011, track 3

Acoustic Strawbs Live At Hampton Court DVD version


Strawbs: 45: "Witchwood"/"A Glimpse Of Heaven", 1971, side 2, track 1

The New Zealand Release has "A Glimpse Of Heaven" as the B-side. UK copies (promo and very rare quickly withdrawn full release) have "Keep The Devil Outside" and an outtake from the Royal Festival Hall concert.


(Trad arr.)

I've been a roaming
By land and by sea
Till a good woman's love
Made a man out of me

Life had no meaning
It was all incomplete
'Till a good woman's love
Put me back on my feet

Instead of roaming
I go home in the evening
And she's waiting there
And I know that no matter what happens
She'll always care

And when the night falls
And the moon shines above
I'm a man with a dream
And a good woman's love.



Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 3, track 4



Politician's fighting hard to win,
Getting a good position
So he won't have to lose again.
The battle's always on,
Working against disgrace,
He has to win you over.
Well it's always the case,
Ends up saving face.

Delegations, flying in,
Happiest relations,
Smiling faces, shaking hands.
The battle's always on,
Working against displacement.
They have to win them over,
If it's only a case
Of saving space.

No don't bother telling me,
I can see it for myself.
I was born with a mind of my own,
And I intend to keep it free.

Still the seasons come and go,
Bad influences pile up,
Like the dirty driven snow.
Turn off the news,
I really don't want to know.
If there was anywhere left to go,
Well I think I'd want to go,
'Cause I really don't like the show.



Strawbs: Nomadness, 1975, side 2, track 3

Strawbs: Nomadness (CD, Universal), 2008, track 8

Strawbs: Witchwood - The Very Best Of, 2014, track 19



Once I was a minstrel boy, I sang just like a bird
I used to trade in memories, I relived every word
But the galleries are empty now, the crowds have all gone home
I locked away my songs, I sang them on my own
I sang them on my own.

Now those who walk behind me have heard it all before
They knew the many reasons I screwed them like some whore
Like jumped-up jacks of all trades they walked with fettered legs
And wondered where the tent went when I pulled out all the pegs
I pulled out all the pegs.

This song is sung for me
This song is sung for me
This song is sung for me
This song is sung for me
This song is sung for me.

The peaceful queen of platitudes sat resting on his throne
His laurel wreath was slipping as he retrieved his buried bone
Ah but I had got there sooner, I had chewed away the fat
While he slept in the gutter, I slept on the mat
I slept on the mat.

This song is sung for me
This song is sung for me
This song is sung for me
This song is sung for me
This song is sung for me
This song is sung for me
This song is sung for me.



Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: Old School Songs, 1979, side 2, track 6

Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: Old School Songs (CD, Muskrat), 1979, track 11



My ashtray's flowing over,
And the 'phone's left off the hook.
I've been staring for three hours
At the first page of a book.
Day and night I keep the curtains drawn,
And curse the very day that I was born,
And get to thinking,
How I need you,

I keep staring at my wristwatch,
Until it's ticking fills the room,
And the hollow sound reminds me
Of the silence of a tomb,
And as the ceiling and the walls close in,
And the furniture begins to spin,
I get to thinking,
How I need you,

And as the days go passing by,
And I never get a letter,
How I need you.
Days turn into weeks,
And it doesn't get much better,
How I need you.

The gaslit streets lean slowly
As I reel against the wall,
And my musty head is aching
As I stagger down the hall;
Then I fill the broken glass once more,
And fling the empty bottle to the floor,
And get to thinking,
How I need you ...



Strawbs: Nomadness, 1975, side 1, track 4

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 12

Strawbs: Nomadness (CD, Universal), 2008, track 4






Strawbs: The Broken Hearted Bride, 2008, track 10



Introduction to DC solo 2008 live performance of "The Call To Action" on Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures.



Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures, 2015, track 12



In the light of the morning after
There's no lover's laughter
Just a pile of clothes beside my door
In the street I can hear the rain
But in my heart there's only pain
I've seen you look that way before.

Oh I can't let you go
I'll find it hard to be without you
I want to feel you all around me
Hold on to you somehow
And I pray that you'll stay with me
I'm so afraid to let you go.

You watch the clock as you fix your make up
Turn around as you hear me wake up
But you can't look me in the eye
You grab your coat and start to run
'Cause you can't face the only one
Who makes it hard to say goodbye.



Strawbs: Ringing Down The Years (CD, Virgin Canada), 1991, track 5

Strawbs: Greatest Hits Live, 1993, track 6



I'd like to live on a farm again like I did for part of the war
I've got a few happy memories though we were rather poor
But I can't go back, these days have gone
I'm only reminiscing
Ah me, things aren't what they used to be
Ah my, in days gone by.

Just take a look at these photographs I took of baby and you
They're rather brown but you still can see the love come shining through
But a photograph's no substitute
I'd rather have the real thing
Ah me, things aren't what they used to be
Ah my, in days gone by.

I've got a pile of old clothes upstairs that have come in style again
I know they suited me but nowadays it doesn't seem the same
'Cause I can't go back those days have gone
I'm only reminiscing
Ah me, things aren't what they used to be
Ah my, in days gone by.



Strawbs: Strawberry Music Sampler No. 1, 1969, side 2, track 2

Strawbs: Grave New World, 1972, side 2, track 4

Strawbs: Grave New World (CD, Universal), 1998, track 10

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD1, track 11

Alternate mix

Strawbs: Of A Time, 2012, track 9



They called him Alexander
With the best band in the land
He'd topped the bill in Paris
But in Venice it was banned
A pile of dusty gold discs
Were among his claims to fame
There was no-one over sixty
Who didn't know his name.

Alexander you were great
The man the critics loved to hate
You could have been as big as the Beatles or the Stones
Alexander you became
The lonely housewife's favourite name
You could have been the greatest of them all.

The gig was held in honour
Of his golden jubilee
He did not need the money
So he said he'd play for free
He got the band together
Who'd been with him through the years
They rehearsed the Alexander songs
And shed nostalgic tears.

The crowd rose to their feet
When Alexander hit the stage
His face had been rebuilt
So that you could not tell his age
He played all of the old songs
And the crowd sang every word
He danced like Margot Fonteyn
And whistled like a bird.

He came on for the encore
But collapsed against the stand
The crowd was hushed, the doctor came
There was panic in the band
He diagnosed a broken heart
The critics had been fed
Their reviews became
Obituary notices instead.



Strawbs: Burning For You, 1977, side 1, track 5

Various Artists: Thirty Years In Rock, 2001, track 9

Strawbs: Burning For You (CD, Muskrat, Japan), 2003, track 5

Strawbs: Burning For You (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 5



If I could live in Alice's world
I wonder if I'd learn
What makes her strong
What makes her safe
What makes her suddenly afraid
I'd understand this little girl
But I'll never live in Alice's world

If I could see through Alice's eyes
I wonder what I'd see
Is her sky blue, is her grass green
Does she see things I've never seen
What's in her mind she keeps inside
I'll never see through Alice's eyes

If could love through Alice's heart
I wonder who I'd trust
So silently she smiles at me
But answers she will not reveal
She never tells why it's so hard
To win a place in Alice's heart.



Acoustic Strawbs: CD single: "Alice's Song", 2001, track 1

Various Artists: Thirty Years In Rock, 2001, track 11

Craig and Willoughby version from Black And White

Acoustic Strawbs: Baroque And Roll, 2001, track 14

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD4, track 9

2003 Acoustic Strawbs live recording

Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 3

Craig and Willoughby - 2009 live track



Never was a time so good
Music as it should-a-should
Ghoema, Mango Groove
Anything that makes you move
Any time, day or night
Someone's in the spotlight
All along the bay

Get a shot of Instant Karma
Having tea with David Kramer
Chardonnay out on the deck
I spy an old ship wreck
We were having so much fun
All along the bay

I was heading up-a Long Street
Sound of Dublin guiding my feet
Barman said "I see you"!
I was cool "I saw you too"
Back a-long, down-a Loop
"Y'all in some kinda group?"
All along the bay
Get your phone, forget me not
"Need someone in the show?"
Cafe Alma's open door
Makes you smile forever more
Try and catch us if you dare
There's always rhythm in the air
All along the bay.



Strawbs: The Magic Of It All, 2023, side 1, track 3

Strawbs: The Magic Of It All (CD), 2023, track 3



Love is a mist that's turning everything red to white
Like the full moon it send you out of your mind at night
Wishing wells ain't no use, they just say may or might.

And all I need
Well all I need is you
Somehow it just grew and grew
Till all I need is you.

Cats have got eyes that seem to follow me where I go
Purple and green, they seem to know everything I know
Be it all the feelings I just didn't want to show.

And all I need
Well all I need is you
Somehow it just grew and grew
Till all I need is you
All I need is you,
Yes all I need is you.

Caught my mind suddenly just drifting out the door
Saw all my lifetime passing, feeling so insecure
You knew for certain, but I just didn't know for sure.

And all I need
Well all I need is you
Somehow it just grew and grew
Till all I need is you
All I need is you
Yes all I need is you
Yes all I need is you.



Strawbs: Strawberry Music Sampler No. 1, 1969, side 1, track 1

Strawbs: All Our Own Work, 1973, side 2, track 1

Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 1, track 7

Strawbs: Sandy Denny And The Strawbs, 1991, side 2, track 1

Sandy Denny and the Strawbs: All Our Own Work (The Complete Sessions), 2010, track 7

Original 1973 release version

Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 8

Acoustic Strawbs with Sonja Kristina - 2009 live track

Strawbs: Of A Time, 2012, track 13



The open book
The telephone
The tangled line
The broken bone
The monkey man
The golden locks
Forget me not
The money box

Please don't break my heart again
I looked for all
But all in vain

The willing crew
The even keel
The sharpened knife
The grinding wheel
The jealous wife
The binding trust
Forget me not
The cut and thrust

You tore my heart out in the rain
I looked for all
But all in vain
A damaged heart can feel no pain
I looked for all
But all in vain

The miner's luck
The mother lode
The gambling man
The master code
The knowing more
The caring less
Forget me not
The emptiness

We took the vows but few remain
I looked for all
But all in vain
Please don't break my heart again
I looked for all
But all in vain
You tore my heart out in the rain
I looked for all
But all in vain
Please don't break my heart again
I looked for all
But all in vain.



Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: Hummingbird, 2002, track 10



Looking through their windows
Peering through lace curtains
All the little ladies
With grey haired hat-pinned heads
Watching people they know who don't understand
That they're living their lonely lives second hand
Even second hand's better than none.

Spreading all the gossip
Baking cakes for tea time
All the little ladies
With lonely single beds
Watching children they know as they jump and play
Trying giving them sweets but they run away
Even naughty boy's better than none.

Sunday lunch is coming
In a van of kindness
All the little ladies
With no friends but the dead
Watching doctor they know as he takes their pulse
Trying giving a smile for there's nothing else
Even this sad life's better than none.



Strawbs: Strawbs, 1969, side 1, track 3

Strawbs: Early Strawbs (2LP), 1974, side 2, track 3

Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 3, track 1

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD1, track 10

Alternate take with spokn word intro

Strawbs: Strawbs (CD, Universal), 2008, track 3

Strawbs: Of A Time, 2012, track 8






Various Artists: The Witchwood Project, 2006, track 12

John Ford studio recording from Heading For A High



When we met for the first time
I didn't even like your name
Then we met once again and
I wondered if I'd been insane.

Now I find you're always on my mind
Now I find you're always on my mind.

Never thought love could hit me
The way it does when I'm with you
Never dreamed I'd feel this way
Loving you the way I do.

Now I find you're always on my mind
Now I find you're always on my mind.

Now it seems I've always known you always on my mind
Couldn't stand to live without you
These days you're always on my mind.

When we met for the first time
I thought that love was just a game
Then I fell for you and then
You told me that you felt the same.

Now I find you're always on my mind
Now I find you're always on my mind.



Strawbs: All Our Own Work, 1973, side 1, track 4

Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 2, track 8

Strawbs: Sandy Denny And The Strawbs, 1991, side 2, track 6

Sandy Denny and the Strawbs: All Our Own Work (The Complete Sessions), 2010, track 4

Original 1973 release version



I wish I knew you were to stay
I know too well why I feel this way
It's just that I can plainly see
That I need you and you need me.

I'll stay with you while the days go past
Live for today, try and forget the past
My friends all say and I agree
That I need you and you need me.

I'd like to say it isn't true
But all of me must lie with you.
Sometimes I say how can it be
That I need you and you need me.

Do you recall what I said before
I meant it then, now I mean it more
I'd like somehow to make you see
That I need you and you need me.

I'd like somehow to make you see
That I need you and you need me.



Strawbs: Strawberry Music Sampler No. 1, 1969, side 2, track 1

Strawbs: All Our Own Work, 1973, side 2, track 6

Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 4, track 3

Strawbs: Sandy Denny And The Strawbs, 1991, side 1, track 5

Sandy Denny and the Strawbs: All Our Own Work (The Complete Sessions), 2010, track 12

Original 1973 release version

Sandy Denny and the Strawbs: All Our Own Work (The Complete Sessions), 2010, track 18


Strawbs: Of A Time, 2012, track 7

Strawbs: Of A Time, 2012, track 19

1973 remix with DC vocals





Strawbs: Of A Time, 2012, track 10






Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD5, track 10

Strawbs with Juan Martin






Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 11

Zeus - 2009 live track






Strawbs: Live In Gettysburg, 2017, track 12



An orange balloon on the distant horizon
The air had a nip for the sun was still rising
A delicate fusion of ambery tone
Brought warmth to the shore where I walked all alone
Another day begins.

A crab scuttled awkwardly, shyly away
Perhaps the strangest of all nature's rebels
Night shed its cloak with the sounds of the day
The gentle lap of the tide on the pebbles
Another day begins, another day.

The gulls on the breeze, soaring over my head
Like marionettes with invisible thread
The day unfurled like the flags on a mast
Spelling a message of sunshine at last
Another day begins, another day.

I walked along for miles
The clear blue sky was free
And the smiles shone like pearls on the sea
Another day begins, another day.

Far too soon it was time to be leaving
A gull flew ahead of me bobbing and weaving
It caught my eye with a quizzical stare
Was it my love, was it she who was there?
Another day begins.

I climbed the steep path to the high cliff top's heather
The sea was as clear as a fresh mountain stream
The gull as it circled away dropped a feather
A souvenir of a beautiful day dream
Another day begins, another day.



Strawbs: Dragonfly, 1970, side 1, track 5

Strawbs: Japanese Sampler, 1973, side 1, track 4

Strawbs: By Choice, 1974, side 1, track 2

Strawbs: Early Strawbs (2LP), 1974, side 1, track 5

Strawbs: Rock Storia E Musica (cass), 1983, side 2, track 5

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD1, track 15

Live version

Strawbs: Dragonfly (CD, Universal), 2008, track 5

Strawbs: Dragonfly (CD, Universal), 2008, track 12

John Peel Top Gear, 7 Sep 1969

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 1 - In Session, 2010, track

1969 BBC sessions, track also released on Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (CD).

Strawbs: The Battle (2LP), 2019, side 1, track 2

1969 BBC sessions, track also released on Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (CD).


Strawbs: 45: "Forever"/"Another Day", 1970, side 2, track 1

In Italy, the B-side was "Fingertips", in UK "Another Day"



We were young
Our hopes were high
Our sights were set
On the terra nova
Now it's over
I can't bear to spend
Another day without you.

We set sail
On a changing tide
When the glass was down
And the moon was mellow
Lucky fellow
I can't bear to spend
Another day without you.

We were drifting as the days turned into night
The sky sent up a signal in the fiery Northern light
I can't bear to spend another day without you.

I was broken and I doubted I would last
The clouds had gathered quickly now the final die was cast
I can't bear to spend another day without you.

The storm came up
As the sun went down
I was all at sea
On the raging ocean
Such devotion
I can't bear to spend
Another day without you.



Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill, 1978, track 2

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill, 1978, track 2

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill (CD, WML), 2006, track 2

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD3, track 8


Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 2

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 10

Home demo



On the mantlepiece a china dog waits patiently
The faded velvet curtains are still drawn
The well worn tray of medal ribbons slowly gathers dust
The armchair's chintzy covers have been torn.

The photograph of Nancy on the honeymoon in France
The nearly finished letter underneath
The wheelchair that he never used, he always was too proud
Is folded in the corner by the wreath.

The choirboy's cassock hanging on the hook behind the door
The wooden box in which he kept his cross
The Coronation teapot that his mother always used
Helps to bring about a sense of loss.

Just a collection of antiques and curios.



Dave Cousins: The Spoken Word Of Dave Cousins, 2010, track 4

Spoken word version released on CD at back of Secrets, Stories and Song book






Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD3, track 10

Strawbs and Juan Martin 1981 studio recording



Heroine's Theme


Deep Summer's Sleep

I sense Autumn coming on
The mist has hung low all day
Small birds gather on the wing
Preparing to make their way.

The trees begin to show
A trace of brown among the green
Bringing back the memories
That only you and I have seen.

I sense Autumn coming on
The sun sinking red and deep
The fires burning in the fields
As late Summer falls asleep.

The leaves begin to scatter
As the North wind calls their name
Folding gently back into
The silent earth from which they came.

The Winter Long

Still waters flow
Sea breezes blow
Wild flowers grow
Abundant at your feet.

Soft falling snow
Warm candle glow
Flushed faces show
The pleasure when we meet.

Hold on to me, I'll hold on to you
The winter long I will always be with you.
Hold on to me, I'll hold on to you
I will be the one who will always see you through.



Strawbs: Best Of Strawbs, 1978, side 2, track 5

Strawbs: Heroes Are Forever (2CD bootleg), 1990, CD2, track 3

1974 Live In Concert (11 Apr 1974, Golders Green Hippodrome, London)

Strawbs: A Choice Selection Of Strawbs, 1992, track 4

Strawbs: Strawbs In Concert, 1995, track 12

1974 live BBC In Concert

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 7

Strawbs: 20th Century Masters - Millennimum Collection, 2003, track 8

Strawbs: Live At Nearfest, 2005, track 6

Strawbs: Painted Sky, 2005, track 9

Acoustic Strawbs version

Strawbs: NY '75, 2007, track 3

1975 live version

Strawbs: Lay Down With The Strawbs (2CD), 2008, track 1

2006 live version

Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 9

2009 live track

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 10

1974 Live In Concert (11 Apr 1974, Golders Green Hippodrome, London)

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine In Ascensia, 2011, track 2

re-recorded 2012 version

Acoustic Strawbs: Acoustic Gold, 2011, track 8

Acoustic Strawbs Full Bloom version

Strawbs: Live In Gettysburg, 2017, track 2

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine (SHM CD, Universal Japan), 2018, track 1




I get up in the morning in the usual state
Listen to the breakfast show and know that I'm late
Clock in at the factory and pick up my tools
I never give a damn because the union rules (OK)
I'm back in the old routine

I drop in at the local for a pint and a chat
End up at the takeaway for Siamese cat
The wife is watching telly in a pink negligee
The midnight horror movie and she's ready to play.

I look forward to the weekend and Match of the Day
When we're back in the old routine.

Perhaps I'll win the pools and be a millionaire
I'll get myself a sports car and a sexy au pair
I'll buy myself a yacht and sail away for a year
With Susan George for company and plenty of beer
But I'm still in the old routine.



Strawbs: Burning For You, 1977, side 2, track 2

Strawbs: Burning For You (CD, Muskrat, Japan), 2003, track 7

Strawbs: Burning For You (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 7


Strawbs: 45: "Back In The Old Routine"/"Burning For Me", 1977, side 1, track 1



I sailed with Miss Columbus for a trip across the sea,
The horizon was behind me when I found that I was free.
I smashed the glass I drank from, drove it deep into my arm.
Tell me how do you feel, now you're back on the farm?

She put me on the periscope and told me she was lost,
She said she was expensive, but I did not mind the cost.
I said her deep-sea diver did not mean her any harm.
Tell me how do you feel, now you're back on the farm?

I rang the bell of freedom,
Drank from the well of plenty,
The milk of human kindness
Was succour to my soul.
I took her to the mast head
And showed her my conditions,
She promised me the cargo
That she carried in her hold.

The sails were set for sunrise when we found the wind had dropped,
I tried to make the time up but the clock had somehow stopped.
A fire broke out below the decks and I sounded the alarm.
Tell me how do you feel, now you're back on the farm?

Now you might think it strange of me to write to you this way.
For years I was a farmer, but I could not make it pay,
Yet here I am a sailor and I feel a sense of calm.
Tell me how do you feel, now you're back on the farm?



Strawbs: Nomadness, 1975, side 1, track 5

Strawbs: Nomadness (CD, Universal), 2008, track 5



Will you save me
Will you wave me

Will you need me
Will you miss me

Venetian moon
Silent lagoon
Answer me soon
Will the gondoliers still sing the barcarole

We have loved you
We will kiss you



Strawbs: Burning For You, 1977, side 1, track 4

Strawbs: Burning For You (CD, Muskrat, Japan), 2003, track 4

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD5, track 7

instrumental version

Strawbs: Burning For You (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 4

Strawbs: Burning For You (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 13

Instrumental version



Swallows come a-swooping down
The day begins to cool
Veering through the olive trees
Defying every rule
Circling at breakneck speed
To splash into the pool

Steep climb to the temple steps
Is worth it for the view
Dragonflies, butterflies
In every shade of blue
Ruins on the mountainside
Where cypress trees once grew

Outside the old taverna
Laughter everywhere
Smell of outdoor barbecues
Hanging in the air
Bats take on the night shift
Gently brushing through your hair

The village centre comes alive
Multi-coloured light
Fiesta in the churchyard
Fires burning bright
Children leaping through the flames
Make wishes in the night

Garlands for the fire
Rosemary and sage
Bats replace the swallows
Shadows on the page
Ladies in their finery
Insensitive to age

The ancient village weaving loom
Still used every spring
Great-grandmother learned to weave
Before she learned to sing
To Irene I sang goodnight
What pleasure it would bring.



Strawbs: The Ferryman's Curse, 2017, track 9



The rat race was over
Before it was won
And I started walking
When I could have run
Like a child who missed out
On a sunday school treat
Now you know how I feel when
I beat the retreat.

I slept like a soldier
My gun at my side
My uniform folded
I wore it with pride
I could not rest contented
Till I joined the elite
Now you know how I feel when
I beat the retreat.

This winter wind brings
Such a chill to my bones
Erect in my memory
A small cairn of stones
So that those from afar
Can see where our paths meet
Now you know how I feel when
I beat the retreat.

The last post is sounding
Now it's time to be gone
There's no further reason
For singing this song
The battle is over
I accept the defeat
Now you know how I feel when
I beat the retreat.



Strawbs: Don't Say Goodbye, 1987, side 2, track 4

Strawbs: Don't Say Goodbye (CD), 1987, track 10

Various Artists: Thirty Years In Rock, 2001, track 5

1990 Cousins and Willoughby live recording

Dave Cousins: Duochrome, 2008, track 6

DC solo, Milwaukee 2008

Dave Cousins: Secret Paths, 2008, track 10

with Melvin Duffy



Warplanes fly in terror waves
Orders are withdrawn
Horses rear with nostrils flared
A child is stillborn
All afternoon as hell pours down
Families stand like rock
Holding hands in fear and rage
Reeling with the shock

Who will answer to themselves
The simple question why
We must search within ourselves
Beneath the angry sky

Nothing moves, the town lies still
Behind its ruined face
A single oak defiant
In the silent marketplace
A school of shattered lives
Inside the broken window panes
The hope of all those burned inside
Is all that still remains

Who will answer to themselves
The simple question why
We must search within ourselves
Beneath the angry sky

A light of hope still burns behind
A single shuttered door
Despite its broken heart
The town is stronger than before

Who will answer to themselves
The simple question why
We must search within ourselves
Beneath the angry sky



Strawbs: Dancing To The Devil's Beat, 2009, track 2



The wanderer has far to go
Humble must he constant be
Where the paths of wisdom
Distant is the shadow of the setting sun.

Bless the daytime
Bless the night
Bless the sun which gives us light
Bless the thunder
Bless the rain
Bless all those who cause us pain.

Yellow stars may lead the way
All diversions lead astray
While his resolution holds
Fortune and good will will surely follow him.

Bless the free man
Bless the slave
Bless the hero in his grave
Bless the soldier
Bless the saint
Bless all those whose hearts grow faint.



Strawbs: Grave New World, 1972, side 1, track 1

Strawbs: By Choice, 1974, side 2, track 1

Strawbs: Best Of Strawbs, 1978, side 2, track 1

Strawbs: Rock Storia E Musica (cass), 1983, side 2, track 1

Strawbs: Heroes Are Forever (2CD bootleg), 1990, CD1, track 6

1973 Live In Concert (25 Mar 1973, Paris Theatre, London)

Strawbs: A Choice Selection Of Strawbs, 1992, track 10

Strawbs: Strawbs In Concert, 1995, track 5

1973 live BBC In Concert

Strawbs: Grave New World (CD, Universal), 1998, track 1

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 10

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 13

Acoustic Strawbs: Baroque And Roll, 2001, track 13

Strawbs: The Collection, 2002, track 8

Strawbs: 20th Century Masters - Millennimum Collection, 2003, track 2

Strawbs: Painted Sky, 2005, track 5

Acoustic Strawbs version

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 1 - In Session, 2010, track

1972 BBC sessions

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 17

1973 Live In Concert (25 Mar 1973, Paris Theatre, London)

Acoustic Strawbs: Acoustic Gold, 2011, track 12

Painted Sky version

Strawbs: Witchwood - The Very Best Of, 2014, track 4

Strawbs: The Battle (2LP), 2019, side 4, track 2

1971 session - Sounds Of The Seventies 30 Nov 1971)


Strawbs: 45: "Benedictus"/"Keep The Devil Outside", 1971, side 1, track 1

Strawbs: 45: "Thirty Days"/"Benedictus", 1971, side 2, track 1

Japanese only single

Strawbs: 45: "New World"/"Benedictus", 1972, side 2, track 1

Japanese only single

Strawbs: 45: "Here It Comes"/"Benedictus", 1972, side 2, track 1

Italy had "Benedictus" as the B-side instead of "Tomorrow" as wa the case elsewhere.

Strawbs: 45: "Heavy Disguise"/"Benedictus", 1972, side 2, track 1

US and Canada put "Benedictus" on the B-side, with "Heavy Disguise" as the lead track



It happened rather suddenly that the Preacher came to town
With stories from the Testaments of men of great reknown
With his box of patent medicines he swore to cure all ills
From the lameness in the horses, to the children's colds and chills
And he had along his Indian wife and a country music band
Who sang of peace and brotherhood beside the Rio Grande.

Now the Preacher quickly gathered sick and poor from miles around
Who came to him for comfort and to hear his country sound
But the mayor thought he was trouble when he spoke against the law
And he saw the growing power of the crowds that he could draw
And he worried when the Preacher bought himself a plot of land
To settle with his family beside the Rio Grande.

The saloon was pretty crowded and the stakes was a-running high
And the girls sang sentimental songs that made us cowboys cry
We began to criticise the Preacher marrying a squaw
And how could he associate with cripples, drunks and whores
And in a crazy fit the Preacher scattered chips and winning hands
And condemned it as a den of vice beside the Rio Grande.

Now the boys were drunk and rowdy, and mostly pretty mean
And we dragged him to the sidewalk and whipped his shoulders clean
We said he was responsible for bringing on the drought
That had burned off all the spring grass and had wiped the young herd out
The sheriff would not get involved, the law could take no hand
The Preacher had not harmed a soul.

We pegged him on the hillside alongside two Apache braves
Who'd been given picks and shovels and been made to dig their graves
And when he asked for water stood and pissed around his feet
While his tongue swelled up and blackened in the burning desert heat
And someone said we ought to mark the Preacher with a brand
To show that he did not belong beside the Rio Grande.

Then the sky began to darken and a breeze whipped up the dust
And some of us were frightened while others swore and cursed
And the Preacher said a few words with his final dying breath
About forgiving us for what we had done to bring about his death
And as the night began to fall we covered him with sand
And left his weary bones to bleach.



Strawbs: Deep Cuts, 1976, side 2, track 4

Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: Old School Songs, 1979, side 2, track 3

Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: Old School Songs (CD, Muskrat), 1979, track 8

Strawbs: The Complete Strawbs (Live At Chiswick House), 2000, track 4

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (CD, Muskrat), 2003, track 9

Various Artists: The Witchwood Project, 2006, track 7

Dave Cousins: Duochrome, 2008, track 12

DC solo, Chicago 2008

Dave Cousins: The Spoken Word Of Dave Cousins, 2010, track 13

Spoken word version released on CD at back of Secrets, Stories and Song book

Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures, 2015, track 17

DC solo 2008 live performance

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 9

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 17

spoken word version


Strawbs: 45: "Charmer"/"Beside The Rio Grande", 1976, side 2, track 1



Times were hard
We lived for pleasure
A lackadaisical lifetime of leisure
Spirits high
The sun shone night and day

London Pride
Paris for couture
Back on the farm we all had a future
Comely maids
We rolled them in the hay

Better days
We have all seen better days
Better days will surely come again

Take a drive
Girls in tight frocks
Breaking down - hands on the gearbox
Oily rags
We got there come what may

Kids arrive
Eyes a-glistening
Bless my soul! Time for the christening!
Happy days
Really glad you came

Wiser now
Time for reflection
No time left to change direction
Times are tough
Life is not a game!



Strawbs: Settlement (CD), 2021, track 11



No work, we just got paid
But we're not on our holidays
'Cause there's not much to do
When you got a big brother like you.

We all have the right
To go work, well if you like
But we never do
'Cause we got a big brother like you.
We got a big brother like you.

Tell me where will it end
There'll be no work for the working men
We're all lined up with nothing to do
'Cause we got a big brother like you.

Now all they ever say
'Cause there's no work for you today
So go and join the queue
With the other poor beggars like you.

And all I ever hear
Is you're not qualified my dear
You need GCEs and a high IQ
If you want to join the chosen few
Be one of the chosen few.

Tell me what can we do
There'll be no work for the likes of you
Sit around all day with nothing to do
'Cause we got a big brother like you.

But oh how will it take
For you to make the same mistakes
For you will never turn back
Or try to find another way.

Tell me where will it end
There'll be no work for the working men
We're all lined up with nothing to do
We'll sit around all day and listen to you
But you can say what you like but you haven't a clue
What a big brother should do.

Now when the time is right
We'll call on everyone to fight
And we'll show them what to do
With another big brother like you
Another big brother like you
With another big brother, we'll turn the screws
With another big brother, we just can't lose
With another big brother, 'cause we won't choose
Another big brother like you
Another big brother like you.



Strawbs: Don't Say Goodbye (CD), 1987, track 5

Strawbs: Don't Say Goodbye, 1987, side 1, track 5



Bitter sunshine sinking this way has no return
See the Redwings gliding
See the rivers burn
Reflections in the water
Memories of a dream
Night time shadows coming you'll see what I mean

Heat wave comes so suddenly
There's no time to hide
Bent and twisted tree trunks on the other side
Shrivelled water melons
Lie rotting in the sun
I'm just a poor man, please don't point that gun

I've been here about a year
No chance of getting home
Though may be I'll get sent back, set in solid stone
Then looking for a reason
There's none that I can see
I don't know who I am fighting they all look the same to me

Bitter sunshine sinking this way has no return
See the Redwings gliding
See the rivers burn
Reflections in the water
Memories of a dream
Night time shadows coming you'll see what I mean.



Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 2, track 10

not mentioned on sleeve




The gypsy girl stood quite alone
Her eyes were brightly shining
Her head was in the clouds
Where she had found the silver lining
And all the while the crippled boy
Was dancing with his lady fair
While I stood on the sidelines
Trying to make out that I wasn't there.

So loud the music grew and grew
With ever greater pain
I stepped back in the shadows
For I could not stand the strain
I tried to look, my eyes were blind
I tried to speak but could not find
The words to say.

They left me lying where I lay
I could not bear the light of day.

Treat me kindly dear blue angel
Deepest colour of the night
Be merciful, be gentle
For I have no strength to fight.

Half Worlds Apart

So I lay in half world dream state
Pressed like a flower in the pages of a half book
Words in softly spoken whispers
Steal through the silence of the blue veiled half light
The best of questions have no answers
The best of answers need no questions
Born on the quest for a wave of half peace
Acquired in a Dresden china cuplet
Bound in the chains of the half book binding
Half way to my half life.

Treat me kindly dear blue angel
Deepest colour of the night
Be merciful, be gentle
For I have no strength to fight.

So she lay in half museum
Pinned like a butterfly which failed to reach its half life
Tender moments left half spoken
Lost like an orphan in the pleasures of the dream state
A man of honour has no secrets
How can I be a man of secrets
Trapped in the web of the woven blue veil
Peering to find the angel weaver
Most sacred saviour of the silver lining
Half way to my half life.

Treat me kindly dear blue angel
Deepest colour of the night
Be merciful, be gentle
For I have no strength to fight.

At Rest

Sleep the sleep of peace my love
And I will let you be
I alone can comfort
I alone can set you free
I will be your healer
And give you back your pride
In times of need remember me
At rest here by your side.

When the hour of darkness comes
And time itself stands still
When voices from the future
Seem to come and go at will
I will be your servant
Your ever constant guide
When all is lost remember me
At rest here by your side.

The wisdom of the fool is such
That he alone is sane
So delicate the balance
That e'er the moon could wax and wane
I will be your teacher
And show you where to hide
When all else fails remember me
At rest here by your side.

Treat me kindly dear blue angel
Deepest colour of the night
Be merciful, be gentle
For I have no strength to fight.



Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer, 1972, side 1, track 3

Dave Cousins And Strawbs: Japanese Sampler, 1973, side 2, track 1

Strawbs: Best Of Strawbs, 1978, side 4, track 4

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 3

Dave Cousins

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 18

Dave Cousins

Strawbs: Blue Angel, 2003, track 1

Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer (CD, Media Arte), 2005, track 3

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD3, track 2

Outtake from Deep Cuts sessions

Dave Cousins: Duochrome, 2008, track 10

DC with Ian Cutler, Philadelphi 2008

Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 1

Blue Angel lineup - 2009 live track

Strawbs: Prognostic, 2014, track 8

Two Weeks version

Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures, 2015, track 15

DC solo 2008 live performance

Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 3

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 14

CD bonus track outtake from early sessions at The Manor in 1976






Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD3, track 7

Dave Cousins acoustic demo (aka The Young Pretender

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 9

Home demo, recorded version on Taste under the title "The Toung Pretender"



Bringing in the harvest
We are gathering the grain
Weathered by the sun
And gently swollen by the rain
Golden days of summer gladness
Blood red poppies tinged with sadness
Wheatfields gently waving
From a wartime aerodrome
Here's to those who work the fields
And bring the harvest home

Bringing in the harvest
All the gifts of nature's grace
Hand me down my brushes
I will paint her smiling face
Apples, pears and black-red cherries
Strawberries and loganberries
Hopfields reaching high
Wherever thirsty travellers roam
Here's to those who graft all day
And bring the harvest home

Bringing in the harvest
All the bounties of the deep
Rising from the seabed sands
Where shipwrecked sailors sleep
Twisting currents test the stranger
Gathering storms bring hidden danger
A shift of wind can snap the teeth
Of any mermaid's comb
Here's to those who risk their lives
And bring the harvest home.



Dave Cousins: The Boy In The Sailor Suit, 2007, track 9

with the Blue Angel Orchestra



Now I don’t mean to be a stick in the dirt
The world is changing only in reverse
And you can’t live your life for what it’s worth
‘Cause it’s a hell on earth.

The world today of which we all endear
Has taken us about a thousand years
To go spoil all the things we had right here
‘Cause it’s a hell on earth.

Burn baby burn when you going to learn
It’s time to put out the fire, so
Burn baby burn when you going to learn
The earth is getting dryer
The flames are going higher.

My clothes are dirty and the sky is red
And I’ve not anything to wash my head
‘Cause all the detergent’s on the river bed
And It’s a hell on earth

Taking all your money so I'll tell you the facts
You join everybody trying to fiddle the tax
If you don’t get them they’ll try and con you back
Because it’s a hell on earth.

Another child is not the thing to attain
When family planning didn’t work again
Another mouth to feed is all in vain
‘Cause it’s a hell on earth



Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 8

Hudson Ford



There's a house on the headland
Overlooking the sea
They're burning a lantern by day and by night
It is burning for me.

There's a fire on the far hill
It's a warning to be
They're burning a beacon by day and by night
It is burning for me.

I long to feel the anchor down
When they ring the harbour bell
It's good to be back home again
And know that all is well
And when the stormy southern seas
Are running wild and free
You light a lamp of love at home
It is burning for me.

There's a light in the distance
It is easy to see
They're burning a candle by day and by night
It is burning for me.



Strawbs: Burning For You, 1977, side 1, track 1

Strawbs: Burning For You (CD, Muskrat, Japan), 2003, track 1

Strawbs: Live At Nearfest, 2005, track 4

Strawbs: Burning For You (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 1


Strawbs: 45: "Heartbreaker"/"Burning For Me", 1977, side 2, track 1

US, Canada opted for "Burning For Me" as the b-side, South Africa went for "Goodbye"

Strawbs: 45: "Back In The Old Routine"/"Burning For Me", 1977, side 2, track 1




The sun rises high
In the Mediterranean sky
Burning like the everlasting flame
Between you and me
Across the deep blue sea
I can hear her calling out my name

The clock slips a beat
Melting in the heat
Time is passing slowly just the same
Across the great divide
Silver deep inside
I can hear her calling out my name

I named her a boat
To keep us both afloat
We sailed to places no-one ever came
The sins of the past
Are laid to rest at last
I can hear her calling out my name

Gala, can you hear me, I am lost
Dali, I can hear you, you are lost.

To those who decide
I rest my case with pride
Someone has to pay the price of fame
I rest in the deep
Soundly in my sleep
I can hear her calling out my name.



Dave Cousins: The Boy In The Sailor Suit, 2007, track 4

with the Blue Angel Orchestra



You and I spoke in confidence
About the turning of the years
We both told stories that could break a heart
We brushed aside our tears

You spoke of one desire
I turned away to go
You spoke to me of solitude
Did you really know
Can you believe the words of love?

You and I spoke of tenderness
In a world filled with rage
We spoke at length of our uncertainty
And tomorrow's headline page

Seven hills to the city
Another space, another time
We were deep in conversation
In a vacant state of mind
Can you believe the words of love?

A second in a lifetime
A time for letting go
A painting in the manner Of Michelangelo
You and I spoke of innocence
There are victims of this crime
We both believed in our sincerity
I am taken back in time

The calling of the ocean
The movement of the sand
I could see my dreams forever
Running slowly through my hand
Can you believe the words of love?



Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: Hummingbird, 2002, track 11

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: 40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 2 (CD), 2010, track 6

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: 40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 2 (DVD), 2010, track 12

Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 14

Cousins and Wakeman - 2009 live track



Far distant mountains covered in snow
Wilderness highways where wicked winds blow
Prairies reach out to the end of the earth
The seaways and lakes sing the song of their birth.

Canada oh Canada
The journeys are endless but never too far
Canada oh Canada
Toujours j'ai trouve
La force dans les bras
I have found strength in your arms.

The sun rises high over wild rugged shores
Fiddles sing sweet over long-settled scores
The fishing fleet rests on the Maritime shelf
The Titanic risses, a ghost of itself.

Toronto the good brings a smile to your face
A meeting place fit for the whole human race
Vieux Montreal et l'esprit Quebecois
Le cuisson d'amis - creton, foie gras
Victoria reigns in a haven of peace
Rest my head easy before my release
The sea to the sky meets the high lonesome pass
The brazen sun sets on the city of glass.



Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD4, track 16

Dave Cousins recording

Dave Cousins: Secret Paths, 2008, track 7

with Melvin Duffy



Dyfan's tale
Of the holy Canon Dale
Setting sail
Homeward for his lonely cell
In your holy ground I found.

Peace to dwell
The beginning of a world
Love entwined
Throughout all the world combined
In your holy ground I found.

Days and day
He would go his chosen way
Keeping trace
Of the things you do and say
In your holy ground I found.



Strawbs: From The Witchwood, 1971, side 2, track 2

Strawbs: From The Witchwood (CD, Universal), 1998, track 7

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD1, track 18

1971 Live In Concert (recorded 23 Jun 1971, aired 1 Jun 1973)

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 1 - In Session, 2010, track

1970 BBC sessions

Strawbs: The Battle (2LP), 2019, side 1, track 3

1970 BBC sessions



In my life there's been a few loves
But never such a true love as you gave
Carry me home
In a world of false emotions
You showed me such a true devotion
Carry me home.

I don't want to lose my mind
Without it life would seem too kind
So when the world finds out about us
Don't leave me here to live without you
Carry me home.

As a child I'd watch the night sky
Sit up waiting for the morning light
To carry me home
As a man I've seen the dawning
Of a love so great my heart is calling
Carry me home.



Strawbs: Burning For You, 1977, side 2, track 4

Strawbs: Burning For You (CD, Muskrat, Japan), 2003, track 9

Strawbs: Burning For You (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 9



My hero was a boxer
He used to fight southpaw
Those who fought against him
Said he had an iron jaw

He took a million punches
But never felt a thing
He never was defeated
In any boxing ring

Champion Jack was cautious
With decisions that he made
He signed on for the army
To learn himself a trade

War broke out in '39
They sent him overseas
Shipped out to the Far East
To fight the Japanese

The Champion was on the ropes
At the fall of Singapore
Jack laid down his rifle
A prisoner of war

Jack's days were spent in agony
His nights were spent in pain
He never did complaining
It went against the grain

Three years on Death Railway
The physical neglect
He suffered degradation
But kept his self-respect

At last the war was over
Redemption took its course
In his dreams Jack took revenge
He didn't show remorse

Jack was flown from prison camp
To San Francisco Bay
He sent a picture postcard
I keep it to this day.



Strawbs: Settlement (CD), 2021, track 10



It's a warm summer's evening and it's been a beautiful day
But the sky is getting darker in a special kind of way
I'm anticipating something, think it's going to be OK
'Cause tomorrow will show me what I can't see today.

Oh those changes arranges like the warmth of the storm
It says (?) change comes to cool us and you know it can't be wrong
Evolution rules us from the moment we are born
So just blow with the wind and the warmth of the storm.

Change is three white horses, one creates and one maintains
And though the last one is destructive, it can come to ease your pain
'Cause you're caught up in the wheels of life, you can't escape
You just try to resist it, you know the force is far too great.

Everybody gets them, it'll catch you if you run
You know you never can escape it, can't you feel it's got to (?) go
Sometimes something will tell you that you just can't stay this way
Even though it has been a most beautiful day.



Strawbs: Ghosts (CD, Universal), 1998, track 10

bonus track on CD release


Strawbs: 45: "Grace Darling"/"Changes Arrange Us" (sic), 1974, side 2, track 1

UK only single - B-side is misnamed as "Changes Arranges", correct name was "Changes Arrange Us"



When I look into your eyes
I can see straight through those old white lies
Can someone take you higher
You are one of those mistakes
A lonely singer sometimes make
You hurt my pride and leave me tongue-tied.

Even when you're near me
Love is far away

Now where should I begin
To explain the shape I find you in
You're under age and underrated
You're a wild storm in the night
You're the early morning shining bright
A time and motion revolution.

Can you hear me
Do you see yourself reflected
In the stars in your eyes
Do you wear their disguise
Have they taught you how to cry.

Deep down you're very hard
And you never played a losing card
But I am just beginning
Now you'll make out alright
Just keep your halo shining bright
Our lines were crossed
And you just lost out.



Strawbs: Deep Cuts, 1976, side 2, track 2

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (CD, Muskrat), 2003, track 7

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 7

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 12

single mix


Strawbs: 45: "Charmer"/"Beside The Rio Grande", 1976, side 1, track 1

UK single version, different mix






Strawbs: Settlement (CD), 2021, track 9



It was on the stroke of midnight
On the final Christmas Eve
People all around were saying
"What do you believe?"
Streets were laid with burnished gold
Statues made of chrome
Upspoke the wicked messenger
"You're welcome to my home"

Everything's going to be alright
Everything's going to be alright

Then tempers started flaring
As the heat began to rise
Fields of corn and rapeseed
Turned to dust before their eyes
People started blaming
The changing weather map
The chrome began to tarnish
The gold was sold for scrap

Everything's going to be alright
Everything's going to be alright

Then just before the end of time
The sun began to dim
People of the world
Began to sing a common hymn
The Muslim kissed the Hindu
The Hindu kissed the Jew
The Jew kissed all the Buddhists
And the Christians joined the queue

Everything's going to be alright
Everything's going to be alright.



Strawbs: The Broken Hearted Bride, 2008, track 2



Great Expectations
Christmas at last
Bleak House is open
A ghost from the past
The old Christmas Carols
Hard times can wait
God bless us, everyone
Let's celebrate!

Dear old Santa Claus
Posted a sign
Everyone's spending
Christmas online
Rudolph the Red-Nose
Met a hot date
Open the presents!
Let's celebrate!

I don't need fairy lights
I've got the stars
They twinkle at Christmas
Out here on Mars
Earth is a memory
Too little, too late
There's hope for the future
Let's celebrate!



Strawbs: The Magic Of It All (CD), 2023, track 11



Close your eyes, and go to sleep
The night will soon be gone
There'll be nothing here when the light goes out
That wasn't here when the light was on.



Strawbs: Dragonfly, 1970, side 2, track 4

Strawbs: Early Strawbs (2LP), 1974, side 3, track 4

Strawbs: Dragonfly (CD, Universal), 2008, track 9






Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 1, track 1



Lonely, have you ever felt lonely
Like you're floating on a deep sea
And the world is somewhere else?
And when you're trying to disguise it
It only makes it deepen
Trying to pretend will only weigh you down

Cold steel
Cold, cold steel

Searching, is this why everybody's searching
Looking to the sky
To try to touch a star
And when they get it in their hand
They never want to lose it
They get a monkey on their back and a pocketful of sand

Good times, I heard about the good times
I read it in a book
It sounded alright
But then I thought I saw a stranger
So I had to give chase.
She stabbed me in the back with a smile across her face.



Strawbs: Deja Fou, 2004, track 6

Strawbs: Painted Sky, 2005, track 7

Acoustic Strawbs version

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD5, track 15

Folk Scene live recording

Strawbs: Lay Down With The Strawbs (2CD), 2008, track 7

2006 live version

Acoustic Strawbs: Acoustic Gold, 2011, track 7

Acoustic Strawbs Painted Sky version



Several years ago
A day in early spring
In a Copehagen bar
I heard a skylark sing
In a slow speed silent movie
There's a snow kissed winter scene
Your pretty face is glistening with tears
In that half remembered moment
Silent and serene
The town hall bells
Are chiming down the years

A simple pack of crayons
A pavement master class
On a city centre street
Our fortunes came to pass
They washed away your cartoons
In the Copenhagen rain
You were drifting
In the mull of broken dreams
A thin veneer of laughter
Hid the tantrums and the pain
A photograph is seldom what it seems

Magic as in lantern
Pastel colours bright
Treading through the blossom
In the softly fading light
A cutting from a paper
On the entertainment page
It's good to catch the ink
Before it dries
The audience was drawn
To a Tivoli Garden stage
Our future passed before us
Through their eyes



Strawbs: Dancing To The Devil's Beat, 2009, track 3

Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 5

Acoustic Strawbs - 2009 live track

Dave Cousins: The Spoken Word Of Dave Cousins, 2010, track 17

Spoken word version released on CD at back of Secrets, Stories and Song book

Acoustic Strawbs: Acoustic Gold, 2011, track 2

Dancing To The Devil's Beat version






Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: 40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 2 (DVD), 2010, track 5






Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: Hummingbird, 2002, track 9



Never mind the rain, never mind the weather
Take a little time when you lose your grip
Never mind the pain, treat it as a warning
Never mind the truth when it cuts your lip.

Cry no more for me
I'll cry no more for you
I'll cry no more for you.

Never is a word I never wanted spoken
Never is a kiss with your mouth closed tight
Never is a dream of never ending pleasure
Never is defeat in the darkest night.

The night closed down with the passion of a thousand years
Far out in open space
A mirror shades the likeness of your pretty face
Drowning in my tears.

Never break a vow that's never yet been broken
Never cross your heart when it's all in vain
Never trust a girl who takes it all for granted
Never mind the rain when it's pouring down.



Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: The Bridge, 1994, track 6

Strawbs: Blue Angel, 2003, track 6

Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 2

Blue Angel lineup - 2009 live track



I was born
In the calm before the storm
In the quiet hour of dawn
With the full moon in my eyes.

I was kissed
By the rolling river mist
That betrayed the lovers' tryst
A mysterious disguise.

Cut like a diamond
Sharper than steel
Sweet as the razor's edge
Before the jagged wheel.

I am lost
I have sold my heart at cost
On the bridges that we crossed
I have carved my name in stone.

Bitter wife
You have cut me like a knife
I could never take a life
That could never take its own.

I was born
In the calm before the storm
In the quiet hour of dawn
With the full moon in my eyes.
I will die
With the sun high in the sky
With the river rolling by
Far below the bridge of sighs.



Strawbs: Burning For You, 1977, side 1, track 2

Strawbs: Greatest Hits Live, 1993, track 1

Strawbs: Concert Classics, 1999, track 6

1978 Live BBC In Concert (recorded Dec 1977, aired Feb 1978) - track not listed on sleeve

Strawbs: Burning For You (CD, Muskrat, Japan), 2003, track 2

Strawbs: Burning For You (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 2




The banker told the blind man
I've been watching you for weeks
Smiling when you cross the road
The blind man to his credit
Was both generous and kind
He never heard the bomb explode
They found his wounded wallet
Hanging from the banker's sign
His white stick was a crumpled mess
Remains of him were vaporised
Apart from one big fist
The banker never did confess
He sailed into the sunrise
With a crew of lady boys
Howling like a dog on heat

Money is the root of evil
Join him on the deck
Dancing to the devil's beat

The Minister for Pleasure
With a flick of his own wrist
Tossed a story to the waiting press
In truth we are determined
He said through gritted teeth
Government is handling the mess
The press reported little
There was little to report
Sickness spreading through the ranks
Disease was not contagious
It paralysed the tongue
The banker spat at them with thanks
The blind man showed remorse
With his bent and twisted stick
Wading in the blood around his feet

The Minister for Pleasure
Was first up on the floor
Dancing to the devil's beat

A lean and hungry colleague
Asked me just the other day
Who are you to criticise excess
I told him to his face
He was hiding in a bubble
Living out the dream of his success
Without his old white stick
He was walking the plank
Pirates to his left and right
While his heavy burden
Had been lifted for a while
His pot of gold was out of sight
No-one gives him space
In these twisted tangled times
Contempt they say is bitter sweet

You will always find him
Seething in the shadows
Dancing to the devil's beat



Strawbs: Dancing To The Devil's Beat, 2009, track 8



The silent prophet
Seeks his inspiration after midnight
With a candle lit for comfort
In the shadow of the shade.

Waves a parasol beneath the window
So enchanting and inviting
In the scheme that she has laid.

The lonely prophet
Waves to Belladonna from the window
In the hope that she will notice
And may wish to know his name.

But cruel Belladonna
Turns to face the waiting sunrise
With its promise of excitement
Thinking little of the game.

Shine your lantern brightly
Do not heed the darkness lightly
We must always talk politely
In the presence of the night
Deadly nightshade
Hear me calling
Shadows of the evening
Falling down.

The quiet prophet
Gathers up his papers for the fire
He alone will read the message
In the words that he has burned.

Belladonna tries the door
To find the room is empty
And she coldly rakes the ashes
For the love that she has spurned.



Strawbs: Deadlines, 1978, side 2, track 3

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD3, track 4

Dave Cousins acoustic demo

Strawbs: Deadlines (CD, WML), 2012, track 8

Strawbs: Deadlines (CD, WML), 2012, track 14

Dave Cousins acoustic demo

Strawbs: Deadlines (CD, WML), 2012, track 20

Dublin production mix


Strawbs: 45: "Joey And Me"/"Deadly Nightshade", 1978, side 2, track 1



High Seas version

Engine's turning
But there ain't no spark
Owls a-hooting
But the dog won't bark
No more greetings
From the meadowlark
Deep in the darkest night

I tried to warn you
But you'd gone too far
The cut was serious
But it left no scar
So now you're waving
From a distant star
Deep in the darkest night

You were youngest
But you stepped out first
You were gifted
But the gift was cursed
Your gave your good heart
'Til your good heart burst
Deep in the darkest night

You spoke your word
And your word was trust
But a will of iron
Can turn to rust
Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
Deep in the darkest night

You climbed your ladder
While the sun shone bright
But now you're a memory
Never out of sight
A shining speck of light
Deep in the darkest night.

Broken Hearted Bride version

Engine's turning
But there ain't no spark
Owls a-hooting
But the dog won't bark
No more greetings
From the meadowlark
Deep in the darkest night

I tried to warn you
But you'd gone too far
The cut was serious
But left no scar
Now you're waving
From a distant star
Deep in the darkest night

You climbed your ladder
While the sun shone bright
Now you're a memory
Never out of sight
A shining light
Deep in the darkest night

You were youngest
But you stepped out first
You were gifted
But the gift was cursed
You gave your good heart
'Til your good heart burst
Deep in the darkest night

You spoke your word
And your word was trust
But a will of iron
Can turn to rust
Ashes to ashes
And dust to dust
Deep in the darkest night

I know you're watching
And I wish you well
When next I see you
Only time will tell
When you see me coming
Give that rebel yell
Deep in the darkest night



Dave Cousins and Conny Conrad: High Seas, 2005, track 5

Strawbs: The Broken Hearted Bride, 2008, track 7

Strawbs version

Strawbs: Prognostic, 2014, track 5

Cousins and Conrad High Seas version



Who can I turn to
On this God forsaken highway
The sky is endless
Arctic blue
On a motherless morning
In the depths of the bleak midwinter
No one to turn to
Except for you

Bundles of money
Wouldn't make no blind bit of difference
No one to turn to
Except for you

Your love keeps the engine turning
I can feel it deep inside
The warmth of a fire burning
Deep inside

Storms are gathering
There is danger on the shoreline
Our fishing fleet
Is overdue
Please lay my body
In a casket lined with sea-shells
No one to turn to
Except for you.



Dave Cousins and Conny Conrad: High Seas, 2005, track 2






Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: 40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 2 (DVD), 2010, track 11



Do you remember the day we met
How we made our way in fits and starts
Do you remember the day we met
How we played our roles in silent parts
Oh what a day we had
Oh what a day.

Do you remember the day we met
How we kissed the way they do in France
Do you remember the day we met
How we lost our tongues before the dance
Oh what a day we had
Oh what a day.

Photographs of junior high
Your hair was straight and so was I

Do you remember the day we met
How we scandalised the scripture class
Do you remember the day we met
How we walked away on broken glass
Oh what a day we had
Oh what a day
Oh what a day we had
Oh what a day.



Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: The Bridge, 1994, track 7

Strawbs: Blue Angel, 2003, track 8






Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 4

Cry No More - 2009 live track



You brought a new kind of sound into my life
You brought love every day
You brought a new kind of sound into my life
And I threw it away.

You gave my eyes a new sight they'd never had before
You brought beauty every day
You gave my eyes a new sight they'd never had before
And I threw it away.

The song that I sing
Is the music I bring
Don't try to change me
I'm doing the best I can
Don't try to change me
I'm happy the way I am.

You gave the mornings a light they'd never seen before
You brought love every day
You gave my mornings a light I'd never seen before
And I threw it away.

The sound they appeared to hear
Was the sound that didn't disappear
But stayed forever
You are love, you need love
You know that much better than I do.

You brought a new kind of sound into my life
You brought music every day
You brought a new kind of sound into my life
And I threw it away.



Strawbs: Ghosts, 1974, side 2, track 2

Strawbs: Best Of Strawbs, 1978, side 3, track 1

Strawbs: Ghosts (CD, Universal), 1998, track 6


Strawbs: 45: "Lemon Pie"/"Don't Try To Change Me", 1974, side 2, track 1

UK, Australia and New Zealand went for "Don't Try To Change Me"



Maybe you think, a lot like me
Of those who live beside the sea
Who feel so free, so I surmise
With their comfortable homes, and wives
Who end up drinking tea together
In the afternoon of their lives.

They build their homes upon the seashore
The quicksand castles of their dreams
Yet take no notice of the North wind
Which tears their building at the seams.

In their dismay and blind confusion
The weeping widows clutch their shawls
While as the sea mist ever deepens
The sailors hear the sirens' calls.

And in the maelstrom sea which follows
The lifeboat sinks without a trace
And yet there still remain survivors
To bear the shame of their disgrace.

Last night I lay in bed
And held myself
Trying to remember
How it once was with you
How your hands were softer.

Yesterday I found myself
Staring into space
Rather like the sailor
In my own home surroundings
I'm not sure I know me.

If you were me what would you do
Don't tell me I don't need you to
It won't help me now.



Strawbs: Bursting At The Seams, 1973, side 1, track 4

Strawbs: Best Of Strawbs, 1978, side 3, track 5

Strawbs: Heroes Are Forever (2CD bootleg), 1990, CD2, track 10

1974 Live In Concert (11 Apr 1974, Golders Green Hippodrome, London)

Strawbs: Heroes Are Forever (2CD bootleg), 1990, CD2, track 10

1973 Live In Concert (25 Mar 1973, Paris Theatre, London)

Strawbs: A Choice Selection Of Strawbs, 1992, track 16

Strawbs: Greatest Hits Live, 1993, track 9

Strawbs: Strawbs In Concert, 1995, track 8

1973 live BBC In Concert

Strawbs: Strawbs In Concert, 1995, track 8

1973 live BBC In Concert

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 5

Strawbs: Bursting At The Seams (CD, Universal), 1998, track 5

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 16

Strawbs: The Complete Strawbs (Live At Chiswick House), 2000, track 14

Acoustic Strawbs: Baroque And Roll, 2001, track 11

Strawbs: Tears And Pavan, 2002, track 123

Strawbs: Live At Nearfest, 2005, track 12

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD5, track 17

Live recording, Thalgau, 2006

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 4

1973 Live In Concert (25 Mar 1973, Paris Theatre, London)

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 17

1974 Live In Concert (11 Apr 1974, Golders Green Hippodrome, London)

Strawbs: Prognostic, 2014, track 7

Greatest Hits Live version

Strawbs: Witchwood - The Very Best Of, 2014, track 11



The dragonfly appeared
The North wind brought it by
As summer slipped away
And autumn was approaching
It flew through silver trees
That stood beside the lake
I looked into its eyes
To find that it was smiling.

The dragonfly was mine
As slender as a wand
It cast a spell as it clung
To leaves that soon were falling
Its camouflage grew faint
As my mind grew darker still
I scarcely dared to breathe
It was frail and I might harm it.

Its touch was as soft as the thistledown
That is borne on the evening breeze
Its kiss was as warm as the summer rain
That whispers and sighs through the trees
And now the warmth of the pale winter sun
Has melted the heart of the snow
I lie awake throughout the night
And wait for the North wind to blow.



Strawbs: Dragonfly, 1970, side 1, track 2

Strawbs: Early Strawbs (2LP), 1974, side 1, track 2

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD4, track 15

Acoustic Strawbs 2005 live version

Strawbs: Dragonfly (CD, Universal), 2008, track 2



[Sitar Instrumental]



Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD5, track 2

1970 live version, not included on Recollection




Each manner of man
Whatever his age
Can reach for the stars
Yet burnish in rage
To walk through the fields
Yo gather the flowers
At nature's request whatever the hours

Whenever the sun shall raise a stain
To glisten the dew with a golden caress
To pleasure the earth with the warmth of its rays
Like a young girl's new dress.

Each manner of woman
Shall wear a disguise
To measure the man
With steel in her eyes
In offering comfort
The traveller within
May quicken the pace
The nature of sin.

Whatever the dream shall seem in vain
The sparkle of stars doth most certain impress
To flatter the heart with the power of praise
Of a young man's success.

Each manner of God
Can transcend belief
The jewel in the crown
In the eyes of a thief
An item so precious
Obsession is fear
But mercy is finite
The judgment severe

If ever the doubt shall still remain
The days gather pace like a mighty express
Reminding us all to reflect on oiur ways
Nothing more, nothing more
Nothing less.



Strawbs: Settlement, 2021, side 1, track 4

Strawbs: Settlement (CD), 2021, track 4






Strawbs: Of A Time, 2012, track 23

by Tony Viscont - from the Strawbs original master tapes



Long gone the days, of which dreams were made
Naive in the glow of evergreen
Innocent days, of fresh airs and graces
The bruising of hearts, the losing of races.

Passionate days, remember them well
The devil may care of evergreen
We measured success in the stains on the back seat
Our tongues in your mouths, our hands on your heartbeat.

Sweet evergreen
You are all the love
There's ever been
You are all to me
And more sweet evergreen.

Gentle the breeze that blows through the trees
Caressing the leaves of evergreen
We married in haste, young lambs to the slaughter
We weep in the arms of a favourite daughter.

Sweet evergreen
You are all the love
There's ever been
You are all to me
And more sweet evergreen.

Here in the windchill years of our lives
We dwell in the shade of evergreen
Stirring the last of the slow burning embers
Counting our way through a year of Decembers.

Sweet evergreen
You are all the love
There's ever been
You are all to me
And more sweet evergreen
Sweet evergreen
You are all the love
There's ever been
You are all to me
And more sweet evergreen.



Strawbs: Don't Say Goodbye, 1987, side 2, track 2

Strawbs: Don't Say Goodbye (CD), 1987, track 7

Acoustic Strawbs: Baroque And Roll, 2001, track 4

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD3, track 16

Dave Cousins acoustic demo

Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 13

Acoustic Strawbs with Royal Artillery Orchestra, conductor Robert Kirby - 2009 live track

Dave Cousins: The Spoken Word Of Dave Cousins, 2010, track 15

Spoken word version released on CD at back of Secrets, Stories and Song book

Acoustic Strawbs: Acoustic Gold, 2011, track 5

Baroque & Roll version



When there's no other way
When there is nowhere left to turn
I'll be your runaway tonight
We'll find a hideaway
We'll let the storm clouds pass on by
While in our warm embrace we'll fly

Everybody knows
It's only love will set you free
Everybody know this time

Let love become the way
Let love caress and heal your pain
Angels will find a way tonight
And in our open ways
And in the beauty of the world
We'll find our hearts will sing with joy

Everybody knows
It's only love will set you free
Everybody knows this time

Love to live and live to love
Follow feelings from above
In fascination
We can reach elation
Take your dreams and let them go
Touch my heart and feel
The flowing river to the ocean
Such devotion
See the earth
And feel the power
Have no doubt this is the hour
To stand together
In complete celebration

Everybody knows
It's only love will set you free
Everybody knows this time.



Strawbs: The Broken Hearted Bride, 2008, track 9



I found a piece of driftwood on a beach
Stood in a place where I could reach
And touch it
Forever and a day

When all of your belongings
Are stacked up on a shelf
You've got time on your hands
Feeling sorry for yourself
Maybe someone's waiting
For the phone to ring
Think of the surprise your call might bring
Everybody means something to someone

When time goes by in no time
But stretches out for weeks
You're on the hook to heaven
And every stairway creaks
Maybe someone's lonesome
Just like you
Who'd appreciate a letter
Out of the blue
Everybody means something to someone

The driftwood spoke ijn riddles
From the wreck of royalty
Who stood upon the decks
Waving their caps
Forever and a day

Think of all the friends
You knew way back when
I best you lost touch
With nine out of ten
Just take a moment
To send them a note
It's not what you say
It's the fact that you wrote
Everybody means something to someone.



Strawbs: The Magic Of It All, 2023, side 1, track 4

Strawbs: The Magic Of It All (CD), 2023, track 4






Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD4, track 4

1993 Silver Jubilee tour live Don Airey keyboard solo




The countryside was out of sight
The sky was acid blue
The saplings were beside themselves
The storm had passed on through
The trees were wearing racing silks
A vibrant grass-snake green
With maidens clutching violets
In many shades between

But somewhere in the distance
I could hear the tolling bell
I saw myself reflecting back
Face down in the well

The tolling bell reminded me
Of someone I had lost
I could not quite remember who
Or what had been the cost
Naked from the waist up
Naked upside down
No matter how you break your fall
You sure as hell will drown

The hounds from hell were howling
For the many wasted years
While every sin was washed away
With semi-precious tears
Some said it was suicide
Others first degree
No matter what the paradox
Was somehow lost on me

The courage of a patient man
Is measured in his pace
While some may take the higher ground
Others run the race
Some folks do the dandy strut
And trade as ne'er do well
But I have always please myself

Somewhere in the distance
I could hear the rebel yell
I saw myself reflecting back
Face down in the well.



Strawbs: Deja Fou, 2004, track 3

Dave Cousins: The Spoken Word Of Dave Cousins, 2010, track 7

Spoken word version released on CD at back of Secrets, Stories and Song book



Falling in love again
I never wanted to
What am I to do
I can't help it.

Love's always been my game
Play it as I may
I was made this way
I can't help it.

Girls gather round me
Like moths around the flame
And if their wings burn
You know I'm not to blame.



Dave Cousins: Secret Paths, 2008, track 11

with Melvin Duffy



Introduction to DC solo 2008 live performance of "We'll Meet Again Sometime" on Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures.



Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures, 2015, track 18






Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 12

Fire - 2009 live track



Introduction to DC solo 2008 live performance of "Blue Angel" on Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures.



Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures, 2015, track 14






Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD4, track 5

Dave Cousins And Don Airey demo



Her hair the weeping willow
At the water's edge
And from my windy crag
Above the moorland sedge
I see the willow fronds caress the ripples
I feel her nipples
At my fingertips.

Her breasts are gentle snowdrifts
In an open field
The supple fingered winter wind
The grass concealed
And though the winter wind may be deceiving
I feel her breathing
At my fingertips.

Her legs the spreading branches
Of the tree of life
The willow wand will bend
Before the woodman's knife
The tangle thicket parts before the forest fire
Her warm desire
Is at my fingertips.



Strawbs: Just A Collection Of Antiques And Curios, 1970, side 2, track 1

Strawbs: Just A Collection Of Antiques And Curios (1998 CD, Universal), 1998, track 4

Strawbs: Recollection, 2006, track 5

1970 live version

Dave Cousins: The Spoken Word Of Dave Cousins, 2010, track 3

Spoken word version released on CD at back of Secrets, Stories and Song book

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 8

1971 Live In Concert (recorded 23 Jun 1971, aired 1 Jun 1973)


Strawbs: 45: "Forever"/"Fingertips", 1970, side 2, track 1

In Italy, the B-side was "Fingertips", in UK "Another Day"

Strawbs: 45: "Where Is This Dream Of Your Youth"/"Fingertips", 1971, side 2, track 1

The Dutch single has the main track in two parts; the Dutch single has an edited version with "Fingertips" as the B-side.






Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 11

Fire - 2009 live track



I wish I were a bird
Then I could fly
I'd see the crowded people
As they go by
I'd soar into the air
And fly as high as I could see
Drifting through the clouds
With no-one to bother me
Just looking for a star
I wonder if you are here.

I feel the loss of time
As days go by
And see the lonely people
Who wonder why
Just searching for a reason
To reveal a secret sin
Trying to find an answer
To release the good within
Just looking for a star
I wonder if you are here.

I'll rise the early bird at dawn
To sing my ever-loving song
I'd come and sit beside you a friend
Then you'll see me flying again.



Strawbs: From The Witchwood, 1971, side 1, track 4

Strawbs: From The Witchwood (CD, Universal), 1998, track 4


(Trad arr.)




Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 3, track 8



Does your head turn left and right
I know exactly how you feel
When your nerves are jarred with fright, until
You're floating in the wind.

When your day is underdone
And you're never satisfied
How the way your life is run, don't hide
You're floating in the wind.

You're gonna be woke up, broke up, paralysed
And never know where on Earth you are
You wanna be leaving something but can't choose
An unmarked label on a jar
You're floating in the wind.

Some can't get what they want
Waiting is no substitute
When they could be using force, don't shoot!
I'm floating in the wind.

People play a waiting game
Each determined not to lose
Friends and enemies alike they use
I'm floating in the wind.

You're gonna be woke up, broke up, paralysed
And never know where on Earth you are
You wanna be leaving something but can't choose
An unmarked label on a jar
You're floating in the wind.

You hear the biggest lies you've ever heard
Then you're expected to almost hang on to their every word
They took my mind and put it in a tin
Like the rest of them so you'll find me floating in the wind
One of the many things we never learn
Is how to be heard and not be afraid of speaking out of turn
If peace between us all is wafer thin
Be it on our heads, for you'll find me floating in the wind.



Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 11

Hudson Ford

Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 8

John Ford - 2009 live track



Young boy that I know
Feels he has lived too long
His spirit of adventure
Slipped away
With little sense of pride
He feels deep down inside
He is flying
To be free again.

Young girl that I know
Feels she has lost her way
Her only chance of love
Once passed her by
But little does she know
This is hardly so
She is flying
To be free again.

And just as in the willow pattern fantasy
The boy and girl have crossed the bridge of tears
And like the birds above
They are sending down their love.

Flying to be free again.
Crying to be free again.
Dying to be free again.



Strawbs: Bursting At The Seams, 1973, side 1, track 1

Strawbs: Japanese Sampler, 1973, side 2, track 6

Strawbs: Bursting At The Seams (CD, Universal), 1998, track 1






Strawbs: Settlement, 2021, side 2, track 2

Strawbs: Settlement (CD), 2021, track 6



Red tears of deepest sorrow
Will flow until tomorrow
The sun sets in the West
And nights grow cold

I'm following the rainbow
'Till I find a pot of gold

The orange blossom falling
And the sound of people calling
Will last a million years
So I have been told

Yellow flowers in the morning
Will blossom in a warning
The river bursts its banks
Unless controlled

Green trees upon the mountain
And a ripple of a fountain
A silver kiss at night
And love was sold

The blue moon sends a shiver
Of light across the River
There's nothing left but space
For men to hold

An indigo confusion
Is the sign of man's delusion
The searing heat
Turns matter into mould

The violet robes of morning
Will surely bring a warning
To everyone around
Who's growing old.



Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 2, track 7



Blue skies above me
I've someone to love me
To take good care of me

Through all that time can send
We'll make it to the end
Just you and me my friend

Oh weeping willow
Please share my pillow
So that the clouds will billow

And I don't have to bend
We'll make it to the end
Just you and me my friend

The gypsy woman
Who sold me her heather
She told me its good luck
Would last me

We've got our lives to spend
We'll make it to the end
Just you and me my friend

Through all that time can send
We'll make it to the end
Just you and me my friend



Strawbs: By Choice, 1974, side 1, track 3

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 6

Strawbs: Just A Collection Of Antiques And Curios (1998 CD, Universal), 1998, track 9

1998 CD bonus track

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD1, track 16

Dragonfly outtake

Strawbs: Dragonfly (CD, Universal), 2008, track 11


Strawbs: 45: "Forever"/"Another Day", 1970, side 1, track 1

In Italy, the B-side was "Fingertips", in UK "Another Day"

Strawbs: 45: "Forever"/"Fingertips", 1970, side 1, track 1

In Italy, the B-side was "Fingertips", in UK "Another Day"



Treasure each passing day
Each hour and every moment
This is where we belong
Where the heart beats strong
Should you ever feel alone - don't despair
I'll always be around to take good care.

On lonely winter days
We'll think of one another
And in the darkest night
Look for my guiding light
And should you ever feel alone - don't despair
We'll soon be on our way
But who knows where.

We'll build ourselves a dreamboat
Me and you
Forever ocean blue

I sometimes close my eyes
When I'm in distant places
I see you wild and free
Down beside the sea
Should you ever feel alone - then don't despair
We've got our everlasting love affair.



Strawbs: Ringing Down The Years (CD, Virgin Canada), 1991, track 3

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: Hummingbird, 2002, track 13



Strike the fiddle, start the hoedown
Rid me of my heavy load
I can see those bright lights shining
A little way further down the road.

Mysteries of ancient wonders
Vanish as my world explodes
Memories of old ambitions
A little way further down the road.

All the pain of making progress
Vanished when the West wind blowed
I have seen myself tomorrow
A little way further down the road.

I have rid myself of strangers
Buried in the overload
I can see myself tomorrow
A little way further down the road.



Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: The Bridge, 1994, track 2

Strawbs: The Complete Strawbs (Live At Chiswick House), 2000, track 1

Strawbs: Blue Angel, 2003, track 3

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD4, track 2

Dave Cousins acoustic demo




Sweet Dreams

Go to sleep my babies
Don't you wake up
The stars will keep you company
So close your eyes
Old Uncle Moon will shine his dearest sweetest dreams
And hold you in your arms
Until the morning comes.

Night Light

Dark the night, not a sound
Damp and cold, frosty ground
Above your head the lion screams
To tear you from your moonlit dreams.

Damp with sweat, mouth is dry
Twisted branches catch the eye
Beside your bed the angel stands
You cannot touch his withered hands.

Guardian Angel

As the lion's eyes dance before me
They are kindly yet bloody red
I can see that he is smiling
But I cannot live inside his head.

There the needle stands before me
I climb inside it towards the light
Where the angel stands in glory
His sword of peace defends the night.

So the world is spread before
As I fly high on angel wings
But the angel is deceiving
For he is weeping as he sings.

Night Light (continued)

Early birds, morning breeze
Spinning leaves, sleepy trees
Gently tap the window pane
It's good to see the sun again.



Strawbs: Ghosts, 1974, side 1, track 1

Strawbs: Ghosts (CD, Universal), 1998, track 1

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 1

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 12

Strawbs: Concert Classics, 1999, track 2

1978 Live BBC In Concert (recorded Dec 1977, aired Feb 1978)

Acoustic Strawbs: Baroque And Roll, 2001, track 5

Strawbs: Tears And Pavan, 2002, track 13

Strawbs: 20th Century Masters - Millennimum Collection, 2003, track 10

Strawbs: NY '75, 2007, track 2

1975 live version

Strawbs: Lay Down With The Strawbs (2CD), 2008, track 4

2006 live version

Acoustic Strawbs: Acoustic Gold, 2011, track 1

Baroque & Roll version

Strawbs: Witchwood - The Very Best Of, 2014, track 17






Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD2, track 15

field recording of church bells



You gave me so much pleasure
But caused me so much pain
I really don't believe
That I could go through this again.

I'm going home
I'm going home
I'm going home
I'm going home.

A friend and I were talking
We've been much the same
Both of us decided
To forget you ever came.

I'm going to frame you as a memory
And hang you on the wall
To keep me straight and narrow
Should I ever start to fall.



Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer, 1972, side 2, track 5

Strawbs: Grave New World (CD, Universal), 1998, track 14

From Two Weeks Last Summer

Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer (CD, Media Arte), 2005, track 9

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD2, track 5

alternate version with Lambert vocals

Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 9


Dave Cousins: 45: "Going Home"/"Ways And Means", 1972, side 1, track 1

Released in UK and Japan only (the latter with a splndid picture wrapper).




It's not an easy word to say
Sometimes life turns out that way.

It's time to make another start
You never mend a broken heart.

I cried
I lied
I looked the other way
I tried to make you see that we were through
There was nothing else to do.



Strawbs: Burning For You, 1977, side 2, track 5

Strawbs: Burning For You (CD, Muskrat, Japan), 2003, track 10

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD3, track 3

Alternate version

Strawbs: Burning For You (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 10

Strawbs: Burning For You (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 12

Alternate version


Strawbs: 45: "Heartbreaker"/"Goodbye (Is Not n Easy Word To Say)", 1977, side 2, track 1

US, Canada opted for "Burning For Me" as the b-side, South Africa went for "Goodbye"



You have been my lighthouse
In every storm
You have given shelter
You have kept me safe and warm
And in my darkest nights
You have shone your brightest lights
You are my saving grace
Darling I love you.

You have been the pilot
Who guides me home
You have been the my rock
As on the seven seas I roam
And when I was becalmed
You were the strength in my arms
You are my saving grace
Darling I love you.

And when I found my back
Was torn and broken on the reef
You sailed your tiny boat
Across the dark seas of my disbelief.

You have been the anchor
And I the chain
Straining as we hold ourselves
Together in the rain
I have found you ever there
My constant keeper's daughter fair
You are my saving grace
Darling I love you.



Strawbs: Ghosts, 1974, side 2, track 5

Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: Old School Songs, 1979, side 1, track 1

Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: Old School Songs (CD, Muskrat), 1979, track 1

Strawbs: Ringing Down The Years (CD, Virgin Canada), 1991, track 4

Strawbs: Greatest Hits Live, 1993, track 7

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 2

Strawbs: Ghosts (CD, Universal), 1998, track 9

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 13

Strawbs: The Complete Strawbs (Live At Chiswick House), 2000, track 2

Various Artists: Thirty Years In Rock, 2001, track 4

1990 live version from Greatest Hits Live

Strawbs: Tears And Pavan, 2002, track 6

Strawbs: The Collection, 2002, track 11

Strawbs: 20th Century Masters - Millennimum Collection, 2003, track 9

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: Live 1988, 2005, track 1

DC solo Exeter, 1988

Strawbs: Painted Sky, 2005, track 2

Acoustic Strawbs version

Dave Cousins: Duochrome, 2008, track 5

DC solo, Milwaukee 2008

Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 10

Dave Cousins and Ian Cutler - 2009 live track

Dave Cousins: The Spoken Word Of Dave Cousins, 2010, track 10

Spoken word version released on CD at back of Secrets, Stories and Song book

Acoustic Strawbs: Acoustic Gold, 2011, track 6

Acoustic Strawbs unreleased live version recorde at Johnny D's, Somerville MA)

Strawbs: Witchwood - The Very Best Of, 2014, track 16

Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures, 2015, track 10

DC solo 2008 live performance


Strawbs: 45: "Grace Darling"/"Changes Arrange Us" (sic), 1974, side 1, track 1

UK only single - B-side is misnamed as "Changes Arranges", correct name was "Changes Arrange Us"

Strawbs: 45: "Angel Wine"/"Grace Darling", 1974, side 2, track 1

Japanese only single with "Grace Darling" as the b-side




Iridescent leaves
Bursting au vert through shadows
Put spring in our step

The height of pleasure
Fleet footed does in bracken
Surrounded by stag

Coven in witch wood
Seeking refuge in colours
A rainfall of tears

Red-breasted robin
Bearing garland of briers
A crumb of cold cheer.



Dave Cousins and Conny Conrad: High Seas, 2005, track 10

Dave Cousins: The Spoken Word Of Dave Cousins, 2010, track 9

Spoken word version released on CD at back of Secrets, Stories and Song book


(Trad arr.)

I wish I was in London
Or some other sea port town
I'd set my foot on a steamboat
That'd sail the ocean around

Sail across the ocean
Sailing across the sea
I think of handsome Molly
Where ever I may be

Her eyes were dark as raisins
Her hair was black as coal
And she's the finest lady
Where ever I may go

Do you remember Molly
When you gave me your right hand
You swore that if you married
I would be your man

I went to Church on Sunday
I saw her go on by
I knew her love was changing
By the rolling of her eyes.



Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 2, track 2



Is it the painter or the picture
Hanging in the gallery?
Admired by countless thousands
Who attempt to read the secrets
Of his vision of his very soul.
Is it the painter or the picture
Hanging in the gallery?
Or is it but a still life
Of his own interpretation
Of the way that God had made us
In the image of His eye?

Is it the sculptor or the sculpture
Hanging in the gallery?
Touched by fleeting strangers
Who desire to feel the strength of hands
That realised a form of life.
Is it the sculptor or the sculpture
Hanging in the gallery?
Or is it but the tenderness
With which his hands were guided
To discard the unessentials
And reveal the perfect truth?

Is it the actor or the drama
Playing to the gallery?
Heard in every corner
Of the theatre of cruelty
That masks the humour in his speech.
Is it the actor or the drama
Playing to the gallery?
Or is it but the character
Of any single member of the audience
That forms the plot
Of each and every play?

Is it the singer or his likeness
Hanging in the gallery?
Tongue black, still and swollen,
His eyes staring from their sockets,
He is silent now, will sing no more.
Is it the singer or his likeness
Hanging in the gallery?
Or is it but his conscience,
Insecurity, and loneliness,
When destiny becomes at last
The cause of his demise?



Strawbs: Nomadness, 1975, side 2, track 4

Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: Old School Songs, 1979, side 2, track 2

Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: Old School Songs (CD, Muskrat), 1979, track 7

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 16

Strawbs: NY '75, 2007, track 4

1975 live version

Dave Cousins: Duochrome, 2008, track 1

DC solo, Milwaukee 2008

Strawbs: Nomadness (CD, Universal), 2008, track 9

Dave Cousins: The Spoken Word Of Dave Cousins, 2010, track 1

Spoken word version released on CD at back of Secrets, Stories and Song book

Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures, 2015, track 2

DC solo 2008 live performance



The red sun sets, the lone wolves wail
It's lonesome here out on the Eastern trail
And all my friends are tired and pale
It's going to be a hard, hard winter
Long and cold.

My eyes reflect the crystal moon
As cold as ice at highest noon
The birds have left a month too soon
It's going to be a hard, hard winter
Long and cold.

My lady of the midnight sun
Shone her rays on everyone
But knew not when the day was done
She wasted her life
Having fun.

The night grows old, the sandman cries
He may be sad but is he wise
The tears are frozen to his eyes
It's going to be a hard, hard winter
Long and cold.



Strawbs: Deep Cuts (CD, Muskrat), 2003, track 3

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (CD, Muskrat), 2003, track 3


(Trad arr.)




Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 2, track 3



I was taken prisoner and carried down
To a dungeon cold and bleak
Where my trial was a foregone conclusion
At which I might never speak
While the innocent live with freedom of speech
And the confidence of their wives
So the guilty remain on Heartbreak Hill
In the chains of their humdrum lives.

The sun beat a trail in the summer sky
It mounted me with desire
It consumed me with ease and then left me to burn
In the wake of its hungry fire
I was torn limb from limb by its passionate kiss
I was left in a cold deep sweat
Now I shiver alone on Heartbreak Hill
With a memory to forget.

It was spring when I woke from a long deep sleep
Inspired with a second chance
And I join with the newborn leaves in the trees
Spinning in the dance
As I rubbed the sleep from my deep-rimmed eyes
I was gratified by the sight
Now I see myself on Heartbreak Hill
In a totally different light.

If I've broken my back on the treadmill once
I've broken my heart on it twice
I'm not going back on Heartbreak Hill
At any price.

A man must do what a man must do
A woman must do what she must
But neither can really be satisfied
Without that mutual trust
In the eyes of a child, there's a simple truth
One can either be right or wrong
But if you ask those on Heartbreak Hill
They will sing you a different song.

If I've broken my back on the treadmill once
I've broken my heart on it twice
I'm not going back on Heartbreak Hill
At any price
At any price
At any price.



Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill, 1978, track 4

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill, 1978, track 4

Various Artists: The Witchwood Project, 2006, track 1

Platinum Edition remaster

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD4, track 3

1993 Silver Jubilee tour live recording with Don Airey

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill (CD, WML), 2006, track 4

Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 1

Heartbreak Hill lineup - 2009 live track

Strawbs: Prognostic, 2014, track 1

??2009 live version

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 4

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 11

2009 live version from 4oth Anniversary celebrations



I need someone to call my own
Someone to be near me forever
I won't cry when I grow old alone
So many chances I've never taken.

I want her
I want her
And I want love.

A heart that takes is soon to break
A heart that is giving will give forever
Now I've learned to give, so now I live
Waiting for someone I can give to.

I can't believe this is happening to me
I can't believe this is happening to me
Won't let you down, won't let you down
I'll always be around, always be around.

A heart that takes is soon to break
A heart that is giving will give forever
Now I've learned to give, so now I live
Waiting for someone I can give to.



Strawbs: Burning For You, 1977, side 2, track 3

Strawbs: Concert Classics, 1999, track 4

1978 Live BBC In Concert (recorded Dec 1977, aired Feb 1978)

Strawbs: Burning For You (CD, Muskrat, Japan), 2003, track 8

Strawbs: Live At Nearfest, 2005, track 9

Strawbs: Burning For You (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 8


Strawbs: 45: "Heartbreaker"/"Goodbye (Is Not n Easy Word To Say)", 1977, side 1, track 1

US, Canada and South Africa only

Strawbs: 45: "Heartbreaker"/"Burning For Me", 1977, side 1, track 1

US, Canada and South Africa only






Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD5, track 9

Different song with Dave Cousins vocals

Strawbs: Burning For You (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 14

Different song to the Lambert track, this one sung by Dave Cousins on the Intergalactic Touring Band album and single , released in 1977



There's a cafe on the corner where the Latin lovers meet
They're dancing to the rhythm of the night and the heat of the street.
There's a glow of expectation, the narcotic of the beat
They're dancing to the rhythm of the night and the heat of the street.

Rhythm of the night, heat of the street.
Rhythm of the night and the heat of the street.

There's a girl in every alley trying to whip you off your feet
They're dancing to the rhythm of the night and the heat of the street.

They play it tough
They play it cool
They play to win
They drink the pool
They play it by the golden rule
Lady Luck is no-one's fool.

There are roly poly mamas, electric slippers on their feet
They're dancing to the rhythm of the night and the heat of the street.

When they offer you the menu, try the rack of spicy meat
They're dancing to the rhythm of the night and the heat of the street.



Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: The Bridge, 1994, track 4



Crowded afternoon and there's not enough room in the city today
The people assembled to hear what resembled evangelists say
Some came just to see them for a laugh
Others to be free
Fools must pretend to be wise
We've a faith that we use as a heavy disguise.

Tears from the crowd with men crying aloud or just ringing their hands
The love in their hearts at this joining of people from far away lands
I'd so many questions I could ask
I wanted to be free
Fools must pretend to be wise
We've a faith that we use as a heavy disguise.

Cheers from the crowd for a much-loved constituent lately arrived
Here's to the soul of the man who takes toll for just staying alive
Can't ignore the feeling in the air
Glad that I was there
Fools must pretend to be wise
We've a faith that we use as a heavy disguise.

Evening drew on with a change of opinion from left wing and right
And North accused South who were left little doubt that they needed to fight
I cannot begin to understand
The suffering tonight
Fools must pretend to be wise
We've a faith that we use as a heavy disguise.



Strawbs: Grave New World, 1972, side 1, track 4

Strawbs: Best Of Strawbs, 1978, side 4, track 2

Strawbs: Heroes Are Forever (2CD bootleg), 1990, CD2, track 7

1973 Live In Concert (25 Mar 1973, Paris Theatre, London)

Strawbs: Strawbs In Concert, 1995, track 6

1973 live BBC In Concert

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 15

Strawbs: Grave New World (CD, Universal), 1998, track 44

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD3, track 14

1984 rehearsal recording

Strawbs: Lay Down With The Strawbs (2CD), 2008, track 9

2006 live version - John Ford with Acoustic Strawbs

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 1 - In Session, 2010, track

1972 BBC sessions

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 1

1973 Live In Concert (25 Mar 1973, Paris Theatre, London)

Strawbs: Witchwood - The Very Best Of, 2014, track 5

Strawbs: The Battle (2LP), 2019, side 4, track 4

1972 session - Sounds Of The Seventies, 19 Apr 1972)


Strawbs: 45: "Heavy Disguise"/"Benedictus", 1972, side 1, track 1

US and Canada put "Benedictus" on the B-side, with "Heavy Disguise" as the lead track

Strawbs: 45: "Part Of The Union"/"Heavy Disguise", 1973, side 2, track 1

Japan had "Heavy Disguise" as the B-side



t was quiet for days
Then the skies turned red with spite
It was quiet for days
Then the skies turned red with spite
All hell's breaking out
Along the coast tonight

In a backstreet road
A row of houses burned
In a backstreet road
A row of houses burned
There's blood seeping out
Where someone's head was turned

From high above
The bombs were raining down
From high above
The bombs were raining down
As the sirens sounded out
Across the town

Tracers flashed through
The jet-black oily smoke
Tracers flashed through
The jet-black oily smoke
Shells exploded
But the sprit never broke

Came all clear
And bluebirds flew day long
Came all clear
And bluebirds flew day long
Vera Lynn sang
Her patriotic song

I looked out to sea
Through the silent airman's eyes
I looked out to sea
Through the silent airman's eyes
God rest his soul
For the ever open skies.



Dave Cousins: The Boy In The Sailor Suit, 2007, track 10

with the Blue Angel Orchestra

Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 6

Dave Cousins with the Blue Angel Orchestra - 2009 live track






Strawbs: Live In Gettysburg, 2017, track 9



I will give you silver
I will give you gold
I will give you treasures
To keep when you are old.

Here it comes
Here it comes
Here it comes
Here it comes.

The moon will be your chariot
The heavens open wide
I will be your comfort
As through the stars you glide.

Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes.

Come and lay beside me
We'll light a single flame
Safe and warm within you
My thigh (?) will bear your name.

Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes.



Strawbs: By Choice, 1974, side 2, track 2

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 1

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 4

Strawbs: Grave New World (CD, Universal), 1998, track 13

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD2, track 3

1972 BBC sessions, track also released on Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (CD).

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 1 - In Session, 2010, track

1972 BBC sessions, track also released on Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (CD).


Strawbs: 45: "Here It Comes"/"Benedictus", 1972, side 2, track 1

Italy had "Benedictus" as the B-side instead of "Tomorrow" as wa the case elsewhere.

Strawbs: 45: "Here It Comes"/"Tomorrow", 1972, side 1, track 1

The following territories had "Tomorrow" as the B-side to "Here Germany, Australia, South Africa, and Kenya (the only known release here).



Puddly pools, oily traces
Storm clouds scudding past the moon
Rusty hinges broken windows
All is broken, all too soon

Here today, gone tomorrow
Shadows in the setting sun
Here today, gone tomorrow
Darkness when the day is done

Broken china doll stares blind
Painted porcelain figurine
Loved to death by those who loved her
Prettiest face you've ever seen

Down the hill houses tumble
Overlapping cheek by jowl
Strike a match, frozen fingers
Restless dog begins to growl.



Strawbs: Deja Fou, 2004, track 11

Strawbs: Live At Nearfest, 2005, track 14

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD4, track 17

2006 live version



Hero's face was gaunt and tanned
His sail was set in search of land
His life-raft, solely by him manned
Was guided by the tide
Heroine wore fleecy white
She beckoned like some saviour bright
Shipwrecked sailors in the night
Were bid welcome to her side.

Where one man's search must surely cease
The irresistible white fleece
Led Hero in search of the peace
That she alone could offer
Thus he knelt before her feet
Wary lest their eyes should meet
He knew his life was incomplete
For he had yet to suffer.

Enticing Heroine, so calm
Took Hero firmly by the arm
Told him that she meant no harm
That she alone could save him
Hero could no longer speak
While realising he was weak
His life increasingly grew bleak
For all the love she gave to him.

While storm clouds gathered high above
The heroine he grew to love
Turned slowly to a snow white dove
And spread her wings to fly
Crushed and broken in the end
Hero watched his soul ascend
Knowing that he was condemned
To sail all alone to die.



Strawbs: Hero And Heroine, 1974, side 2, track 1

Strawbs: Best Of Strawbs, 1978, side 1, track 1

Strawbs: Rock Storia E Musica (cass), 1983, side 1, track 7

Strawbs: Heroes Are Forever (2CD bootleg), 1990, CD2, track 8

1974 Live In Concert (11 Apr 1974, Golders Green Hippodrome, London)

Strawbs: A Choice Selection Of Strawbs, 1992, track 11

Strawbs: Greatest Hits Live, 1993, track 12

Strawbs: Strawbs In Concert, 1995, track 15

1974 live BBC In Concert

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine (CD, Universal), 1998, track 1

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 13

B-side of Canadian sing "Cherie Je T'Aime"

Strawbs: Concert Classics, 1999, track 9

1978 Live BBC In Concert (recorded Dec 1977, aired Feb 1978)

Strawbs: The Complete Strawbs (Live At Chiswick House), 2000, track 7

Various Artists: Thirty Years In Rock, 2001, track 14

live 1998 Chiswick version with Ric Sanders and Adam Wakeman

Strawbs: Tears And Pavan, 2002, track 14

Strawbs: 20th Century Masters - Millennimum Collection, 2003, track 6

Strawbs: Live At Nearfest, 2005, track 13

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD4, track 6

Live 1998 Chiswick recording with Ric Sanders

Strawbs: NY '75, 2007, track 13

1975 live version

Strawbs: Lay Down With The Strawbs (2CD), 2008, track 3

2006 live version

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 15

1974 Live In Concert (11 Apr 1974, Golders Green Hippodrome, London)

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine In Ascensia, 2011, track 6

re-recorded 2012 version

Strawbs: Witchwood - The Very Best Of, 2014, track 15

Strawbs: Live In Gettysburg, 2017, track 6

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine (SHM CD, Universal Japan), 2018, track 1


Strawbs: 45: "Hero And Heroine"/"Round And Round", 1974, track

Spain and Germany had "Round And Round" as the B-side instead of "Why" as wa the case elsewhere.

Strawbs: 45: "Hero And Heroine"/"Why", 1974, side 1, track 1

The following territories had "Why" as the B-side to "Hero And Heroine": UK, Portugal, Yugoslavia, Australia, NZ



Hey little man
Won't you come and sit by my side
Give me your car
How about if we go for a ride
We could feel the wind
Blow through our hair
Wouldn't it be nice
For maybe an hour
To not have a care.



Strawbs: Grave New World, 1972, side 1, track 2

Strawbs: Grave New World (CD, Universal), 1998, track 2



Hey little man
I could buy you a train or a gun
I'd choose the train
Ride away while the battle is won
I would sing this song
To earn me the fare
Wouldn't it be nice
For maybe an hour
To not have a care.



Strawbs: Grave New World, 1972, side 1, track 6

Strawbs: Grave New World (CD, Universal), 1998, track 6


(Trad. Arr. Cousins/Wakeman)

Polly, dearest Polly
The war is now begun
And I must ride away
At the beating of the drum
Come dress yourself
All in your best
Come go along with me
I will take you
To the cruel wars
In Higher Germanie

Oh Harry, dearest Harry
Mind what I do say
My feet they are so tired
I cannot go away
Besides, my dearest Harry
Though I'm in love with thee
I am not fit for cruel wars
In Higher Germanie

I'll buy for you a horse, my love
And on it you shall ride
And all of my contentment
Shall be rarching by your side
We'll stop at every alehouse
And drink when we are dry
So quickly on the road, my love
We will marry by and by

Oh cursed be those cruel wars
That ever they should rise
And out of Merry England
Take many a lad likewise
They took my dearest Harry
Also his brothers three
And sent them to the cruel wars
In Higher Germanie.



Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: Hummingbird, 2002, track 7



Half a bitter for the vicar
He's here to save your soul
He's looking fat and jovial
Though he's nearly on the dole
Anne Riley cooks his dinner
She keeps him washed and fed
She doesn't need much prompting
To jump into his bed.

And they all think they're so grand
Yes, they all think they're so grand
Yes, they all think they're so grand
But they're not
Oh no they're not.

Dr. Watson drinks large whiskies
He's nearly always high
He supplements his income
Aborting on the sly
Mrs. Thompson is an angel
In the W.V.S.
Her meals on wheels are very cheap
And she cooks the books for less.

Sammy Cohen is the bookie
Sitting over there
Drinking three star brandy
He doesn't seem to care
No-one wants to know him
They say he's been inside
They say his dear old mother
Committed suicide.

Dr. Watson charged Anne Riley
A fifty guinea fee
For Mr. Thompson's peace of mind
As far as I can see
Mrs. Thompson envies Annie
Cooking for the preacher
And everyone thinks Sam
Is a quite disgusting creature
But if the truth was known
It would shake all their foundations
It seems the preacher lives
On Sam's anonymous donations.



Strawbs: Strawberry Music Sampler No. 1, 1969, side 2, track 5

Strawbs: All Our Own Work, 1973, side 2, track 2

Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 1, track 4

Strawbs: Sandy Denny And The Strawbs, 1991, side 1, track 3

Sandy Denny and the Strawbs: All Our Own Work (The Complete Sessions), 2010, track 8

Original 1973 release version



My ashtray's flowing over,
And the 'phone's left off the hook.
I've been staring for three hours
At the first page of a book.
Day and night I keep the curtains drawn,
And curse the very day that I was born,
And get to thinking,
How I need you,

I keep staring at my wristwatch,
Until it's ticking fills the room,
And the hollow sound reminds me
Of the silence of a tomb,
And as the ceiling and the walls close in,
And the furniture begins to spin,
I get to thinking,
How I need you,

And as the days go passing by,
And I never get a letter,
How I need you.
Days turn into weeks,
And it doesn't get much better,
How I need you.

The gaslit streets lean slowly
As I reel against the wall,
And my musty head is aching
As I stagger down the hall;
Then I fill the broken glass once more,
And fling the empty bottle to the floor,
And get to thinking,
How I need you ...



Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 2, track 4

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD2, track 20

Old Grey Whistle Test live recording, 1975, with John Mealing

Dave Cousins: Secret Paths, 2008, track 8

with Melvin Duffy



The spirit of the hummingbird
Hovers in the shade
Blinded by the spider's web
That glitters newly made

The stillness of the hummingbird
Betrays her beating wings
She is silent in the darkest hour
But bell-like when she sings

The sweetness of the hummingbird
Is nectar to my lips
The brush-tipped tongue; her silent smile
Commands her claws and whips

Come with me
Come with me
The race is almost run

Tenacious is the hummingbird
Among the jewelweed
Her deeply-forked and blue-black tail
Is quick to gather speed

My Lucifer of hummingbirds
Steals among the thieves
Bathing in scattered trees
Clutching to wet leaves

The collar of the hummingbird
Is bright as fresh spilled blood
She leads me to the water's edge
Reddened by the flood

Come with me
Come with me
The race is almost run

The set aside of many years
The soft taillight of evening nears
My solitary friend appears
To circle round the sun.



Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: Hummingbird, 2002, track 2




There's a place that I know
There's a place I want to be
There's a girl that I love
She is waiting there for me

There's a time that we share
When the sun is going down
With the world to ourselves
When there's no-one else around.

I don't, I don't
(You lit the fire)
I don't want to talk about it
(and let it burn)
I don't, I don't
(You've reached the point)
I don't want to talk about it
(of no return)
Actions speak much louder than words
Let's do it.

There's a kid on the streets
Who will never know his name
There's a woman in black
Who should hang her head in shame.

Every now and then
In the dead of night
You call on me
To make it right.

There's a voice in the night
That is calling out to me
There's a fire that will burn
In your eternal memory.



Strawbs: Deadlines, 1978, side 1, track 4

Strawbs: Deadlines, 1978, side 1, track 4

Strawbs: Deadlines (CD, WML), 2012, track 4



Feeling like I do
There's not a lot of words to say
I only know I love you
Trying as I do
To put it all another way
It still comes out
I love you.

I feel your loving coming on
I feel your loving coming on
And I can feel the hope in your heart
I can feel the hope in your heart
I feel your loving coming on.

If only I could use the beauty of the poet's words
Your name would last forever
Simple as I am
Simple as I choose to be
I know we'll last together.

Goodnight, goodnight
I'm hoping that I find you well
We're really going to have to try hard
Goodnight, goodnight
I'm hoping that time won't tell.



Strawbs: Burning For You, 1977, side 1, track 3

Strawbs: Burning For You (CD, Muskrat, Japan), 2003, track 3

Strawbs: Burning For You (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 3



It takes a little sunshine
It takes a little rain
It takes a little laughter
It takes a little pain
But I can take the heartaches
I only want my love to grow in you.

It takes a little kindness
It takes a little tears
It takes some understanding
To last so many years
But I can take the changes
I only want my love to grow in you.

I'll hang in on you
While you hang out on me
I know you have your reasons
For needing to be free
Why don't we talk it over
And find out where we stand
In my old-fashioned way
I'll always lend a helping hand.

It takes the joy of knowing
That even if we're poor
We somehow turn out richer
Than we ever were before
Now I don't need much money
I only want my love to grow in you.



Strawbs: Deep Cuts, 1976, side 1, track 1

Strawbs: mini CD 1 track single: "I Only Want My Love To Grow In You", 1976, track 1

Strawbs: A Choice Selection Of Strawbs, 1992, track 9

Strawbs: The Collection, 2002, track 16

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (CD, Muskrat), 2003, track 1

Strawbs: Lay Down With The Strawbs (2CD), 2008, track 2

2006 live version

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 1


Strawbs: 45: "I Only Want My Love To Grow In You"/"(Wasting My Time) Thinking Of You", 1976, side 1, track 1



I wandered far onto the lonely moors
Sparse coarse tufts of grass reached out to trip me
And above my head the leaden clouds hung low
As I turned my face into the rain.

I huddled close against a tumbling wall
Wrapped in a cloak to shield me from the bitter cold
The solitude weighed heavy on my mind
As I turned my face into the rain.

The mist rolled down across the countryside
I thought I heard the coastal sirens sound
As I turned my face into the rain.

I tried to peer into the deepening gloom
To glimpse a lighted window in the distance
But just too far to penetrate the rain
As I turned my face into the rain.

And yet somehow I sensed her presence near
And tufts of sheep's wool hanging from a gorse bush
Were as though her hands were beckoning me home
As I turned my face into the rain.



Strawbs: Strawberry Music Sampler No. 1, 1969, side 1, track 7

Strawbs: Dragonfly, 1970, side 1, track 3

Strawbs: Japanese Sampler, 1973, side 1, track 3

Strawbs: Early Strawbs (2LP), 1974, side 1, track 3

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 5

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 5

Strawbs: Tears And Pavan, 2002, track 2

Strawbs: The Collection, 2002, track 5

Strawbs: Dragonfly (CD, Universal), 2008, track 3

Dave Cousins: Secret Paths, 2008, track 4

with Melvin Duffy






Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: Hummingbird, 2002, track 6



If I should live a thousand years
I would spend my whole life dying for you
If I should shed a thousand tears
I would spend my whole life crying for you

As certain as eternity
It's written in the stars
It reaches through the universe
From Jupiter to Mars
It stretches to infinity
Beyond the edge of space
Where time itself is measured
In the smile upon your face
If I should live a thousand years
I would spend my whole life loving you

If I should pick a thousand flowers
I would touch each petal for a trace of you
For every thousand April showers
I would chase the rainbow for a place with you

If I should bless a thousand brides
I would never find a-one as sweet as you
For every thousand high spring tides
There could never be one to compete with you.



Strawbs: Deja Fou, 2004, track 5

Strawbs: Painted Sky, 2005, track 8

Acoustic Strawbs version

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD5, track 14

Acoustic Strawbs live, recorded by Jon Connolly



Short is the time
Though eternity long
Life is but part of the journey
While you've the faith to carry on
I'll carry on beside you.

Steep is the path
But your feet have wings
Sharing the weight of your burden
While you've the strength to carry on
I'll carry on beside you.

Dark is the night
Yet the road shines clear
Lit by the souls of believers
While you can see to carry on
I'll carry on beside you.

Deep is the grave
May you rest in peace
Preparing yourself for the next time
While you still need to carry on
I'll carry on beside you.



Strawbs: From The Witchwood, 1971, side 2, track 5

Dave Cousins And Strawbs: Japanese Sampler, 1973, side 2, track 2

Strawbs: Rock Storia E Musica (cass), 1983, side 1, track 3

Strawbs: From The Witchwood (CD, Universal), 1998, track 10

Strawbs: The Collection, 2002, track 2

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD3, track 13

Live, 1983 Cambridge Folk Festival



See Where Am I?/I'll Show You Where To Sleep.



Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 4, track 2

Dave Cousins: Secret Paths, 2008, track 9

with Melvin Duffy



The old house stands deserted
Crumbling and decaying
Its broken windows watching
As a young child wanders
In amongst the roses
Overgrown and falling
The garden once was cared for
Life is like the garden.

The roses reach to touch her
They whisper as she passes
Their petals form a carpet
Soft and warm and scented
In amongst the roses
Full in bloom and fading
The young child cannot hear them
Life is like the young child.

The young child has been gathering
Flowers for her mother
Flowers for her bedside
Flowers for her table
In amongst the roses
She is gathering wild flowers
The roses bend to kiss her
Life is like the roses.

The old house stands deserted
Crumbling and decaying
Its broken windows watching
As a young child wanders
In amongst the roses
Full in bloom and fading
The young child cannot hear them
Life is like the young child.



Strawbs: From The Witchwood, 1971, side 2, track 4

Strawbs: From The Witchwood (CD, Universal), 1998, track 9

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 5

1971 Live In Concert (recorded 23 Jun 1971, aired 1 Jun 1973)

Strawbs: The Battle (2LP), 2019, side 3, track 5

1971 Live In Concert (recorded 23 Jun 1971, aired 1 Jun 1973)






Strawbs: The Ferryman's Curse, 2017, track 1



Let’s take a look at a typical family
Living in Queen Victoria Square
Major Duval, his wife
And only daughter Juliette live there
There are souvenirs of old Kashmir in every corner
And photographs of the family
In Bournemouth on their holiday last year

Major Duval served his country in India
For most of his twenty army years
Always said that life in the army
Was quite the finest of careers
Duval once had the privilege
To shake the hand of Ghandi
And always said a Brahmin friend
Was quite the very best a man could have.

Julie Duval was at college in Nottingham
Studying anthropology
She fell in love with a boy from Calcutta
Studying sociology
She thought Ashok was the kind of boy
Her father would be proud of
To have him as a son in law
Would make him quite the happiest of men.

Julie wrote to her father and told him
Said she was sure he would be pleased
Ashok’s father had served in the Indian army
When Hyderabad was seized
As he read her letter
Her father was quite horrified
My God what would the neighbours say
Our daughter married to a coloured man.



Sandy Denny and the Strawbs: All Our Own Work (The Complete Sessions), 2010, track 24

Unreleased demo (also known as "Major Duval")



Storms are breaking in California
From the East Coast a twister comes
She lies waiting for her lovers
A crumpled rag doll that's cast away
Then they call her on the phone
Telling lies that she can see through
So they'll live inside their hell tonight
Knowing they were saving their own skins

Signing up for high adventure
Young and innocent so alive
Mules and asses held the high ground
While the lions stood like sitting ducks
Then they drove them through the fire
With a cry of "we know better"
So they'll live inside their hell tonight
Knowing they were saving their own skins

Sailing oceans to a new life
Friends and family are tied as one
Captain's table rocks with laughter
Glasses raised to a job well done
And the market place is waiting
For the souls that can't be bought
So they'll burn inside their hell tonight
Knowing they were shaming mankind

Like a dead bird in a green field
Still and peaceful the body lay
I don't need to witness something
To confirm all my deepest fears
But I climb inside my car
And I stop the help arriving
So I'll live inside my hell tonight
Knowing I was only gloating.



Acoustic Strawbs: Baroque And Roll, 2001, track 8






Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: 40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 2 (DVD), 2010, track 1



Half light appears
Shading in the weary days
Darkness draws near
Spreading chills in endless ways
Death holds no fear
For those who see clear
Is it today Lord
That I'll reach you.

Old minds gain will
Strengthened by their silent prayer
New seekers still
Searching for you everywhere
Some find the way
To reach you and say
Is it today Lord
That I'll see you
Is it today Lord
That I'll reach you.



Strawbs: Grave New World, 1972, side 2, track 5

Strawbs: Grave New World (CD, Universal), 1998, track 11

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 1 - In Session, 2010, track

1972 BBC sessions



They say the road is long and has no ending
Is uphill all the way until the end
But I have found someone to walk beside me
Yes I believe that I have found a friend.

For I have seen the sun come shining
I see it in your eyes and in your hair
I see it in the sky, I see it in the clouds
In fact I see it everywhere.

It seems that I must wander the world over
A minstrel in the court of kings
And slaves will bow their weary heads and wonder
Who wrote upon the headstones of their graves.

For I have seen the sun come shining
I see it in your eyes and in your hair
I see it in the sky, I see it in the clouds
In fact I see it everywhere.

My life has been a bitter pill to swallow
But I have made the best of it I can
But now I stand alone before the trial
And I must stand and face it like a man.

For I have seen the sun come shining
I see it in your eyes and in your hair
I see it in the sky, I see it in the clouds
In fact I see it everywhere.



Strawbs: Nomadness (CD, Universal), 2008, track 12

Outtakes from Nomadness sessions






Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD1, track 14

Dave Lambert unreleased recording



There have of course been others
Though none were quite the same
It's just my way of loving you
Though I choose to tell you
It's not a claim to fame
It's just my way of loving you
I'll let my eyes speak silently
The truth is yours to hear
You know that eyes can never lie
Whatever I appear to be

I can be quite be outrageous
A pirate with a hook
It's just my way of loving you
But sometimes I will give you
That dark mysterious look
It's just my way of loving you
I'll trace you with my fingertips
Caress you with my tongue
A love like ours can never die
Forever we'll be young at heart

I bear a silent witness
Through every blue-black night
It's just my way of loving you
I've re-read all the letters
I never got to write
It's just my way of loving you
My moods can match the darkest shade
Of any blackbird's wing
The evening sky will rest in peace
Together we will sing our song
It's just my way of loving you.



Dave Cousins and Conny Conrad: High Seas, 2005, track 8



At the gate you will wait
And hesitate and you will lose
I've got my life to live
You must take what you make
From the fake without a name
I've nothing more to give.

But if pleasure means money, then take it all
I'll make sure I'm out the next time you call
I know that something always turns up in the end
I've been my own worst friend.

I was blind, you were kind
Now I find that I was shy
Nothing to do but leave
I understand, it was planned
Like the sand I'm high and dry
I've no more dreams to weave.

But if pleasure means money, then take it all
I'll make sure I'm out the next time you call
I know that something always turns up in the end
I've been my own worst friend.

Like a fool, I was cool
As a rule it works out fine
This time it worked out wrong
Now you've turned, I have learned
And I've earned that which is mine
Why not take me along.

But if pleasure means money, then take it all
I'll make sure I'm out the next time you call
I know that something always turns up in the end
I've been my own worst friend.



Strawbs: Strawberry Music Sampler No. 1, 1969, side 1, track 7

Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: Old School Songs, 1979, side 1, track 2

Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: Old School Songs (CD, Muskrat), 1979, track 2

Strawbs: Sandy Denny And The Strawbs, 1991, side 2, track 3

Sandy Denny and the Strawbs: All Our Own Work (The Complete Sessions), 2010, track 19


Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 12




Jenny O'Brien sat waiting that evening
Impatiently watching the clock
Twisting her handkerchief into a bundle
Waiting for Harry to knock
The first picture started
Still that doesn't matter

Jean said it wasn't much good
If he's drinking with Peter
I'll never forgive him
Though I suppose if I had to I would
She was waiting at home on a Saturday night
Waiting for hours

I wonder why
He doesn't call
He told me he'd be round about seven
I told him not to be late
I just can't imagine what could have happened
Here it is a quarter past eight

He's never this late
I just hope nothings happened
Maybe the cars broken down
It's a pity he's not on the phone
Or I'd ring him
Perhaps he's been held up in Town

Wait there's a car
No it's going next door
For a minute I thought it was him
And here I am stuck in
On Saturday night
When I could have gone dancing without him

I wonder why
He doesn't call
He told me he'd be round about seven
I told him that'd be fine
I just can't imagine what could have happened
Here it is well after nine

He said he quite fancied
That girl in the office
I am sure he was having me on
I've run out of fags
So I'll go down the shop
But then he'll turn up while I'm gone

What was her name?
I think he said Ann
He said she lived out his way
If he thinks that he can go off
With somebody else
Then I'll really have some thing to say

She was waiting at home
On a Saturday night
Waiting for hours
I wonder why
He doesn't call.



Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 3, track 6



Joey and me were out on the freeway
Leaving the city race
Out of the hustle, into the country
Searching for open space
Shoulder to should, mile for mile
But neither of us knew where
Sleeping at night out under the stars
Inhaling the mountain air.

Under the open skies
Living in paradise
Joey and me were free
Nobody else allowed
Anyone more's a crowd
Joey and me makes three.

Often we talked of wasting our time
And bridges that we had crossed
But mostly we looked in vain for ourselves
Forgetting that we were lost
Joey and me were two of a kind
In love with our own ideals
Aiming to keep the gathering years
In pace with our rolling wheels.

Let me tell you how it all went wrong
How me and Joey didn't belong
We were tripping the light fantastic
Joey and me.

The wilderness road had taken its toll
I knew I could never last
The lines had gone down in a f;lurry of snow
The winter was on us fast
I made my way back into the city
Hitched to a guiding star
Joey is out on his own again
He's richer than me by far.



Strawbs: Deadlines, 1978, side 1, track 2

Strawbs: Burning For You (CD, Muskrat, Japan), 2003, track 11

Dave Cousins: The Spoken Word Of Dave Cousins, 2010, track 5

Spoken word version released on CD at back of Secrets, Stories and Song book

Strawbs: Deadlines (CD, WML), 2012, track 2

Strawbs: Deadlines (CD, WML), 2012, track 19

Dublin production mix

Strawbs: Burning For You (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 11

1976 demo


Strawbs: 45: "Joey And Me"/"Deadly Nightshade", 1978, side 1, track 1



The years have left their mark
And time must be to blame
To me you're still the same
Josephine, for better or for worse.

I thought that I would stay
Always young and free
But now you're part of me
Josephine, for better or for worse.

For richer, for poorer
To honour and obey
For better or for worse
You're still the same today ... Josephine.

Sometimes our way of life
Has gone against the grain
Yet somehow you remain
Josephine, for better or for worse.



Strawbs: Strawberry Music Sampler No. 1, 1969, side 2, track 3

Strawbs: Dragonfly, 1970, side 1, track 4

Strawbs: Early Strawbs (2LP), 1974, side 1, track 4

Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: Old School Songs, 1979, side 2, track 4

Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: Old School Songs (CD, Muskrat), 1979, track 9

Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 1, track 8

Strawbs: The Complete Strawbs (Live At Chiswick House), 2000, track 10

Strawbs: Recollection, 2006, track 8

1970 live version

Strawbs: Dragonfly (CD, Universal), 2008, track 4

Dave Cousins: Secret Paths, 2008, track 6

with Melvin Duffy

Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 6

Acoustic Strawbs - 2009 live track

Acoustic Strawbs: Acoustic Gold, 2011, track 9

Acoustic Strawbs Strawberry Fayre version



Walk down the street
People I meet
Step away as I pass by
Know how I feel
Down at heel
Been known to break down and cry

People say no
Don't want to know
Can't even answer a question
Hid my tears
Through all the years
Lost all sense of direction.

Morning won't come
Not even the sun
Though the sawn may be breaking
Lie on my bed
Cover my head
Pray I soon stop me shaking

Try to forgive
Learn how to live
Know In My heart where I'm going
Hope and pray
On Judgement Day
They reap all the seeds they are sowing.

Evening draws near
Shadows appear
Hide all traces of sorrow
Leaves on the trees
Twist in the breeze
Here's to a better tomorrow

Leave me behind
I really don't mind
Follow, I may recover
Wings of a dove
Whisper my love
Seems like we need one another.



Strawbs: Settlement, 2021, side 1, track 3

Strawbs: Settlement (CD), 2021, track 3



I can see you through my window
With the world you just go passing by
I can hear you in my garden
Waiting for my flowers all to die
Nothing in here is real
Nothing in here is real
No matter how I try
I can't get you out of my mind.

It's just love
Don't try to understand it
You can't put your arms around it
You might never love again
It's just love
Don't try to understand it
If you've money you'd best spend it
You might never love again.

There's your face right in my mirror
I can hear you calling out my name
Feel your hand upon my shoulder
Will I ever be the same again
Nothing in here is real
Nothing in here is real
No matter how I try
I can't get you out of my mind.

Without your song
Something's gone
Something good enough to hang your heart on.

If you call me I will answer
You will always be my helping hand
And if I need you in my darkness
I know you will always understand
Nothing in here is real
Nothing in here is real
No matter how I try
I can't get you out of my mind.



Strawbs: Hero And Heroine, 1974, side 1, track 3

Strawbs: Heroes Are Forever (2CD bootleg), 1990, CD2, track 5

1974 Live In Concert (11 Apr 1974, Golders Green Hippodrome, London)

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine (CD, Universal), 1998, track 3

Strawbs: Lay Down With The Strawbs (2CD), 2008, track 11

2006 live version

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 12

1974 Live In Concert (11 Apr 1974, Golders Green Hippodrome, London)

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine In Ascensia, 2011, track 4

re-recorded 2012 version

Strawbs: Live In Gettysburg, 2017, track 4

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine (SHM CD, Universal Japan), 2018, track 3


Strawbs: 45: Live At The Golders Green Hippodrome, 2015, side 2, track 1

Private press numbered 45, tracks from 1974 BB Live In Concert



At the gateway to my life you stood
The door was open wide
And even though I tried so hard
You would not step inside
You would not step inside

You're just the same in every way
As others I have known
I just don't want you round no more
I'd rather be alone
I'd rather be alone

I keep on hearing footsteps, on the stairs
Makes me think I made the grade
But they pass on by my empty room
And down the hall they fade
And down the hall they fade

You took all I had to give
And flung it back in my face
And what's the use of trying again
I have nothing left to waste
I have nothing left to waste



Strawbs: Strawberry Music Sampler No. 1, 1969, side 2, track 4

Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 3, track 2

Strawbs: Of A Time, 2012, track 3

Strawbs: Of A Time, 2012, track 20

1973 remix with DC vocals




When that ray of sunshine's overdue
You've got to keep on trying
When the thunder rolls though the storm is through
You've got to keep on trying
Lightning never strikes the same place
I've taken many chances in the middle of the ice.

When the dice are down on a losing streak
You've got to keep on trying
When your mind is willing but your heart is weak
You've got to keep on trying
I never had it easy and I never will
The sun is always shining on the far side of the hill.

Oh if you feel like crying
Don't give up
Keep on trying
Swallow your pride
And come back into my life.

When lady luck's got nothing new
You've got to keep on trying
When you're feeling melancholy blue
You've got to keep on trying
I didn't want to be the one to take the blame
I always played to win but it's a solitary game.



Strawbs: Burning For You, 1977, side 2, track 1

Strawbs: Burning For You (CD, Muskrat, Japan), 2003, track 6

Strawbs: Burning For You (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 6


Strawbs: 45: "Keep On Trying"/"Simple Visions", 1977, side 1, track 1



As for the help you called for
Nobody seemed to answer
The difference in man is no more
Than being a priest or dancer.

You really don't know what they're after
They cling to the things that they see best
And drown in their tears of their laughter.

If you see fit to fight
Whether you're black or white
How many hope to keep the devil outside
How many hope to keep the devil outside.

You've been given your name and your number
Right from when you were a baby
I look at the earth and I wonder
What have they done to her lately.

If you see fit to fight
Whether you're black or white
How many hope to keep the devil outside
How many hope to keep the devil outside.

Love dies hard
You will never hear me say
That the world will not
See a better day
See a better day.

If you see fit to hide
The stakes of the men that died
How many hope to keep the devil outside
How many hope to keep the devil outside.

If you see fit to fight
Whether you're black or white
How many hope to keep the devil outside
How many hope to keep the devil outside.



Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 8

Strawbs: From The Witchwood (CD, Universal), 1998, track 11

Strawbs: The Collection, 2002, track 9


Strawbs: 45: "Benedictus"/"Keep The Devil Outside", 1971, side 2, track 1

Strawbs: 45: "Benedictus"/"Keep The Devil Outside", 1971, side 2, track 1

Strawbs: 45: "Witchwood"/"Keep The Devil Outside/"Well Meet Again Sometime (live)", 1971, side 2, track 1

UK copies (promo and very rare quickly withdrawn release - have "Keep The Devil Outside" and an outtake from the Royal Festival Hall concert. The New Zealand Release has "A Glimpse Of Heaven".

Strawbs: 45: "Keep The Devil Outside"/"Tomorrow", 1972, side 1, track 1

Japanese only release






Strawbs: Lay Down With The Strawbs (2CD), 2008, track 8

2006 live version - John Ford with Acoustic Strawbs




A child denied all love can't weep
But bravely bears her life alone
So Fuschia as you try to sleep
You dream of friends you've never known.

In troubled years when no-one cared
You searched for comfort everywhere
For heavy burdens never shared
Become too much for one to bear.

So much to give
But those who live
Don't know of you
Your fantasy
Of love to be
Cannot come true
Oh Lady Fuschia
Oh Lady Fuschia.

Now poised above the castle walls
She looks your last on lonely skies
Night owls pray for her as they call
Returning ere the dawn shall rise.

Your loveless life
Has led you here
Not knowing why
Your troubled mind's
No longer clear
To live or die
Oh Lady Fuschia
Oh Lady Fuschia.
Oh Lady Fuschia
Oh Lady Fuschia.



Strawbs: Bursting At The Seams, 1973, side 1, track 2

Strawbs: A Choice Selection Of Strawbs, 1992, track 3

Strawbs: Bursting At The Seams (CD, Universal), 1998, track 2

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 1 - In Session, 2010, track

1973 BBC sessions






Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 3

Cry No More - 2009 live track



Lawrence Brown was a family man
Worked as hard as any man can
His wife was thin
And his daughters were fat
And all day long his daughters just sat
And watched their mother scrub the floors
And do the other family chores
They just sat around indoors

A bank clerks life is boring is as hell
It's even worse when you're not feeling well
He came home one afternoon
At four o'clock on the second of June
With a cup of tea
He went to bed
He took a book
That he never read

By five o'clock Mr Brown was dead
The Doctor came and with hardly a look
He drew the sheet and closed the book
Mrs Brown sat numb and just stared
The only one who really cared
She thought of all that she had to do
And wondered how she would see it through
And how she did it no one knew

Her daughters went out dancing that night
Staying home didn't seem right
Mrs Brown was left all alone
To sort the future out on her own
She got a job in a week or two
In an office block with a lousy view
Of another block
That was lousy too

Six months later poor Mrs Brown
Had a council flat in the middle of Town
Her youngest girl had ran off from home
Leaving her mother to cope on her own
Her elder daughter quite by chance
Had an easy life in the South of France
As a paid companion
To a maiden Aunt.



Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 4, track 7



Watch my hand
See it shakes
Trembling as my life blood bleeds
Offering their empty creeds
That have faith or substance
That change to suit the doubter
To satisfy his needs.

Rid me of your darkness
Lay a little light on me
Clothe me with your brightness
Lay a little light on me
Oh save me someone
Lay a little light on me

Growing boys
Drink the wine and take the bread
Saintly priests
Holy water for the head
With shades of John the Baptist
Who came intent to rescue
And danced with death instead.

Bless the good
Curse the bad
Some are wise
Others mad
Phoney profiteers suitably seeming sad
Preparing for the kingdom
Annointing us with wisdom
Convinced that we'll be glad.



Strawbs: By Choice, 1974, side 2, track 5

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine, 1974, side 2, track 5

Strawbs: Heroes Are Forever (2CD bootleg), 1990, CD2, track 11

1974 Live In Concert (11 Apr 1974, Golders Green Hippodrome, London)

Strawbs: Strawbs In Concert, 1995, track 16

1974 live BBC In Concert

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine (CD, Universal), 1998, track 5

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine (CD, Universal), 1998, track 10

bonus track CD release, early version of this song

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 18

1974 Live In Concert (11 Apr 1974, Golders Green Hippodrome, London)

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine In Ascensia, 2011, track 10

re-recorded 2012 version

Strawbs: Prognostic, 2014, track 10

2012 In Ascensia version

Strawbs: Live In Gettysburg, 2017, track 13

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine (SHM CD, Universal Japan), 2018, track 5

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine (SHM CD, Universal Japan), 2018, track 10

bonus track CD release, early version of this song



By still waters I lay down with the lambs
In pastures green I made peace with my soul
And I cared not for the night
While my guiding star shone bright
By still waters I lay down
I lay down.

Lay down, I lay me down
Lay down, I lay me down
Lay down, I lay me down
For my soul.

At the roadside I took toll of my times
In dirty streets I found peace for my soul
May the merciful be right
Are you ready for the night
At the roadside I lay down
I lay down.

Lay down, I lay me down
Lay down, I lay me down
Lay down, I lay me down
For my soul.

In deep sorrow I took flight with the sun
From mountains high I gained strength for my soul
I proved stronger than the test
When my spirit came to rest
In deep sorrow I lay down
I lay down.

Lay down, I lay me down
Lay down, I lay me down
Lay down, I lay me down
For my soul.



Strawbs: Bursting At The Seams, 1973, side 2, track 4

Strawbs: Japanese Sampler, 1973, side 2, track 7

Strawbs: By Choice, 1974, side 2, track 4

Strawbs: Best Of Strawbs, 1978, side 4, track 1

Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: Old School Songs, 1979, side 2, track 5

Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: Old School Songs (CD, Muskrat), 1979, track 5

Strawbs: Rock Storia E Musica (cass), 1983, side 1, track 4

Strawbs: Heroes Are Forever (2CD bootleg), 1990, CD2, track 2

1974 Live In Concert (11 Apr 1974, Golders Green Hippodrome, London)

Strawbs: Heroes Are Forever (2CD bootleg), 1990, CD2, track 13

1973 Live In Concert (25 Mar 1973, Paris Theatre, London)

Strawbs: A Choice Selection Of Strawbs, 1992, track 1

Strawbs: Greatest Hits Live, 1993, track 10

Strawbs: Strawbs In Concert, 1995, track 11

1973 live BBC In Concert

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 6

Strawbs: Bursting At The Seams (CD, Universal), 1998, track 9

Strawbs: Bursting At The Seams (CD, Universal), 1998, track 13

Single version rather than the album version

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 15

Strawbs: Tears And Pavan, 2002, track 11

single version

Strawbs: The Collection, 2002, track 17

Strawbs: 20th Century Masters - Millennimum Collection, 2003, track 1

Strawbs: Blue Angel, 2003, track 12

1993 re-recording

Strawbs: Live At Nearfest, 2005, track 3

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD5, track 11

1984 live recording

Strawbs: Lay Down With The Strawbs (2CD), 2008, track 1

2006 live version

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 7

1973 Live In Concert (25 Mar 1973, Paris Theatre, London)

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 9

1974 Live In Concert (11 Apr 1974, Golders Green Hippodrome, London)

Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 10

2009 live track

Strawbs: Witchwood - The Very Best Of, 2014, track 8


Strawbs: 45: "Lay Down"/"Tomorrow", 1972, side 1, track 1

The following territories had "Tomorrow" as the B-side to "Lay Down": US, Canada, South Africa, Spain (titles translated as "Tiendete (Lay Down)"/"Manana (Tomorrow)".

Strawbs: 45: "Lay Down"/"The Winter And The Summer", 1972, side 1, track 1

The following territories had "The Winter And The Summer" as the B-side to "Lay Down": US, Canada, Japan.

Strawbs: 45: "Lay Down"/"Backside", 1972, side 1, track 1

B-side "Backside" credited to Ciggy Barlust & The Whales From Venus. The following territories had this as the B-side to "Lay Down": UK, Denmark, Netherlands, France, Germany, Portugal, Israel, Peru.

Strawbs: 45: "Lay Down"/"The Flower And The Young Man", 1972, side 1, track 1

The following territories had "The Flower And The Young Man" as the B-side to "Lay Down": Australia, NZ.

Strawbs: 45: "Part Of The Union"/"Lay Down", 1973, side 2, track 1

Italy had missed out "Lay Down", so used it the B-side to "Part Of The Union": UK, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany (also available with "New World" as the B-side). UK reissues in later years by A&M and Old Gold followed suit

Strawbs: 45: "Part Of The Union (reissue)"/"Lay Down", 1977, side 2, track 1

A&M/Old Gold reissues pasired "Part Of The Union" with "Lay Down"

Strawbs: 45: Live At The Golders Green Hippodrome, 2015, side 1, track 1

Private press numbered 45, tracks from 1974 BB Live In Concert



The sharper is the berry
The sweeter is the wine
The longer we are parted
The sooner you are mine
You are mine.

Lovely lemon lady
You make me feel so shy
But lovely lemon lady
I love your lemon pie.

The stronger my deception
The lesser grow my lies
The shallower the whole truth
The deeper are my eyes
Are my eyes.

Bitter lemon lady smile
I'll see you in a little while
Lemon lady sweet and sour
You have me in your lemon power
My lemon pie.

The simpler the solution
The more that it will mean
The greater the resistance
The further I will lean
I will lean.



Strawbs: Ghosts, 1974, side 1, track 2

Strawbs: Best Of Strawbs, 1978, side 4, track 3

Strawbs: A Choice Selection Of Strawbs, 1992, track 2

Strawbs: Ghosts (CD, Universal), 1998, track 2

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 14

Strawbs: The Collection, 2002, track 12

Strawbs: 20th Century Masters - Millennimum Collection, 2003, track 3

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD2, track 16

Dave Cousins acoustic demo

Strawbs: NY '75, 2007, track 6

1975 live version


Strawbs: 45: "Lemon Pie"/"Where Do You Go (When You Need A Hole To Crawl In)", 1974, side 1, track 1

US and Canada chose "Where Do You Go (When You Need A Hole To Crawl In)" as the B-side.

Strawbs: 45: "Lemon Pie"/"Don't Try To Change Me", 1974, side 1, track 1

UK, Australia and New Zealand had "Don't Try To Change Me" on the B-side



I'm never one for fighting, but I'm about to make a stand
There's no sense in retreating when you're standing on dry land
Our life has been a turmoil, a stormy night at sea
The low of deep depression to the high of ecstasy.

Let it rain, let it pour
That's what the sun shine's for
Who needs sadness anymore
That's what the sun shine's for
Let it rain, let it pour
That's what the sun shine's for.

True love runs a narrow gauge, it carries heavy freight
It never runs on schedule but it comes to those who wait
The going may be torturous and the truth may hit you hard
At your final destination, I'll be standing there on guard.

Now you're making progress, I've got something to report
At last we've learned our lessons after all that we've been taught
We've travelled such a long way down a solitary track
We're heading for the sunrise and never looking back.



Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill, 1978, track 8

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill, 1978, track 8

Strawbs: Don't Say Goodbye, 1987, side 1, track 2

Strawbs: Don't Say Goodbye (CD), 1987, track 9

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill (CD, WML), 2006, track 8

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 8


Strawbs: 45: "Let It Rain"/"Tina Dei Fada", 1988, side 1, track 1

UK and C anada only




Another day is bursting into life
Sunlight streams through shutters
Set for darkest night
The air is still
The silence is so loud
What's going on?

I'm waiting for my call to be received
It's just another lesson in serenity
Thinking of the days gonme by without a care
Where we could share
I'm standing on the road
To Liberty

I'm searching for the perfect harmony
Surfing on the wave forms of reality
Flying through the clouds to find the real me
Surreal me
It's going on?

Every night there's a different melody
Floating over rooftops in the evening breeze
Memories of a song come back so easily
For you and me
I'm standing on the road
To Liberty

Another day is coming to an end
The moonlight streams through shutters
Set to close again
The air is still
The silence is so loud
I'm standing on the road
To Liberty.



Strawbs: Settlement (CD), 2021, track 12



Listen to my story,
I've got something I must say
All about a new experience
That came to me today.

Well I don't want your sudden changes,
I don't need your New York zoo,
But I want some understanding
'Cause I think I'm going to lose
Yes I think I'm going to lose.

Take me home, little sleepy,
You don't have to take that train
That leads you where you just don't want to go
Take me home little sleepy,
You don't have to take that train,
This little rock and roller's going to show you what you are.

Well it might have been in Texas,
And it could be New Orleans,
But it really doesn't matter
'Cause it's only in my dreams.
In the places where I travel,
And the people that I meet,
All I know is what I'm fighting for,
It's you I really need.
Yes, it's you I really need.

In the middle of time,1
I'm going to be thinking about you
Take a look at yourself,
I just can't live without you.



Strawbs: Nomadness, 1975, side 1, track 2

Strawbs: Best Of Strawbs, 1978, side 3, track 2

Strawbs: Nomadness (CD, Universal), 2008, track 2


Strawbs: 45: "Little Sleepy"/"The Golden Salamander", 1975, side 1, track 1

US, Portugal, NZ only (Portuguese sleeve reads "Little Sleeppy")



We were younger then
Back why who knows when
We went walking hand in hand
In a never land for two
We took a bright-eyed short-term view

Lonely days, lonely nights
I have had my share of lonely nights
When I look in your face
I find a vacant space
A legacy of lemons and limes
It's a sign of the times

Lonely days, lonely nights
I have had my share of lonely nights
It takes a fool to make
The same mistake
An orchestrated chorus of crimes
It's a sign of the times

No-one gives a damn
Sacrificial lamb
I was hanging out to dry
A repentant guy gone straight
Ah, but it's always too late

Lonely days, lonely nights
I have had my share of lonely nights
As a last defence
I sit on the fence
With a recipe of riddles and rhymes
It's a sign of the times

Lonely days, lonely nights
I have had my share of lonely nights
As high as the moon
Like a silver spoon
In a bucketful of nickels and dimes
It's a sign of the times.



Dave Cousins: The Boy In The Sailor Suit, 2007, track 8

with the Blue Angel Orchestra







Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD4, track 10

2004 Acoustic Strawbs live recording



Speak only with your voices
And not the sword
Listen to your leaders
And the words of the Lord.

Shake hands with your brothers
Has been my theme
For I have had a dream.

While fury gathers around you
Provoking you to hate
Remember what I told you
Don't heed the dangled bait.

The leaders of the country
Are speaking much the same
As those who've gone before them
And those who are to blame.

Proclaim a day of mourning
And let the flags fly low
The future is before us
As I have told you so.



Strawbs: Just A Collection Of Antiques And Curios, 1970, side 1, track 1

Strawbs: Japanese Sampler, 1973, side 1, track 5

Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 2, track 9

Strawbs: Just A Collection Of Antiques And Curios (1998 CD, Universal), 1998, track 1

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 7

Strawbs: The Collection, 2002, track 13

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: Live 1988, 2005, track 9

Live Dranouter 1988

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 2

1971 Live In Concert (recorded 23 Jun 1971, aired 1 Jun 1973)

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: 40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 2 (CD), 2010, track 3

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: 40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 2 (DVD), 2010, track 6



Mellow Moon you shine so bright
My gentle friend in the darkest night
Mellow moon the morning sun
Is welcome when the hour is done

Mellow moon your face is red
Is it something that someone's said
Or can it be I kissed your lips
Sailing by at the last eclipse

I keep gazing at you
And wondering why
I keep gazing at you
The lonely skies
Your sad disguise
I can tell from the tears in your eyes

Mellow moon don't think of me
Trapped alone in the silent sea
Mellow moon don't look so blue
The bible has its secrets too

Mellow moon the heavenly hosts
Handcuffed to a chain of ghosts
Mellow moon you broke my heart
We once were close, now we're far apart
Mellow moon it feels so cold
I once was young but now I'm old.



Dave Cousins: The Boy In The Sailor Suit, 2007, track 2

with the Blue Angel Orchestra



Midnight, I was down in the city
Hustling the money for another day
Midnight, with a soldier on the corner
Hoping to get loaded in a special way

Midnight and the anxious streets are quiet
A razor flashes coldly in the moonlight
Midnight and you’re driven to the limit
Rolling in the gutter in the dark night

The clock strikes twelve and down we run
The witching hour has just begun
The chosen ones are in control
They’re marching in to claim your very soul.

Midnight, the hookers on the corner
The pimps are getting reckless for the money owed
Midnight, they always look so pretty
You with all your opinions on the way they showed

Midnight, when the kids were getting hungry
Paying for a ticket for [a] fancy meal
And the gambler was trembling
Turning to the banker for another deal

The clock strikes twelve and down we run
The witching hour has just begun
The chosen ones are in control
They’re marching in to claim your very soul.

The stillborn children cry with rage
Their words scream from the written page
No-one can deny the age
Of the chosen ones



Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD3, track 5

Outtake from first Deadlines sessions

Strawbs: Deadlines (CD, WML), 2012, track 10




I have seen the midnight sun shining
I saw you fly away smiling
The dark night sheds no light
It merely serves a warning
I pray for one single ray of hope
Oh midnight sun.

I have seen the midnight sun shining
Watched her rays steadily dying
The candles are alight
I sit alone in mourning
I wonder is there death after life
Oh midnight sun.

While in my life
I have loved
I have lost
I feel no warmth from your days.

Yet I have seen the midnight sun shining
Welcomed her full golden lining
For when I have to fight
To wake up in the morning
I look to her for her open arms
Oh midnight sun.



Strawbs: Hero And Heroine, 1974, side 2, track 2

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine (CD, Universal), 1998, track 2

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 9

Strawbs: Painted Sky, 2005, track 6

Acoustic Strawbs version

Acoustic Strawbs: Acoustic Gold, 2011, track 4

Hero And Heroine In Ascencia

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine In Ascensia, 2011, track 7

re-recorded 2012 version

Strawbs: Live In Gettysburg, 2017, track 8

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine (SHM CD, Universal Japan), 2018, track 2



Sunday morning with the New York Times
The sun is shining in my penthouse suite
My lady love laid down some lines
They reach from Culver Beach to Easy Street
Before the mirror you apply your cream
Cosmetic secrets of eternal youth
There's something the matter, it's just a bad dream
I knew you'd leave me if you knew the truth.

I might as well be on Mars
I might as well be on Mars
Only the stars mean anything to you
I might as well be on Mars
I might as well be on Mars
I'm already that far away from you.

We lead such a sweet existence
But I'm reaching out to you in vain
You're disappearing in the distance
Of this alien terrain.

Monday night, another day goes by
Your voice keeps telling me that life is sweet
I watch your star flash into the sky
Crash down to earth again on Easy Street.



Strawbs: Ringing Down The Years (CD, Virgin Canada), 1991, track 1

Strawbs: CD promo single: "Might As Well Be On Mars", 1991, track 1

Canada only 1 track CD promo (Ringing Down The Years version of "The King", with Cathy Le Surf vocals)


Strawbs: Cassette single: "Might As Well Be On Mars"/"The King", 1991, side 1, track 1

Canada only cassette single (Ringing Down The Years version of "The King", with Cathy Le Surf vocals)



Take my hand, I'll show you how to fly
We will cross the valley road, the river rolling by
Open fields, high cascading streams
We will climb the mountainside, a multitude of dreams.

I wake up to your morning glory
Say goodbye to my late night story
I close my eyes and count to ten
It all comes round again.

Miles apart, still further in between
Once you talked to me in tongues, who knows what they can mean.

The party ran all summer long, way beyond extremes
The morning glory days were gone, suddenly a world of broken dreams.

Deep blue days and ever darker nights
No matter what the time of day, we never dim the lights.



Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: The Bridge, 1994, track 5

Strawbs: Blue Angel, 2003, track 10



Name me my position
Put my fist into the breach
Many are but visitors
To the language that we teach
Cut my nose off, spite my cloth
Persecute the weak
I am just a normal guy
Leave me room to speak.

Here's to Mother Luck
You know she's acting rather funny
But I have always seen her
In the land of milk and honey

Here comes old Disraeli
With his top hat in his hand
Begging for forgiveness
As he strides along the Strand
Take a step down Maiden Lane
Stop for lunch at Rules
We can play the game
And talk like anybody's fools.

The Prince of Wales and Lily Langtry
Used the private room
Peer into the shadows
You may see them in the gloom
Take my place among
The many pictures on the wall
Three hundred years of history
Are like as not to fall.

Some walk like Charlie Chaplin
With a cane and a bowler hat
Always tripping over
It's never this or that
The devil is a player
When the game is played to win
But Mother Luck will intervene
And give the game some spin.



Dave Cousins: The Boy In The Sailor Suit, 2007, track 5

with the Blue Angel Orchestra



My friend Peter was not that old
A generous man with a heart of gold
They took his money, they took his home
They wouldn't leave my friend Peter alone.

My friend Peter's mother, boy she was a bitch
All she ever gave him was a nervous twitch
She left her money to her fancy gent
She didn't leave my friend Peter a cent.

My friend Peter was the company boss
With labour problems and a heavy loss
The school bills came with a rise in fees
My friend Peter was on his knees.

My friend Peter was never hip
But his wife was fond of the groovy trip
She spent her money like she spent her nights
She wouldn't show my friend Peter the sights.

My friend Peter was a worried guy
When the taxman came with his beady eye
They froze his bank account, they took his car
They wouldn't let my friend Peter go far.

My friend Peter was a family man
With a decent job and a long-term plan
He loved his kids, adored his wife
My friend Peter just took his life.



Strawbs: Deep Cuts, 1976, side 1, track 4

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (CD, Muskrat), 2003, track 4

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 4



Some say the good-times have all gone
But we still sing the same old songs

Bell-bottom baggies
High Cuban heels
We kept the hood down
Number one wheels
They saw us coming
Permanent blonde
The next stop Tokyo
Avec tout l'amour du monde

My oh my my
So those were the good times
My oh my my
I remember them well

Then there came deep cuts
Troublesome hacks
Dark misdemeanours
Blood on the tracks
The game was done with
Singing yeah, yeah, yeah
Those old Mohicans
Busted flat without a spare.



Dave Cousins and Conny Conrad: High Seas, 2005, track 7




I met her on a Friday evening
Heading for the city lights
She asked me to take her all of the way
She was really in the mood that night
I drove on 'till I was tired
Asked her if she'd care to stay
I booked a room in a fancy hotel
And said we'd carry on the next day

We hadn't spoken but a word or so
When she began to unbutton my shirt
I lifted her blouse, there was nothing underneath
Then I slid my hands inside her shirt
Everything about her was golden
She was as hot as the rising sun
She was real as it comes and nothing so real
Than the two of us together made one.

Never take sweets from a stranger
She may want to take you for aride
Never take sweets from a stranger ...

She lay in my arms in the morning
Said she had to make a telephone call
I said "Make it here while I step in the shower"
But she said she'd make it in the hall
I dozed in the soft light shadows
Turned to find that she wasn't there
I phoned on down to the reception desk
For the girl with the golden hair.

I pulled on my clothes and went down to the hall
Looked all around and who knows where
They said that they hadn't seen her at all
Then they other guests began to stare
They showed me the morning papers
On the front page of the Daily Sun
Was a picture of the girl with the golden hair
She'd been a victim of a hit and run.



Dave Cousins: The Boy In The Sailor Suit, 2007, track 1

with the Blue Angel Orchestra

Dave Cousins: Duochrome, 2008, track 2

DC solo, Milwaukee 2008



I see myself reborn
In every generation
I look to children
For my source and my salvation
And I will build my house of rock
On their foundation stone.

I can see the new beginning
The universal loser winning
I can hear the children singing
Making a date with tomorrow.

Once I was blinded
By the light of my reflection
The mirror's eyes were moist
With tears of deep affection
I could not see my way
To make the last connection home.

The leaves of my life
Have been falling
And time rolls along
Like a wheel
The innocent games
That we once played as kids
Are for real.



Strawbs: Deadlines, 1978, side 2, track 2

Strawbs: Deadlines (CD, WML), 2012, track 7


Strawbs: 45: New Beginnings"/"Words Of Wisdom", 1978, side 1, track 1

UK only single



Introduction to DC solo 2008 live performance of "Beside The Rio Grande" on Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures.



Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures, 2015, track 16



There's blood in the dust
Where the city's heart beats
The children play games
That they take from the streets
How can you teach when you've so much to learn
May you turn
In your grave
New world.

There is hate in your eyes
I have seen it before
Planning destruction
Behind the locked door
Were you the coward who fired the last shot
May you rot
In your grave
New world.

There is death in the air
With the lights growing dim
As those who survive
Sing a desperate hymn
Pray that God grants you one final request
May you rest
In your grave
New world.



Strawbs: Grave New World, 1972, side 1, track 5

Strawbs: Japanese Sampler, 1973, side 2, track 3

Strawbs: Best Of Strawbs, 1978, side 1, track 5

Strawbs: Heroes Are Forever (2CD bootleg), 1990, CD1, track 1

1973 Live In Concert (25 Mar 1973, Paris Theatre, London)

Strawbs: Heroes Are Forever (2CD bootleg), 1990, CD2, track 1

1974 Live In Concert (11 Apr 1974, Golders Green Hippodrome, London)

Strawbs: A Choice Selection Of Strawbs, 1992, track 7

Strawbs: Strawbs In Concert, 1995, track 1

1973 live BBC In Concert

Strawbs: Grave New World (CD, Universal), 1998, track 5

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 16

Strawbs: The Complete Strawbs (Live At Chiswick House), 2000, track 12

Strawbs: Tears And Pavan, 2002, track 1

Strawbs: Live At Nearfest, 2005, track 5

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD2, track 2

1972 BBC sessions, track also released on Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (CD).

Strawbs: NY '75, 2007, track 5

1975 live version

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 1 - In Session, 2010, track

1971 BBC sessions

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 1 - In Session, 2010, track

1972 BBC sessions, track also released on Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (CD).

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 8

1974 Live In Concert (11 Apr 1974, Golders Green Hippodrome, London)

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 12

1973 Live In Concert (25 Mar 1973, Paris Theatre, London)

Strawbs: Witchwood - The Very Best Of, 2014, track 6

Strawbs: The Battle (2LP), 2019, side 4, track 3

1972 session - Sounds Of The Seventies, 19 Apr 1972)


Strawbs: 45: "New World"/"Benedictus", 1972, side 1, track 1

Japanese only single



Hold me tight
We've got a way to go tonight
We tore ourselves apart
In spite of all the promises we made.

Name your price
But take a note of my advice
Don't ever make a sacrifice
Without a chance of being paid.

No return
You've reached the point of no return
You lit the fire and let it burn
You've reached the point of no return.

Right or wrong
I was with you all along
But now you're back where you belong
Among your family and friends.

Make or break
We really made a big mistake
There's one decision left to make
And that is how the story ends.

Though my life is a mystery
My heart is an open page
If only you would choose to read
Between the lines of age.



Strawbs: Deadlines, 1978, side 1, track 1

Strawbs: Concert Classics, 1999, track 3

1978 Live BBC In Concert (recorded Dec 1977, aired Feb 1978)

Strawbs: Deadlines (CD, WML), 2012, track 1

Strawbs: Deadlines (CD, WML), 2012, track 11

Dave Cousins acoustic demo

Strawbs: Deadlines (CD, WML), 2012, track 18

Dublin production mix



If the school bell had rung
Would it have rung a death knell?
Now the dark day has gone
And there isn't any bell

In the flower of their youth
How were they to know?
And now there's so few left
And not all the flowers grow

Just think how you would feel
Had one been a child of yours
And you look out every day
And still see the coal seam sores

To remind you of that day
Just you look out in the rain
And although some children p1ay
It will never be the same.



Acoustic Strawbs: Baroque And Roll, 2001, track 7

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD1, track 4

Dave Cousins demo



In our early days you smiled and came to stay
You have been my greatest love in every way
You know, you have always been my inspiration

With every beat of my constant heart
You have been the one and only part
Of my life, you have always been my inspiration

Yesterday you went to walk away
Could not bear to stay another day
Sad and lonely times, what can I say
You just don't care
There's not another day
Not another day

What is the reason, tell me why you're hurting me
I've no idea of any wrongs that I can see
So please, give me a sign or an answer
Did I ever not take note of what you feel
Now it's over, can't believe that it's now real
So please, give me a sign or an answer.



Dave Cousins and Conny Conrad: High Seas, 2005, track 9



My gate is swinging open
My fence is broken down
My window's staring blindly
Greets the callers with a frown
And I need a place to hide away
When I am feeling blue.

Nothing else will do, babe
Nothing else will do.

I've got no friends to turn to
When I am feeling low
I'm lonely sad and empty
Most everywhere I go
I'd like to leave the world behind
And try and start anew.

Nothing else will do, babe
Nothing else will do.

All I ever wanted
Was a place to call my own
A place that's quiet and peaceful
Where I can feel so all alone
I've been told this place is heaven
I wonder if it's true.

Nothing else will do, babe
Nothing else will do.

But it seems the path to heaven
Is always round the bend
And always in the distance
There's a road that has no end
But I will hope to find it
Before my life is through.

Nothing else will do, babe
Nothing else will do.



Strawbs: Strawberry Music Sampler No. 1, 1969, side 1, track 5

Strawbs: All Our Own Work, 1973, side 2, track 5

Strawbs: Sandy Denny And The Strawbs, 1991, side 1, track 1

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD1, track 7

Sandy And The Strawbs version

Sandy Denny and the Strawbs: All Our Own Work (The Complete Sessions), 2010, track 11

Original 1973 release version

Sandy Denny and the Strawbs: All Our Own Work (The Complete Sessions), 2010, track 14




It's really elementary
It's time to take inventory

Take the time
To take some action soon
There will be
A chain reaction soon
Along the backstreets a fire burns


It's time to hear the voices
It's time to take some choices.



Strawbs: Deja Fou, 2004, track 12




Summer's gone come chill October days
We will stroll through russet trees
Through the fallen leaves of oak and sycamore
That carpet earth through harsh December freeze.

Fireworks and children with eyes that sparkle bright
In November's Guy Fawkes flames
Parents thinking of their forgotten years
As they join in with their children's games.

December brings nostalgic Santa Claus
Toys and shining Christmas trees
Families huddled round their open fires
As they wait for winter's grip to ease.

Seaside piers, iron girders gaunt and still
Gone the crowds of yesterday
Icy fingers in the sea at night
Sad and empty tears the first of May.



Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer, 1972, side 1, track 2

Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 1, track 5

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: Hummingbird, 2002, track 5

Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer (CD, Media Arte), 2005, track 2

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: 40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 2 (CD), 2010, track 4

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: 40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 2 (DVD), 2010, track 4

Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 13

Cousins and Wakeman - 2009 live track

Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 2



She leaned forward in the lamplight
In her eyes an amber glow
She was promising the earth
And yet somehow saying no
We talked of pleasant summer days
Kew Gardens, Hampton Court
The jewellers where we bought
The ring that held us close together.

Oh how she changed with every passing day.

In the swirling misty morning
As the day began to break
In the heavy dew her footsteps
I am floundering in her wake.

Oh how she changed with every passing day.

The shutters of indifference
Have close to bar the view
A person I once knew.

Oh how she changed with every passing day



Strawbs: Strawbs, 1969, side 1, track 6

Strawbs: Japanese Sampler, 1973, side 1, track 1

Strawbs: Early Strawbs (2LP), 1974, side 2, track 6

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 19

Strawbs: The Complete Strawbs (Live At Chiswick House), 2000, track 11

Strawbs: Tears And Pavan, 2002, track 3

Strawbs: The Collection, 2002, track 4

Strawbs: Painted Sky, 2005, track 1

Acoustic Strawbs version

Various Artists: The Witchwood Project, 2006, track 4

Acoustic Strawbs Painted Sky version

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD1, track 8

2005 remix

Strawbs: Strawbs (CD, Universal), 2008, track 6

Strawbs: Dancing To The Devil's Beat, 2009, track 9

Strawbs: Of A Time, 2012, track 15

2005 remix (said here to be 2006)

Strawbs: Witchwood - The Very Best Of, 2014, track 2


Strawbs: 45: "Or Am I Dreaming"/"Oh How She Changed", 1968, side 2, track 1

In the US, Canada and Australia "Or Am I Dreaming" was the A-side

Strawbs: 45: "Oh How She Changed"/"Or Am I Dreaming", 1968, side 1, track 1

UK single. In the US, Canada and Australia "Or Am I Dreaming" was the A-side

Strawbs: 45: "Oh How She Changed"/"The Man Who Called Himself Jesus", 1969, side 1, track 1

Japanese only single



I leave you with your head buried in the pillow
Oh so sleepy, oh so sleepy
As twisted as a knot, as tangled as a wire
Burning like a coal on the open fire
Oh so sleepy, oh so sleepy.

I talk to you in riddles of the drunken sailor
Oh so sleepy, oh so sleepy
As pretty as a rose, as bitter as a thorn
A smear of virgin blood on the broken dawn
Oh so sleepy, oh so sleepy.

Now did you hear the wind, did you ride the carousel
Did you find the seaman's mission, only time can really tell
Or do you see your future in the wishing well
Oh so sleepy, oh so sleepy.

I brush you with a kiss as the moonlight murmurs
Oh so sleepy, oh so sleepy
As simple as defeat, as certain as a toy
Crying like a girl with the future of a boy
Oh so sleepy, oh so sleepy.



Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: The Bridge, 1994, track 9

Strawbs: Blue Angel, 2003, track 2

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD5, track 6

Deep Cuts oouttake

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 15

CD bonus track outtake from early sessions at The Manor in 1976



Well, it was on a night like this
We made a vow
We knew could never miss
You and me
Meant to be
So free
On a night like this

Well, it was on a night like this
The stars looked down
It was a night of bliss
In a world
Of our own
So alone
On a night like this

And if ever I get to thinking back
On the good times we have had
I think of the days before I met you
And end up feeling sad

Well, it was on a night like this
We sealed our fate
With just a single kiss
In a world
Of extremes
Simple dreams
On a night like this.



Strawbs: CD single:"On A Night Like This"/"This Barren Land"/"Sunday Morning (movie version)", 2002, track 1

Strawbs: Deja Fou, 2004, track 4

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD4, track 14

Acoustic Strawbs version



The scarecrow stood with its head held high
Admiring the view from the hill
The waterfall scattered its glistening jewels
As the heron stood gracefully still
It seemed I looked without seeing
I failed to grasp what I saw
For all of Nature's beautiful gifts
I blissfully chose to ignore.

As sandy beaches and soft swelling tides
Invite the inquisitive young
And caviar, oysters and pate de fois
Invite the discerning tongue
So comes the desire to be lost awhile
In the depths of the forest glade
Midst the cool deep greens where ancient oaks
Cast wondrous spells in their shade.

And if sometimes I feel in retrospect
A regret for the waste of my youth
Then I pause to reflect that I still have time
Before growing long in the tooth
To achieve all the things that I should have achieved
When idleness led me astray
And being aware of what I have missed
I'm extending my use of the day.



Strawbs: Strawberry Music Sampler No. 1, 1969, side 1, track 8

Strawbs: Grave New World, 1972, side 2, track 3

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 2

Strawbs: Grave New World (CD, Universal), 1998, track 9



Empty glasses on the table
Rows of bottles without labels
No-one drinks with friends no more
Look to yourself and that's for sure.

Pull up all the roots I'm growing
I'm on my way
Don't know quite just where I'm going
I'm on my way

I'm on my way
I don't know when but I'm going soon
On my way
It won't be long, perhaps this afternoon.

I'll follow signs that point the way
To yet another empty day
Seems it's just my generation
But I never leave the station.

Memories that come it seems
To haunt me always in my dreams
Trains go whistling by forever
I'll just hope for sunny weather.

Pull up all the roots I'm growing
I'm on my way
Don't know quite just where I'm going
I'm on my way

I'm on my way
I don't know when but I'm going soon
On my way
It won't be long, perhaps this afternoon.



Strawbs: All Our Own Work, 1973, side 1, track 1

Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 1, track 6

Strawbs: Sandy Denny And The Strawbs, 1991, side 2, track 4

Acoustic Strawbs: CD single: "Alice's Song", 2001, track 3

outtake from Baroque And Roll sessions

Sandy Denny and the Strawbs: All Our Own Work (The Complete Sessions), 2010, track 1

Original 1973 release version

Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 7

Acoustic Strawbs with Sonja Kristina - 2009 live track



Looking back at my steps in the sand
Small waves crawling over my hand
What a night
What a day
There is no other love
What a wonderful place I have found

On the horizon I can see
Faraway lights they come to me
On the horizon by the sea

I hear a whisper of a faraway voice
Must be an angel, I have no choice
And the sun's going down
The night's coming in
Close my eyes, got a dream
Don't know where I've been

Not a dream, it's reality
They come down
Have a talk to me
It's unbelievable for me what they say
Time is over
They cannot stay.



Dave Cousins and Conny Conrad: High Seas, 2005, track 4



The fragile gentle butterfly with multi-coloured wings
Settles on the toadstools in the midst of fairy rings
Midsummer sounds of tinkle bells as sweet Titania sings.

Or am I dreaming
Or am I dreaming ?

And I will have a castle with a drawbridge and a moat
And light my open fires with a brand new five pound note
And go off on a winter cruise in a bright red sailing boat.

Pick the golden casket
And you'll get what you deserve
Yards of pure white chiffon
Falling in a graceful curve
Crystal clear cut chandeliers
Orchids in a bowl
Mulled wine by the fire
And the finest ermine stole.

The water melon moon makes gentle progress in the sky
Upside down it's floating as the satellites go by
And you can hold a conversation if you're not too high.

The magic mountain music man
Is really rather shy
Or am I dreaming ?



Strawbs: Strawbs, 1969, side 2, track 1

Strawbs: Early Strawbs (2LP), 1974, side 4, track 1

Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 4, track 1

Strawbs: Recollection, 2006, track 2

1970 live version

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD1, track 9

2005 remix

Strawbs: Strawbs (CD, Universal), 2008, track 7

Strawbs: Of A Time, 2012, track 16

2005 remix (said here to be 2006)

Strawbs: The Battle (2LP), 2019, side 1, track 7

1972 session - Sounds Of The Seventies, 19 Apr 1972)


Strawbs: 45: "Or Am I Dreaming"/"Oh How She Changed", 1968, side 1, track 1

In the US, Canada and Australia "Or Am I Dreaming" was the A-side

Strawbs: 45: "Oh How She Changed"/"Or Am I Dreaming", 1968, side 2, track 1

UK single. In the US, Canada and Australia "Or Am I Dreaming" was the A-side



See how thoughtfully he watches
Birds and wild beasts are his friends
Soothes them with his gentle manner
All day long his child he tends

From the dark a light emerges
Bright as day across the hill
See the young man standing silent
Soon his child grows quiet and still

Raise our voices sing together
Our world is yours and mine
Raise our voices sing together
For everyone
For everyone

Slender trees merge into shadows
Strangely dark the hillside grows
See how quickly night approaches
Deep and black the river flows

See the young man's head is turning
Hands reach out towards his face
Comes the murmur of the day
Freedom in a kinder place.



Strawbs: The Magic Of It All, 2023, side 2, track 1

Strawbs: The Magic Of It All (CD), 2023, track 5



I walked in the city at midday
It was empty and bare
I looked in the mirror at midnight
There was nobody there
You had become the very breath that I breathed
You were all I desired, my will to succeed
But now I know how it feels to be old
Out in the cold.

I walked in the city at midday
It was feeling the strain
I looked in the mirror at midnight

It was starting to rain
I sucked on your breasts, your legs opened wide
I could scarcely believe all the pleasures inside
But now I know how it feels to be old
Out in the cold.

Whoever believed in astrological signs
Under my eyes your name burns in the lines
For now I know how it feels to be old
Out in the cold.



Strawbs: Hero And Heroine, 1974, side 2, track 3

Strawbs: Heroes Are Forever (2CD bootleg), 1990, CD2, track 6

1974 Live In Concert (11 Apr 1974, Golders Green Hippodrome, London)

Strawbs: Strawbs In Concert, 1995, track 13

1974 live BBC In Concert

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine (CD, Universal), 1998, track 3

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 10

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 17

Strawbs: Concert Classics, 1999, track 7

1978 Live BBC In Concert (recorded Dec 1977, aired Feb 1978)

Strawbs: The Complete Strawbs (Live At Chiswick House), 2000, track 5

Strawbs: Live At Nearfest, 2005, track 1

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD2, track 11

Dave Cousins acoustic demo

Strawbs: NY '75, 2007, track 9

1975 live version

Strawbs: Lay Down With The Strawbs (2CD), 2008, track 9

2006 live version

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 13

1974 Live In Concert (11 Apr 1974, Golders Green Hippodrome, London)

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine In Ascensia, 2011, track 8

re-recorded 2012 version

Strawbs: Live In Gettysburg, 2017, track 10

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine (SHM CD, Universal Japan), 2018, track 3






Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD5, track 12

Blue Weaver solo track




Smile at everyone you meet
Flower ladies in the street
Postcard sellers
Fortune tellers
Love is never far away

Paris works its magic charm
Smiling couples arm in arm
Wide eyes glow
Soon you know
L'amour est toujours pret

Les amants regardent les etoiles
Eclats vennat de chacques bars
Eclares la nuit
Douce Paris
L'amour est toujours pret

Take a boat along the Seine
Never mind the summer rain
Paris galleons
Rose medallions
Love is never far away

Sunday morning hear the bells
Paris bids its fond farewells
April crooners
L'amour est toujours pret
Love is never far away.



Strawbs: The Magic Of It All, 2023, side 2, track 4

Strawbs: The Magic Of It All (CD), 2023, track 8



Now I'm a union man
Amazed at what I am
I say what I think
That the company stinks
Yes I'm a union man.

When we meet in the local hall
I'll be voting with them all
With a hell of a shout
It's out brothers out
And the rise of the factory's fall.

Oh you don't get me I'm part of the union
You don't get me I'm part of the union
You don't get me I'm part of the union
Till the day I die, till the day I die.

As a union man I'm wise
To the lies of the company spies
And I don't get fooled
By the factory rules
'Cause I always read between the lines.

And I always get my way
If I strike for higher pay
When I show my card
To the Scotland Yard
This what I say.

Oh you don't get me I'm part of the union
You don't get me I'm part of the union
You don't get me I'm part of the union
Till the day I die, till the day I die.

Before the union did appear
My life was half as clear
Now I've got the power
To the working hour
And every other day of the year.

So though I'm a working man
I can ruin the government's plan
Though I'm not too hard
The sight of my card
Makes me some kind of superman.

Oh you don't get me I'm part of the union
You don't get me I'm part of the union
You don't get me I'm part of the union
Till the day I die, till the day I die.



Strawbs: Bursting At The Seams, 1973, side 2, track 1

Strawbs: Japanese Sampler, 1973, side 2, track 5

Strawbs: Best Of Strawbs, 1978, side 3, track 3

Strawbs: Rock Storia E Musica (cass), 1983, side 1, track 1

Strawbs: Heroes Are Forever (2CD bootleg), 1990, CD2, track 12

1973 Live In Concert (25 Mar 1973, Paris Theatre, London)

Strawbs: A Choice Selection Of Strawbs, 1992, track 15

Strawbs: Greatest Hits Live, 1993, track 11

Strawbs: Strawbs In Concert, 1995, track 10

1973 live BBC In Concert

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 2

Strawbs: Bursting At The Seams (CD, Universal), 1998, track 6

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 13

Strawbs: The Complete Strawbs (Live At Chiswick House), 2000, track 15

Strawbs: The Collection, 2002, track 1

Strawbs: 20th Century Masters - Millennimum Collection, 2003, track 5

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: Live 1988, 2005, track 2

DC solo Exeter, 1988

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD2, track 7

original version by The Brothers

Strawbs: Lay Down With The Strawbs (2CD), 2008, track 5

2006 live version with John Ford

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 1 - In Session, 2010, track

1973 BBC sessions

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 6

1973 Live In Concert (25 Mar 1973, Paris Theatre, London)

Strawbs: Witchwood - The Very Best Of, 2014, track 12


Strawbs: 45: "Part Of The Union"/"Heavy Disguise", 1973, side 1, track 1

Japan had "Heavy Disguise" as the B-side

Strawbs: 45: "Part Of The Union"/"Lay Down", 1973, side 1, track 1

Italy had missed out "Lay Down", so used it the B-side to "Part Of The Union": UK, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany (also available with "New World" as the B-side). UK reissues in later years by A&M and Old Gold followed suit

Strawbs: 45: "Part Of The Union"/"Invierno Y Verano (The Winter And The Summer)", 1973, side 1, track 1

Portugal went it alone with "Invierno Y Verano (The Winter And The Summer)" as the B-side. The A-side title seems not to have merited translation.

Strawbs: 45: "Part Of The Union"/"Tomorrow", 1973, side 1, track 1

The following territories had "Tomorrow" as the B-side to "Part Of The Union": US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Venezuela, Guatemala (TBC)

Strawbs: 45: "Part Of The Union"/"Will You Go", 1973, side 1, track 1

The following territories had "Will You Go" as the B-side to "Part Of The Union": UK, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany (also available with "New World" as the B-side), France, Portugal, Greece, Australia (withdrawn and replaced with "Tomorrow"), Turkey, Israel, South Africa.

Strawbs: 45: "Part Of The Union (reissue)"/"Lay Down", 1977, side 1, track 1

A&M/Old Gold reissues pasired "Part Of The Union" with "Lay Down"

Strawbs: 45: "Part Of The Union (reissue)"/"Tomorrow", 1982, side 1, track 1

A&M Germany (Hits Come Back)



These thoughts within my head
How I remember you
Are all the things you said
That broke a heart in two.

But is it the wrong way
To pick up the pieces
Is the wrong way, oooh

Those lies I kept inside
Too much for any man
Should I forget my pride
And call you back again

But is it the wrong way
To pick up the pieces
Is it the wrong way, yeah oooh

Oh love turn me loose
Set me from this noose
Our lives became so bad
To the point of driving me mad

But is it the wrong way
To pick up the pieces
Is it the wrong way
To pick up the pieces
Is it the wrong way
To pick, to pick up the pieces
Is it the wrong way yeah oooh.



Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 14

Hudson Ford



Pieces of 79 and 15
Drifting along a jumbly scene
Pieces of 79 and 15
Drifting along a jumbly scene.

Out of work people
Sitting on top of a barberous pole
Strippers who like it and fancy a bit
And parties and songs in the night.

More people but mostly the same
Girls down with love, tell me what can you do
Seeing your friends down a hole in the ground
With the ceilings and walls falling down.



Strawbs: Strawbs, 1969, side 1, track 4

Strawbs: Early Strawbs (2LP), 1974, side 2, track 4

Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 2, track 6

Strawbs: Strawbs (CD, Universal), 2008, track 4

Sandy Denny and the Strawbs: All Our Own Work (The Complete Sessions), 2010, track 22

Unreleased demo



I found a curious place born of emptiness
The silent solitude of the evening sky
Sycamore seeds scatter life on winter days
The robin and the wren break bread in thankfulness

Ever will I rest
Sadly as I weep
Close against your breast
Soundly when I sleep

I hear an ancient air sung with tenderness
A gentle ambient sound full of innocence
Shape-notes of a plainsong hymn through the chapel walls
Green for Epiphany, gold for Trinity.

Come my little darling with your deep-set eyes
The dragonfly will rest on your fingertips
The lightest of touch to celebrate the past
In porcelain, paint and wood, then cast aside.



Dave Cousins: Secret Paths, 2008, track 2

with Melvin Duffy



Jimmy Wilson had a glass eye, I could see it
And he stuttered sometimes
And he needed a girl friend night times
Didn't know how to go about it
Poor Jimmy Wilson, poor Jimmy Wilson.

All the boys used to tease him, I know I did it
And he was my friend
At school we were always close together
Hardly a day I didn't see him
Poor Jimmy Wilson, poor Jimmy Wilson.

He used to go out for walks on his own
With no-one to talk to at all
He'd walk in the park till the evening grew dark
Just feeling quite incredibly small.

He was sitting in the park one Sunday evening
Around about five
When along came a lady, a total stranger
Wanted young Jimmy to go with her
Poor Jimmy Wilson, poor Jimmy Wilson.

Well she was so persuasive and seemed quite friendly
So he went along
And the lady who was lonely gave him tea
And she was his friend for ever after
Poor Jimmy Wilson, poor Jimmy Wilson.



Strawbs: Strawbs, 1969, side 2, track 3

Strawbs: Early Strawbs (2LP), 1974, side 4, track 3

Strawbs: Sandy Denny And The Strawbs, 1991, side 1, track 6

Strawbs: Strawbs (CD, Universal), 2008, track 9

Strawbs: Strawbs (CD, Universal), 2008, track 13

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 1 - In Session, 2010, track

1968 BBC sessions

Sandy Denny and the Strawbs: All Our Own Work (The Complete Sessions), 2010, track 20


Strawbs: Of A Time, 2012, track 2


Strawbs: 45: "The Man Who Called Himself Jesus"/"Poor Jimmy Wilson", 1968, side 2, track 1






Strawbs: Of A Time, 2012, track 21

DC pooem read by Tom Brown



Back Along (We Were Young)


Sony ATV Music

It was the final summer
Nightingales still sung
Young girls' making daisy chains
Back along we were young
Kissing her for the first time
Finding her tongue
Brushing her chest by accident
Back along we were young

Meeting her brother Billy
All highly-strung
Sensitive, rather quiet
Back along we were young
Making hay by day
Making love by night
Watching as the storm clouds gathered

All For Each Other


Sony ATV Music

Then war broke out
Lads had no doubt
Billy was right
All stood in line
What's yours is mine
One final night
Basic training for a week
Crap in Sergeant Major speak
Hell was no place for the weak
All for each other
Christ, the battlefield was sparse
No place to go to wipe your arse
Weeks when nothing came to pass
All for each other
Bright burning flares
Padre said prayers
Billy broke down
Shell fire immense
Smoke red and dense
One last showdown
Rain turned rivers into flood
Shattered bones, pools of blood
We knelt together in the mud
All for each other
I'm not ashamed to say I cried
The day the lads were crucified
We fought together side by side
All for each other
Billy caught one in the eye
He took at least an hour to die
I held his hand, just him and I
All for each other
Life was never meant like this
I'd love to give my girl a kiss
The last words Billy said were
I miss her

Home Is Where The Heart Was Ever


Sony ATV Music

Home is where the heart was ever
Hallowed ground where thousands lie
Buried in the fields of honour
Whichever country's flag may fly
Home is where the heart was ever
Where a single church bell tolls
Bounded by a field of poppies
Each one bears a thousand souls
Home is where the heart was ever
City, town or countryside
Where the spirits of the fallen
Live forever, named with pride



Strawbs: Dancing To The Devil's Beat, 2009, track 4



See first section of Lay A Little Light On Me.



Strawbs: Hero And Heroine In Ascensia, 2011, track 1

re-recorded 2012 version

Strawbs: Live In Gettysburg, 2017, track 1




Spoke the Queen of Dreams
I was Lord of the Forest
Walked within her paths
Sheltered within her bowers
Pine needles for my pillow
The dove my only true friend
I was Lord of the Forest.

Spoke the Queen of Souls
I was Lord of the Ocean
Swam beneath her waves
Sheltered within her shipwrecks
Precious gifts I bring you
From rusting hulls of the deep
I was Lord of the Ocean.

Spoke the Queen of Heads
I was Lord of the Mountains
Scaled her highest peaks
Sheltered within her valleys
Climb high upon my shoulders
I will show you the world
I was Lord of the Mountains.

I had no head for heights
But close my eyes to make the climb
Oh Queen of Dreams
Oh Queen of Souls
Oh Queen of Heads
It's time.



Strawbs: Grave New World, 1972, side 1, track 3

Strawbs: Grave New World (CD, Universal), 1998, track 3

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 6

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 14

Strawbs: Witchwood - The Very Best Of, 2014, track 7



Once we went dancing through quicksilver days
Sad is the heart that is resting at last
Fountains still flow
With endless tears
Lessons reflect from history past

Towers that once sheltered us crumble in ruin
The fiery rain of vengeance fulfilled
Flood waters rising
Cover our heads
We lament for thosewhose blood has been spilled

Eyes that were sparkling sapphire clear
Hunting for light in the shadowy deep
Hope may still dawn
With each new day
Under a mantle of cloud we sleep.



Strawbs: Settlement, 2021, side 2, track 3

Strawbs: Settlement (CD), 2021, track 7




[drum solo]



Strawbs: Lay Down With The Strawbs (2CD), 2008, track 2

2006 live version



As when it was written
Is now come to pass
That which protected
Shatters like glass

The dust of the city
Pours down like blood
Few will survive
The fire and flood

Are we ready?
Are we ready?

Down by the sea
They tend to their flocks
Wilderness fields
A rubble of rocks

Snow piling high
In a wintery storm
We huddle together
To keep ourselves warm

Those with the power
Have jaws and no bite
They are like wolves
Eating slowly at night

Nor silver nor gold
Shall pay for the sins
Of those who commit them
Nobody wins

As when it was written
Is now come around
In trust we are guided
By truth we are bound.



Strawbs: The Magic Of It All, 2023, side 1, track 1

Strawbs: The Magic Of It All (CD), 2023, track 1






Strawbs: Ghosts, 1974, side 2, track 3

Strawbs: Ghosts (CD, Universal), 1998, track 7

Acoustic Strawbs: Baroque And Roll, 2001, track 2

Strawbs: Live At Nearfest, 2005, track 7

Strawbs: NY '75, 2007, track 7

1975 live version

Strawbs: Lay Down With The Strawbs (2CD), 2008, track 5

2006 live version



A confluence of rivers
Once flowed out to the sea
Where forests grew abundant
And nature's gifts were free
Man built his mighty temples
And prayed at his own feet
But the desert sands were shifting
Revenge can be so sweet

We shall us all rise up
March to the beat
We shall all rise up
Revenge can be so sweet

Beneath the Tower of Babel
Crowds began to form
Gathering in defiance
In the forefront of the storm
Machinery breathed fire
Melting with the heat
Flames lit up the night sky
Revenge can be so sweet

The culture of possession
Is both perilous and plain
Man shows no inhibition
In the conquests that remain
Those who breed corruption
Should sleep out in the street
Life is meant for living
Revenge can be so sweet

We shall us all rise up
March to the beat
We shall all rise up
Revenge can be so sweet.



Strawbs: Dancing To The Devil's Beat, 2009, track 1



There's a cafe on the corner where the Latin lovers meet
They're dancing to the rhythm of the night and the heat of the street.
There's a glow of expectation, the narcotic of the beat
They're dancing to the rhythm of the night and the heat of the street.

Rhythm of the night, heat of the street.
Rhythm of the night and the heat of the street.

There's a girl in every alley trying to whip you off your feet
They're dancing to the rhythm of the night and the heat of the street.

They play it tough
They play it cool
They play to win
They drink the pool
They play it by the golden rule
Lady Luck is no-one's fool.

There are roly poly mamas, electric slippers on their feet
They're dancing to the rhythm of the night and the heat of the street.

When they offer you the menu, try the rack of spicy meat
They're dancing to the rhythm of the night and the heat of the street.



Strawbs: Blue Angel, 2003, track 9



We met when you were still a girl
In nineteen sixty eight
You wore a white dress and a hat
I touched the hand of fate
Your sweet voice took my breath away
Your smile lit up your face
You still had both feet on the ground
I was out in space

That certain sadness in your eyes
The secret of your smile
I've carried all these memories
Down many's the weary mile
And every time I hear your name
My eyes moist up with tears
As every word you ever sang
Comes ringing down the years.

We sat and talked the whole night long
Of all our rights and wrongs
Of mutual acquaintances
We sang each other's song
You were with me when the morning broke
The birds refused to sing
They knew when they were beaten
They hid beneath their wings.

I was in a Cleveland hotel room
When they telephoned the news
I drowned my sorrow all night long
The Southern Comfort blues
The show went on to great applause
Choking back the tears
As every word you ever sang
Came ringing down the years.

I reached out for the hourglass
To turn it face about
But who knows where the time goes
When your time is running out
I know someday we'll meet again
And I know just what I'll find
You'll have taught the angels how to sing
Georgia - Georgia on my mind.



Strawbs: Ringing Down The Years (CD, Virgin Canada), 1991, track 7

Strawbs: Greatest Hits Live, 1993, track 4

Strawbs: The Complete Strawbs (Live At Chiswick House), 2000, track 3

Various Artists: Thirty Years In Rock, 2001, track 10

Cousins/Willoughby version featured on back of "The King" single and also on Sandy Denny tribute CD Georgia On My Mind

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD4, track 1

1990 live recording

Dave Cousins: Secret Paths, 2008, track 5

with Melvin Duffy

Dave Cousins: Duochrome, 2008, track 7

DC with Ian Cutler, Philadelphi 2008

Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures, 2015, track 6

DC solo 2008 live performance


Strawbs/Cousins and Willoughby: 45: "The King"/"Ringing Down The Years", 1979, side 2, track 1

private label release, Cousins and Willoughby acoustic performance (some copies have b-side credit on label "Strawbs" stickered over)






Strawbs: Deja Fou, 2004, track 1






Strawbs: The Battle (2LP), 2019, side 3, track 6

1971 Live In Concert (recorded 23 Jun 1971, aired 1 Jun 1973) - Wakeman instrumental)



I drew the blade across my wrist
To see how it would feel
Looked into the future
There was nothing to reveal
For we were just the product
Of the ever spinning wheel
Round and round we go
Round and and round we go.

Come and see me
When the screw has turned another turn
It's not that I'm confused
But I've an awful lot to learn
But I will be the one
To make you work for what you earn
Round and round we go
Round and and round we go.

After all it's just the revolution I despise
The dawn of revelations and the flower power prize
And I pity those poor children with no sunshine in their eyes
Round and round we go
Round and and round we go.



Strawbs: Hero And Heroine, 1974, side 2, track 4

Strawbs: Best Of Strawbs, 1978, side 1, track 4

Strawbs: Heroes Are Forever (2CD bootleg), 1990, CD2, track 7

1974 Live In Concert (11 Apr 1974, Golders Green Hippodrome, London)

Strawbs: A Choice Selection Of Strawbs, 1992, track 8

Strawbs: Strawbs In Concert, 1995, track 14

1974 live BBC In Concert

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine (CD, Universal), 1998, track 4

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 11

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 18

Strawbs: Concert Classics, 1999, track 8

1978 Live BBC In Concert (recorded Dec 1977, aired Feb 1978)

Strawbs: The Complete Strawbs (Live At Chiswick House), 2000, track 6

Strawbs: Tears And Pavan, 2002, track 9

Strawbs: 20th Century Masters - Millennimum Collection, 2003, track 7

Strawbs: Live At Nearfest, 2005, track 2

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD2, track 12

Dave Cousins acoustic demo

Strawbs: NY '75, 2007, track 10

1975 live version

Strawbs: Lay Down With The Strawbs (2CD), 2008, track 10

2006 live version

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 14

1974 Live In Concert (11 Apr 1974, Golders Green Hippodrome, London)

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine In Ascensia, 2011, track 9

re-recorded 2012 version

Strawbs: Witchwood - The Very Best Of, 2014, track 14

Strawbs: Live In Gettysburg, 2017, track 11

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine (SHM CD, Universal Japan), 2018, track 4


Strawbs: 45: "Hero And Heroine"/"Round And Round", 1974, side 2, track 1

Spain and Germany opted for "Round And Round" as the b-side

Strawbs: 45: "Round And Round"/"Heroine's Theme", 1974, side 1, track 1

US and Italy only



After all it's just the revolution I despise
The dawn of revelations and the flower power prize
And I pity those poor children with no sunshine in their eyes
Round and round we go
Round and and round we go.



Strawbs: Hero And Heroine In Ascensia, 2011, track 12

re-recorded 2012 version

Strawbs: Prognostic, 2014, track 12

2012 In Ascensia version

Strawbs: Live In Gettysburg, 2017, track 15



It was back along summer of thirty years
I'll tell you a story to bring you tears
Of the likes of a romance so few hears
Out on the Russian front

She had startling eyes of sapphire blue
She lived in a house where camellias grew
But where she came from no-one knew

He stood as firm as the mighty oak
Smelled as keen as forest smoke
Loved her with a velvet stroke
Out on the Russian front

She loved a man who burst with pride
Buried deep in her countryside
Their love for life was long denied

Even now I'm still unclear
Those who held each other dear
Are living in a state of fear
Out on the Russian front

Both were sent their separate ways
Victims of their yesterdays
The party wins the farmer pays.



Strawbs: Deja Fou, 2004, track 10




You look to me a sad young man
Down is where you're going
You've blindly found an easy way
You think that it's not showing.

Is this what you want
Is this what you're struggling to be
Brought your face to the ground
Won't you ever see.

You came down south from Birmingham
Tired of all the faces
A stranger to a strange new town
Unfamiliar places.

You came down and you didn't know why
And then you didn't even try
Swept along by the crowd
Blown along like a cloud.

The heavy spell of dark and night
Your created isolation
This loneliness just need not be
You are your own creation.

Though you may be down and out
Life need not be so heavy
For even though your dues are high
Should you become the levy.

Is this what you want
Is this what you're struggling to be
Is this what you want
Is this what you've struggled to be.



Strawbs: Hero And Heroine, 1974, side 1, track 2

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine (CD, Universal), 1998, track 2

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine In Ascensia, 2011, track 3

re-recorded 2012 version

Strawbs: Live In Gettysburg, 2017, track 3

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine (SHM CD, Universal Japan), 2018, track 2



The hands on the clock keep turning round
They point to the time of the day
The time means nothing with you by my side
Though some time I'll be on my way.

Down the road to where I must go
There's nothing between you and me
I'll take a boat down the river my love
And sail away to the sea
I'll sail away to the sea.

What will you take to remember me by
I've no money to buy you a smile
I can't say the words to bid you farewell
So I'll carry them with me a while.

You'll wave goodbye 'till I pass out of sight
As you're waving goodbye for good
I can't even take you part of the way
I only wish that I could.



Strawbs: Strawberry Music Sampler No. 1, 1969, side 1, track 3

Strawbs: All Our Own Work, 1973, side 2, track 3

Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 1, track 2

Strawbs: Sandy Denny And The Strawbs, 1991, side 1, track 4

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD1, track 6

Sandy And The Strawbs version

Sandy Denny and the Strawbs: All Our Own Work (The Complete Sessions), 2010, track 9

Original 1973 release version



Introduction to DC solo 2008 live performance of "Grace Darling" on Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures.



Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures, 2015, track 9



I must have been the saddest man
Who ever wrote a love song
For when I spoke of ways and means
I knew it would not last long
After all the years
The growing pains and heartaches
I swore that I would die for you
And sealed it with a traitor's kiss.

We must have been a crazy pair
To think we'd last together
I hope you find your own new world
And make it last forever
You gave me your best
I gave you all my worst years
I swore that I would die for you
And sealed it with a traitor's kiss.

Thank you for your sympathy
God bless you for your kindness
I'm sure that as the years roll by
You'll understand my sadness
I can't have been the only man
Who ever wrote a song for you.

Take care of the kids
I didn't want to hurt them
I swore that I would die for you
And sealed it with a traitor's kiss.



Strawbs: Deadlines, 1978, side 1, track 3

Strawbs: Blue Angel, 2003, track 11

Dave Cousins: The Spoken Word Of Dave Cousins, 2010, track 11

Spoken word version released on CD at back of Secrets, Stories and Song book

Strawbs: Deadlines (CD, WML), 2012, track 3

Strawbs: Deadlines (CD, WML), 2012, track 12

Dave Cousins acoustic demo

Strawbs: Deadlines (CD, WML), 2012, track 17

Band studio demo



See my friends searching for someone
They’ve no time to share
Got my feet up, having fun
I’ve no time to care.

Though I’ve known her quite a while
We’ve only just begun
I can watch my friends and smile
See how they run.

I keep on dreaming day to day
I guess I always will
See my mind resting far away
Never standing still.

People say that I’m a fool
That I’m the lonely one
I can look them in the eye
See how they run.

Though I’ve known her quite a while
We’ve only just begun
I can watch my friends and smile
See how they run.



Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer (CD, Media Arte), 2005, track 11

Home demo

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD2, track 4

Cousins/Lambert home demo

Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 13

Cousins And Lambert 1972 demo



There comes a time
When every settlement is due
No compromise
No other point of view

There comes a time
When no-one ever takes the blame
No sentiment
Whoever's in the frame

Stripped down in a cold town
Dying to pay the rent
What the masterminds are selling you
Is Heaven Scent
Ring around the rules
We're nobody's fools

There comes a time
When consultation is a lie
No double deals
No more humble pie

There comes a time
When retribution is the key
No change of mind
Whatever is will be

Chaos in the system
Makes the stomach churn
What the charlatans are telling you
Is crash and burn
Ring around the rules
We're nobody's fools

Did you get a summons
When the doorbell rang
What the autocrats are telling you
Is Sturm und Drang
Ring around the rules
We're nobody's fools



Strawbs: Settlement, 2021, side 1, track 1

Strawbs: Settlement (CD), 2021, track 1



I may be wrong
But if I'm right
Then I feel it's clouding over
Neon signs flicker bright
With a silent voice of warning
I've got these things on my mind

TV life
Can't you feel we're drowning
Takes what he can
While the crowd stands naked watching

In the dark
I strain my eyes
There's a figure in the main-street
He wears a badge
He carries a gun
He's forgotten how to smile
I've got these things on my mind

TV life
Can't you feel we're drowning
Takes what he can
While the crowd stand naked watching

Dawn will break
Day will come
Let's hope it brings a rainbow
We must change
We've got to fight
If we want to see the sun
I've got these things on my mind

TV life
Can't you feel we're drowning
Takes what he can
While the crowd stands naked watching.



Various Artists: The Witchwood Project, 2006, track 8

Dave Lambert recording from Woprk In Progress

Strawbs: The Broken Hearted Bride, 2008, track 5



July the fourth in the market town
Farmers have come for miles around
Bringing their wives and children.

A farmer stands with his youngest son
Watching their sheep driven from the pen
The slaughterhouse is waiting.

Look they're turning back
They're frightened
Dogs are snapping at their heels
Jumping on each other's backs
Hear their squeals.

The young boy stands looking quite dismayed
How can they know they're just animals
Come pull yourself together.

The farmer tells him to look inside
Row after row of raw carcasses
Their blood runs in the gutters.

Listen to their silly bleating
Farmer beats them with his stick
Milling by the open door
Don't be sick.

The young boy
Takes a look around
See people watching blankly
And he pities them
For they too
Look like sheep
And he tells himself
When he grows up
When he becomes a farmer
He will just plant seeds of love
He will just plant seeds of love
He will just plant seeds of love
And he will harvest peace.



Strawbs: From The Witchwood, 1971, side 2, track 1

Strawbs: Japanese Sampler, 1973, side 2, track 1

Dave Cousins And Strawbs: Japanese Sampler, 1973, side 1, track 1

Strawbs: Heroes Are Forever (2CD bootleg), 1990, CD1, track 2

1973 Live In Concert (25 Mar 1973, Paris Theatre, London)

Strawbs: Strawbs In Concert, 1995, track 2

1973 live BBC In Concert

Strawbs: From The Witchwood (CD, Universal), 1998, track 6

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 10

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD1, track 20

1971 Live In Concert (recorded 23 Jun 1971, aired 1 Jun 1973)

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 11

1971 Live In Concert (recorded 23 Jun 1971, aired 1 Jun 1973)

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 13

1973 Live In Concert (25 Mar 1973, Paris Theatre, London)

Strawbs: The Battle (2LP), 2019, side 4, track 1

1971 Live In Concert (recorded 23 Jun 1971, aired 1 Jun 1973)



Once I sat upon a hill
To watch the world go by
My friend the young magician
Had forbidden me to cry
But I was the comedian
With the laughs in short supply.

Shine on silver sun
Shine on everyone
Shine on silver sun
Shine on.

The sunlight filtered softly
Through the pale and watery sky
To catch the mirrored salmon
As it rose to take the fly
The flowers on the riverbank
Were left alone to die.

The church bells sounded midnight
As I rose to say goodbye
And a solitary tear
Fell from the corner of my eye.



Strawbs: Hero And Heroine, 1974, side 1, track 4

Strawbs: Best Of Strawbs, 1978, side 2, track 2

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine (CD, Universal), 1998, track 4

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 9

Strawbs: The Collection, 2002, track 10

Strawbs: Painted Sky, 2005, track 3

Acoustic Strawbs version

Strawbs: Lay Down With The Strawbs (2CD), 2008, track 3

2006 live version

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine In Ascensia, 2011, track 5

re-recorded 2012 version

Strawbs: Witchwood - The Very Best Of, 2014, track 13

Strawbs: Live In Gettysburg, 2017, track 5

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine (SHM CD, Universal Japan), 2018, track 4


Strawbs: 45: "Shine On Silver Sun"/"And Wherefore", 1973, side 1, track 1



Simple visions come to me
I was blind but now I see
Simple visions of my soul
Cut in pieces now I'm whole.

Simple visions from the heart
Once I faltered at the start
Simple visions of my past
Seldom first but never last.

Time will mend this broken heart
For fate decreed that we must part
One for all and all in vain
It would be marvellous to see you again.

Simple visions in the night
Walk on air in coloured light
Simple visions lost in time
Come and see the rainbow line

Let us conjure magic from the moon
Raise the phantom tide and swell the stream
Sweep away the bridge on which we stand
Bind the lovers' knot and find the dream.

Let us make a pact beneath the stars
Intertwine our limbs like windswept trees
Tearing in the passion of the storm
Spent in harmony like autumn leaves.

Let us make deep cuts and mix our blood
Sacrifice the mockingbird above
Soaring on the wings of paradise
Simple visions of a perfect love.



Strawbs: Deep Cuts, 1976, side 2, track 1

Strawbs: Concert Classics, 1999, track 5

1978 Live BBC In Concert (recorded Dec 1977, aired Feb 1978)

Various Artists: Thirty Years In Rock, 2001, track 6

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (CD, Muskrat), 2003, track 6

Various Artists: The Witchwood Project, 2006, track 13

Baroque And Roll outtake

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 6


Strawbs: 45: "Keep On Trying"/"Simple Visions", 1977, side 2, track 1



Did you hear me, my little one
Calling you by the way of the moon
Serenading you
To my saddest tune

Will you know me, my little one
Rushing by at the speed of sand
Serenading you
With flower in hand

Skip to my Lou, my darling
Skip to my Lou, my darling young one
Skip to my Lou, my darling
All night, all night long

Did you see me my little one
Walking along by the railway track
Serenading you
Without looking back

Will you kiss me my little one
Leading you to the hangman's knot
Serenading you
With forget-me-not

Did you fear me my little one
As the last train passed us by
Serenading you
With a tear in my eye

Will you haunt me my little one
Ill at ease with Cupid's dart
Serenading you
With a broken heart.



Dave Cousins: The Boy In The Sailor Suit, 2007, track 7

with the Blue Angel Orchestra

Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 5

Dave Cousins with the Blue Angel Orchestra - 2009 live track

Slack Jaw Alice


Ain't it a shame
About Slack Jaw Alice
Living in Paris
Slack Jaw Alice
Ain't it a shame

Tripping down the street
In high heel sneakers
Alice was confronted
By bare faced streakers
Ain't it a shame

Covering her eyes
With dayglow shades
Alice was distracted
By the masquerades
Ain't it a shame

Sex, drugs, rock'n'roll
Loads-a fun
Alice in a photo
In the Caribbean sun
Ain't it a shame

Side by side
Where the devil walks
Alice loves the way of life
Where money talks
Ain't it a shame

Alice went to parties
Where she didn't fit
Alice made it clear
She didn't give a ....
Bless my soul

Alice took it easy
Being cream of the crops
Now she finds t tough
As the bandwagon stops
Ain't it a shame

Living for yourself
This is what you get
Alice lives forever
On a vacant set
Ain't it a shame.



Strawbs: The Magic Of It All, 2023, side 2, track 3

Strawbs: The Magic Of It All (CD), 2023, track 7






Strawbs: Live In Gettysburg, 2017, track 7



You're my secret
You're my inspiration
You're my journey
You're my destination
You have always
Been so close
And yet so far away.

You're my best friend
You're my total stranger
You're my lifeline
You're my hint of danger
You have always
Been so close
And yet so far away.

In my hour of weakness
I called on you to comfort me
But you could only set me free.

You're my memories
You're my rock of ages
You're my future
You're my empty pages
You have always
Been so close
And yet so far away.



Strawbs: Deep Cuts, 1976, side 2, track 5

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (CD, Muskrat), 2003, track 10

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 10



The rose buds are hard and firm;
Erect and proud they stand
On slender stems,
Wrapped in silk
And tied with a velvet ribbon.

"Tie the ribbon in my hair,"
She says,
"Your gentle touch upon my brow
Can make me close my eyes
In sleepy pleasure."

Low the candle burns
And flickers shadows on the wall;
It's crimson lips are closing
Round the flame.
As the flame dies
So shall our live die?

The roses stoop lower
As their petals fall.
So shall our love die?

"What is it,"
She says.
Say I,
"Nothing but the west wind,
The wind of change."



Strawbs: Nomadness, 1975, side 2, track 1

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: Hummingbird, 2002, track 3

Strawbs: Tears And Pavan, 2002, track 10

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD2, track 18

Dave Cousins acoustic demo

Strawbs: Nomadness (CD, Universal), 2008, track 6

Dave Cousins: The Spoken Word Of Dave Cousins, 2010, track 6

Spoken word version released on CD at back of Secrets, Stories and Song book



The question was survival
The answer was myself
I was on the inside looking out
You took me to the limit
But you only took yourself
You were on the outside looking in.

Something for nothing
Something for nothing
Was all you ever wanted from me
Something for nothing
Something for nothing
Was all you ever wanted to be.

You bit the hand that fed you
Ripped the fingers to the bone
You were scoring blood, when times were lean
While I looked on disgusted
Ashamed to be your friend
Thinking to myself what might have been.

Now the lone wolf beats a new trail
With scent of easy game
Howling at the full moon on his back
While his lover eats her heart out
To the bitter taste of failure
Hungry for the leader of the pack.



Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill, 1978, track 1

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill, 1978, track 1

Strawbs: Don't Say Goodbye, 1987, side 2, track 1

Strawbs: Don't Say Goodbye (CD), 1987, track 6

Strawbs: Greatest Hits Live, 1993, track 2

Various Artists: Thirty Years In Rock, 2001, track 1

from Heartbreak Hill

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill (CD, WML), 2006, track 1

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill (CD, WML), 2006, track 9

The "Whiplash mix" only on 2006 Platinum Edition CD release

Strawbs: Prognostic, 2014, track 3


Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 1



I've been many places, I've passed through many cities
Paris to Toronto and the rest
The travelling can bring you down, you're always on your own
But I see friendly faces everywhere.

From a song that pulls your heartstrings to a sea of smiling faces
Oh, but a careless word can make you feel so sad
But in the end I add things up and I find it's all worthwhile
When I see friendly faces everywhere.

The windswept streets are empty when my working day is over
And I always think of home last thing at night
Then I close my eyes and fall asleep for I know that in my dreams
That I'll see friendly faces everywhere.



Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: Old School Songs (CD, Muskrat), 1979, track 13

from The Bridge

Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 4, track 9

Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: The Bridge, 1994, track 10



She looks so frail beside you
As she wears her sick disguise
You say she'll soon be better
As you dry her tearful eyes
You tell her fairy stories
She tries to understand
She looks to you for comfort
And holds out her little hand.

But early in the morning
When the sun shines
Into her tiny room
She wakes up like a bird
And she's fine again.

You gently kiss her forehead
And from the room you creep
But you linger in the doorway
As she whimpers in her sleep
Her cheeks are flushed like sunset
And her head's an open fire
All night she turns and tosses
As her temperature gets higher.

But early in the morning
When the sun shines
Into her tiny room
She wakes up like a bird
And she's fine again.

The nightlight in the corner
Casts a soft and peaceful glow
Her face becomes much cooler
And her breathing much more slow
She dreams of clowns and princes
Sailing boats and trains
The fairies come by moonlight
To take away her pain.

But early in the morning
When the sun shines
Into her tiny room
She wakes up like a bird
And she's fine again.

She wakes up
Like a bird
And she feels fine.



Strawbs: Just A Collection Of Antiques And Curios, 1970, side 2, track 2

Dave Cousins And Strawbs: Japanese Sampler, 1973, side 2, track 3

Strawbs: By Choice, 1974, side 1, track 4

Strawbs: Best Of Strawbs, 1978, side 3, track 4

Strawbs: A Choice Selection Of Strawbs, 1992, track 12

Strawbs: Just A Collection Of Antiques And Curios (1998 CD, Universal), 1998, track 5

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 7

Strawbs: The Collection, 2002, track 6

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: Live 1988, 2005, track 4

Live Exeter 1988

Strawbs: Recollection, 2006, track 3

1970 live version

Various Artists: The Witchwood Project, 2006, track 9

Cousins Wakeman 1988 live version

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD3, track 17

1988 live version by Cousins and Wakeman

Dave Cousins: Secret Paths, 2008, track 1

with Melvin Duffy

Dave Cousins: Duochrome, 2008, track 3

DC solo, Milwaukee 2008

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 1 - In Session, 2010, track

1970 BBC sessions

Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 9

Dave Cousins and Ian Cutler - 2009 live track

Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures, 2015, track 4

DC solo 2008 live performance

Strawbs: The Battle (2LP), 2019, side 1, track 4

1970 BBC sessions (track listed as "Song Of A Sad Girl")


(Trad arr.)

Spanish is the loving tongue,
Soft as music, light as spring
Was a girl that I learned it from,
Living down Sonora way.

I don't look much like a lover,
But I say her love words over,
Mostly when I'm all alone
"Mi amor, mi corazón."

On the nights that I would ride
She would listen for my spurs,
Throw those big doors open wide,
and raise those laughing eyes of hers

How those hours get to flying
All too soon I'd hear her sighing
In her little sorry tone
"Mi amor, mi corazón."

I haven't seen her since that night
I can't cross the line you know
Want me for a gambling fight
Like as not, it's better so.

And Yet I've always sort of missed her
Since that last sad night that I kissed her
Lost my heart and left to roam
"Mi amor, mi corazón."



Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 2, track 1






Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: 40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 2 (DVD), 2010, track 3




I can hear you
Like the rain that falls so sweetly
I can hear you
Like the sun that dries the fields
And feeds the grain
I can hear your spirit
Singing sweet refrains
Oh little starshine
Oh little starshine.

I can feel you
Like a breath of fresh green pastures
I can feel you
Like the touch of summer breezes
In my hair
I can sense your presence
Flowing through the air
Oh little starshine
Oh little star.

Angel Wine

The sun was sinking in the west
The sky was burning wild
As evening showed its starlit crest
I looked deep into my child.

Oh fool, oh mortal man
We live life as we can
But now who do I think I am.

The world is black, the world is white
The world is you and I
We surely ought to see the light
That burns in children's eyes.

Oh Lord give us a sign
The world's a bitter crime
That soon we may taste angel wine.

I see my future clearly now
My world is full of song
Be truthful to yourself my child
And your heart will be forever strong.



Strawbs: Ghosts, 1974, side 1, track 3

Strawbs: Ghosts (CD, Universal), 1998, track 3

Strawbs: 20th Century Masters - Millennimum Collection, 2003, track 4



When I was a young man I wasted my days
Dreaming of fortune and fame
Now as I look back, I can see the mistakes
It's time to move on for I'm starting over

A kid starting out has much more of a chance
Than I ever had at his age
If only he's willing to take what is his
Time to move on for I'm starting over.

Time knocks again and again at your door
Opportunities never return
Remember you only get back what you give
It's time to move on for I'm starting over.]

Time, you have everything
Share it with me
Dark is the mystery
How silently the kestrel is flying.

He of the watchful eye
In careful pursuit
We the willing prey
Aware of the danger
Content with our fate.

Swift is the kestrel's flight
Straight to the heart
Solved in a second's pause
How short-lived our time here.

I envy the wild bird his freedom and space
His view of the world far below
My eyes are wide open to take in the view
It's time to move on for I'm starting over
An experience entered can only be gained
It's never forgotten or lost
We're here for a purpose that few of us find
It's time to move on for I'm starting over.



Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill, 1978, track 5

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill, 1978, track 5

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill (CD, WML), 2006, track 5

Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 2

Heartbreak Hill lineup - 2009 live track

Strawbs: Prognostic, 2014, track 4

??2009 live version

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 5

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 12

2009 live version from 4oth Anniversary celebrations



It seems that loving is a game that I can't win
No sooner are you here than gone again
Is there nothing I can say
To change your mind and stay
Alone with you is all I long to be
Will you stay awhile with me.

I've often gazed into my crystal ball
To find out if you think of me at all
But there's no reason why
You should even try
For there's nothing I can give as you can see
If you stay awhile with me.

Stay awhile with me
And I will show you I'm true
Stay awhile with me
That's all I'm asking you to do.

I see you in the street lamp's rusty gleam
It casts a magic spell as in a dream
The night is growing old
Come in from the cold
I'll lock the door and throw away the key
If you stay awhile with me.



Strawbs: Strawberry Music Sampler No. 1, 1969, side 1, track 2

Strawbs: All Our Own Work, 1973, side 1, track 5

Strawbs: Sandy Denny And The Strawbs, 1991, side 2, track 7

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD5, track 5

Remake with Dave Cousins vocal replacing Sandy Denny's

Sandy Denny and the Strawbs: All Our Own Work (The Complete Sessions), 2010, track 5

Original 1973 release version

Sandy Denny and the Strawbs: All Our Own Work (The Complete Sessions), 2010, track 17


Strawbs: Of A Time, 2012, track 5






Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: Hummingbird, 2002, track 4



I am the depth of age of the mountain
Yet still you believe to know how to be free
You are the life of the stars in the night sky
As constant much brighter yet younger than me

But I am the echo that calls you forever
The conscience that shows you the way to belong
And if you allow me I'll love you forever
And make you the voice of the words of my song


This track was played in 1975 concerts as the Strawbs walked on stage.



Strawbs: Hero And Heroine (CD, Universal), 1998, track 10

bonus track CD release

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD2, track 19

Dave Cousins acoustic demo

Strawbs: NY '75, 2007, track 1

1975 taped intro played to audience

Strawbs: Nomadness (CD, Universal), 2008, track 11



The woman moves in mysterious ways
Her miracles to defend
She is patient as your enemy
Triumphant as your friend
She lures her prey with sleight of hand
And scores with a poisoned dart

Who knows why
Deep down inside
Stone cold is the woman's heart.

The woman has the cutting tongue
But the man still has his pride
The fire may long have burned out
But he smoulders deep inside
The drama calls for a leading man
He hungers for the part

She will set you up
Let you down
Lay your body low
She will lead you to believe
THat you have nowhere else to go
She is sorcery
In every way a perfect work of art

The woman has the frigid touch
Still the memories remain
She has clothed herself in loneliness
And learned to wear the pain
She has run the race
In many's the way
But ends back at the start.



Strawbs: Ringing Down The Years (CD, Virgin Canada), 1991, track 8

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: Hummingbird, 2002, track 8

Dave Cousins: The Spoken Word Of Dave Cousins, 2010, track 16

Spoken word version released on CD at back of Secrets, Stories and Song book



The night sky hung so heavy
The wet road shone so bright
Reflecting back my headlights
As I drove on in the night
To Stormy Down.

I drew into a lay-by
My eyes were dark with strain
Turning up my collar
I walked out in the rain
On Stormy Down.

I was high on Stormy Down
Thinking of my friends below
But they had gone some other way
They did not want to know
About Stormy Down.

I thought I saw the devil
In the branches of a tree
It was just imagination
But he looked a lot like me
On Stormy Down.

The cold moon drew strange faces
On a slowly changing cloud
One looked like God the father
And I shouted right out loud
On Stormy Down.



Strawbs: Bursting At The Seams, 1973, side 1, track 3

Strawbs: Greatest Hits Live, 1993, track 5

Strawbs: Bursting At The Seams (CD, Universal), 1998, track 3

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 4

Strawbs: The Complete Strawbs (Live At Chiswick House), 2000, track

DVD release only

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 15

1973 Live In Concert (25 Mar 1973, Paris Theatre, London)



The sky was like a crystal, it was sapphire blue
I was like a kid again, so were you
It's a strange day, a strange day over the hill.

The sun came round to polish up the copper beech
The leaves were black as leather where the sun don't reach
It's a strange day, a strange day over the hill.

I was close enough to heaven as a man could be
Knowing I had solved your little mystery
It's a strange day, a strange day over the hill.

We could hear the distant compromise of wedding bells
As we leaned on one another bidding fond farewells
It's a strange day, a strange day over the hill.

As we drove into the valley, the mist rolled down
We were in the grip of winter in our own home town
It's a strange day, a strange day over the hill.

The lights were shining brightly in the house across the street
I was looking for adventure, I was turning on the heat
I shivered in the shadows, it was cold as hell
The church bell sounded seven going, well, well, well
It's a strange day, a strange day over the hill.



Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: The Bridge, 1994, track 3

Various Artists: Thirty Years In Rock, 2001, track 12

from The Bridge

Strawbs: Blue Angel, 2003, track 5



Memories flow in endless streams
Tears-a-plenty, damaged dreams
Don't deny the die is cast
Footnotes from a fractured past

Songbirds sing their sad laments
Ancient wisdom, dark events
Reaching out to touch the veils
Footprints follow hard-fought trails

Times of courting
Times of pain
Times when all was lost in vain
Times of yearning
Times of hope
Such are these strange times

Open, yea, the windows wide
Feel the fresh air flow inside
Comes the sound of marching bands
Footsteps on the shifting sands

Times of glory
Times of pride
Times for conflict set aside
Times of danger
Times of grief
Such are these strange times.



Strawbs: Settlement, 2021, side 1, track 2

Strawbs: Settlement (CD), 2021, track 2






Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 3, track 3

Sandy Denny and the Strawbs: All Our Own Work (The Complete Sessions), 2010, track 21





I have neither seen the sun at midnight
Nor walked upon the water like a king
But I have been betrayed here in this lifetime
By those who I considered to be friends.

The wise man came with words of expectation
And freed me with his sun-kissed silver key
The truth is plain to see
It lives on within you
And within me.

Shine On Silver Sun

Once I sat upon a hill
To watch the world go by
My friend the young magician
Had forbidden me to cry
But I was the comedian
With the laughs in short supply.

Shine on silver sun
Shine on everyone
Shine on silver sun
Shine on.

The sunlight filtered softly
Through the pale and watery sky
To catch the mirrored salmon
As it rose to take the fly
The flowers on the riverbank
Were left alone to die.

The church bells sounded midnight
As I rose to say goodbye
And a solitary tear
Fell from the corner of my eye.

Words Of Wisdom
The wise man came in deep disguise
All the way from Mexico
We sat in circles on the ground
And listened to his words of wisdom
He spoke of unclimbed mountain ranges
And plains
That stretched beyond the point of no return.

We talked in terms of solitude
And parted with respect
That the world held a place for us



Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD2, track 10

1973 extended audition version with Cousins, Lambert, and members of Ten Years After



The stars begin to fade
The early morning mist is lifting
As he wakes with the silence still unbroken
The night has rolled away
The dawn is creeping through the window
As he rubs the shadows from his eyes

The sun begins to rise
To warm the room where he was sleeping
As he reads through the headlines of the papers
The dew is fading fast
As he is walking through the long grass
With church bell sounding in the tower

He waits inside the door
The clock strikes out the hour
He smiles pausing for a word as they arrive.
Farmers with their wives
Children with their flowers
Ladies in their bright mid-summer clothes

The stained glass windows shine
The congregation kneels in silence
Then the organ and choir
Join the birds in the trees
As they sing their Sunday morning song.



Strawbs: CD single:"On A Night Like This"/"This Barren Land"/"Sunday Morning (movie version)", 2002, track 3

"Movie version" - mix of track from Deja Fou with added strings

Strawbs: Deja Fou, 2004, track 7

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD4, track 13

Single mix/aka Movie version






Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD3, track 6

Outtake from first Deadlines sessions (variant of New Beginning)



I've got something richer than money
I've got something sweeter than honey
I've got someone funnier than funny
Sweetling I've got you
Sweetling I've got you.

I hear music better than Bach was
I see light shine into my darkness
I feel your touch electric sparkle
Sweetling I've got you
Sweetling I've got you.

I love you Sweetling
I'd give you anything
You're so delighting

I've got something richer than money
I've got something sweeter than honey
I've got someone funnier than funny
Sweetling I've got you
Sweetling I've got you.

I love you Sweetling
I'd give you anything
You're so delighting

I hear music better than Bach was
I see light shine into my darkness
I feel your touch electric sparkle
Sweetling I've got you
Sweetling I've got you.



Strawbs: Strawberry Music Sampler No. 1, 1969, side 2, track 8

Strawbs: All Our Own Work, 1973, side 2, track 4

Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 3, track 7

Sandy Denny and the Strawbs: All Our Own Work (The Complete Sessions), 2010, track 10

Original 1973 release version

Strawbs: Of A Time, 2012, track 12




You come knocking at my door
'Cause no-one wants you around
Should I swallow my pride
Forget what happened before
When I found out
You were fooling around with my feelings
And messing around with my heart
Now you come here saying we can make a new start.

I don't need you now
I believe I don't know how
You can say that we're forever
We've been apart too long
You know what went wrong
You left me with nothing to believe in.

Once there was a time
I'd always follow you 'round
I believed in us
And every word you said
'Til I found out
You were out on the town with my best friend
But I was the last one to know
Did you honestly think a love like that could grow.

You know you made a fool of me
Nothing can change that now
Hanging onto a dream of how it used to be
Taking a chance, hoping it all works out.



Strawbs: Ringing Down The Years (CD, Virgin Canada), 1991, track 9



Where are the tears
That you should be crying right now
I see the world weariness
In your eyes
I hear your voice
Soft and sad
Yet your laughter rings
Like carillons of bells
In my ears
I feel your heart
Beat like the wings of the wild goose
I smell your love
On me
I can still taste the tears
That you should be crying right now.



Dave Cousins: The Spoken Word Of Dave Cousins, 2010, track 2

Spoken word version released on CD at back of Secrets, Stories and Song book




Where are the tears
That you should be crying right now
I see the world weariness
In your eyes
I hear your voice
Soft and sad
Yet your laughter rings
Like carillons of bells
In my ears
I feel your heart
Beat like the wings of the wild goose
I smell your love
On me
I can still taste the tears
That you should be crying right now.


And when she lies in need of care and comforting
So as a child's toy she is caressed
And yet when cast adrift upon the changing tide
So as a ship becalmed she lies at rest

Oh darling go to sleep
For the night is young
There are many songs
Yet to be sung
Oh but I will sing them all to you
Before the night is through.



Strawbs: Bursting At The Seams, 1973, side 2, track 2

Strawbs: Best Of Strawbs, 1978, side 1, track 2

Strawbs: Rock Storia E Musica (cass), 1983, side 1, track 5

Strawbs: Heroes Are Forever (2CD bootleg), 1990, CD1, track 3

1973 Live In Concert (25 Mar 1973, Paris Theatre, London)

Strawbs: Heroes Are Forever (2CD bootleg), 1990, CD2, track 4

1974 Live In Concert (11 Apr 1974, Golders Green Hippodrome, London)

Strawbs: A Choice Selection Of Strawbs, 1992, track 13

Strawbs: Strawbs In Concert, 1995, track 3

1973 live BBC In Concert

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 3

Strawbs: Bursting At The Seams (CD, Universal), 1998, track 7

Acoustic Strawbs: Baroque And Roll, 2001, track 1

Strawbs: Tears And Pavan, 2002, track 8

Strawbs: Lay Down With The Strawbs (2CD), 2008, track 7

Acoustic Strawbs - 2006 live version

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 11

1974 Live In Concert (11 Apr 1974, Golders Green Hippodrome, London)

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 14

1973 Live In Concert (25 Mar 1973, Paris Theatre, London)



My ship sails in
On a cloud of broken promises
It's just not true
Not a single word she says
Time will tell
Whether I can change my ways
It might take years
It might even take always.

Tell me what you see in me
And I'll tell you what I see in you.

Your picture melts
Before my tired eyes
And all it leaves
Is just a trace of paradise
You'll change again
That's what I've been told
But don't take long
Or I might get too old.

Tell me what you see in me
And I'll tell you what I see in you.

Take it easy
But take it slow
For who knows which way next
That wind will blow
Time goes by
Just as quickly as I want it to
And I'll make out

Like I never knew.
Tell me what you see in me
And I'll tell you what I see in you.



Strawbs: Strawbs, 1969, side 1, track 5

Strawbs: All Our Own Work, 1973, side 1, track 3

Strawbs: Early Strawbs (2LP), 1974, side 2, track 5

Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 3, track 10

Strawbs: Sandy Denny And The Strawbs, 1991, side 2, track 2

Strawbs: Ringing Down The Years (CD, Virgin Canada), 1991, track 6

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 17

Ringing Down The Years version

Various Artists: Thirty Years In Rock, 2001, track 8

1991 Ringing Down The Years version

Strawbs: Strawbs (CD, Universal), 2008, track 5

Sandy Denny and the Strawbs: All Our Own Work (The Complete Sessions), 2010, track 3

Original 1973 release version

Sandy Denny and the Strawbs: All Our Own Work (The Complete Sessions), 2010, track 15


Strawbs: Of A Time, 2012, track 4






Strawbs: Just A Collection Of Antiques And Curios, 1970, side 1, track 3

Dave Cousins And Strawbs: Japanese Sampler, 1973, side 2, track 4

Strawbs: Japanese Sampler, 1973, side 1, track 6

Strawbs: Just A Collection Of Antiques And Curios (1998 CD, Universal), 1998, track 3

Strawbs: Recollection, 2006, track 7

1970 live version






Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: 40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 2 (CD), 2010, track 5

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: 40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 2 (DVD), 2010, track 10



We thank you for the wind and rain
The sunshine and the flowers
We thank you for the moon and stars
The minutes and the hours
We live each day as best we can
And wake up with new friends
For when the nights have turned around
The days begin again.



Strawbs: Bursting At The Seams, 1973, side 2, track 5

Strawbs: Bursting At The Seams (CD, Universal), 1998, track 10






Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 4

Craig and Willoughby - 2009 live track



In the darkened room her face was just a shadow
You might have been a dream, perhaps you were
The pillow dried your tears
The sadness in your eyes
As time goes by, your case remains unheard.

You never know we might have parted lovers
We might even have parted best of friends
But now you know the score
I'm not worth waiting for
Sad it is, but that's the way it ends.



Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer, 1972, side 1, track 4

Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer (CD, Media Arte), 2005, track 4

Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 4



Such a strange affair, here today and gone tomorrow
What a way to go, such a crazy note of sorrow
Some guy will make a fortune with a remedy for broken hearts
Don't say goodbye, that's when the crying starts.

What a bitter blow, such a cruel hearted letter
I don't understand, is he really that much better
I'll make it on my own but it's not easy when the guideline parts
Don't say goodbye, that's when the crying starts.

Started out my best friend
But you ended up a traitor
Don't pack your bags
I'll send your things on later
Don't say goodbye, that's when the crying starts.

You were clever, there was never any reason I should doubt you
I just booked a trip on a one way cruise without you
I'll find my self an island
I'll hunt for buried treasure
I'll let you go the half share
It'll really be a pleasure
Just don't say goodbye, that's when the crying starts
Don't say goodbye, that's when the crying starts
Don't say goodbye, that's when the crying starts.



Strawbs: Don't Say Goodbye, 1987, side 2, track 3

Strawbs: Don't Say Goodbye (CD), 1987, track 3

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD3, track 15

1984 live recording


Strawbs: 45: "That's When The Crying Starts"/"We Can Make It Together", 1987, side 1, track 1

Canada only



The storm casts off the shadows as it slips behind the clouds
The peacock looks dejected though his tail is standing proud
The actor tries to prove that he's the face in every crowd.

Oh there stands your hero losing his sight
Confused by his symptoms, and trembling with fright
Oh give him the key, won't you show him the light.

The judge lays down his papers with the hearing at an end
The parish priest reminds you that he's everybody's friend
And the actor wastes his money trying to keep up with the trend.

The fisherman weighs anchor with his catch of drowning souls
The foxes fear the hunters as they hide deep in their holes
While the actor lies down naked on his bed of glowing coals.



Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer, 1972, side 2, track 1

Strawbs: By Choice, 1974, side 2, track 3

Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer (CD, Media Arte), 2005, track 5

Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer (CD, Media Arte), 2005, track 10

Alternate mix

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD2, track 6

alternate mix (Dave Cousins)

Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 5

Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 10

Alternate mix



The Reaper

The reaper stood before him in the room
His melancholy smile matched the gloom
He tried to rise but fell back where he lay
Tried to speak but stumbled as the sentence slipped away.

The room grew far away and strangely still
He caught the reaper's eye and felt a chill
He thought he saw his mother's smiling face
As sunlight filtered softly through the yellowed curtain lace.

He thought back to the days when he was young
He heard the children's choir in which he'd sung
His letter floated softly to the floor
The reaper took his hand and led him gently through the door.

We Must Cross The River

Take my hand and I will lead you safely
There's no need to be dismayed
Though it's dark there will be no danger
There's no need to be afraid.
If you wear the cross your wife once gave you
You will find that it is blessed
Should you find that you are growing weary
You may lean on me and rest.

We must cross the river
We must cross the river
We must cross the river

Old familiar friends have long been waiting
To welcome you when you arrive
Time is on your side now, do not hurry
You are one who will survive
God is kind to those who seek salvation
Those who know no sense of hate
You will find him on the day of judgment
The God of love, the God of hate.

We must cross the river
We must cross the river
We must cross the river

Antiques And Curios

On the mantlepiece a china dog waits patiently
The faded velvet curtains are still drawn
The well worn tray of medal ribbons slowly gathers dust
The armchair's chintzy covers have been torn.

The photograph of Nancy on the honeymoon in France
The nearly finished letter underneath
The wheelchair that he never used, he always was too proud
Is folded in the corner by the wreath.

The choirboy's cassock hanging on the hook behind the door
The wooden box in which he kept his cross
The Coronation teapot that his mother always used
Helps to bring about a sense of loss.

Just a collection of antiques and curios.

Hey It's Been A Long Time

Hey it's been a long time, it's good to see you again
Hey it's been a long time, it's good to see you again.

We met quite by chance
I thought she'd moved away
We never made love but were very good friends.

We were married secretly
Her parents disapproved
For some reason or other they never made clear.

Hey it's been a long time, it's good to see you again
Hey it's been a long time, it's good to see you again.

We were in France when war broke out
We caught the first boat home
She gave me her cross when I went to the front.

I was hurt in Normandy
She didn't wait at all
I lived with my mother till she passed away.

Hey it's been a long time, it's good to see you again
Hey it's been a long time, it's good to see you again.



Strawbs: Just A Collection Of Antiques And Curios, 1970, side 1, track 2

Strawbs: Just A Collection Of Antiques And Curios (1998 CD, Universal), 1998, track 2

Strawbs: Painted Sky, 2005, track 4

Acoustic Strawbs version

Strawbs: Recollection, 2006, track 9

1970 live version



The sun was rising slowly
Furnace hot at dawn
Jay was in his hammock
Whittling on a horn
I was in the kitchen
Munching stale cakes
Thinking about Rose Mary
And how the cookie breaks

All in all
It's just another down-home day

Rose Mary was nineteen
Slender as a wand
Jay was something else
A bullfrog in a pond
A viper in disguise
A rattler in a sack
If you cared to call it
He would double slap you back

Rose Mary was smitten
She fell for Jay in style
Just like Robert Mitchum
Full of menace with a smile
Fluttered her eye lashes
Half an inch of hunch
Jay was like a school-boy
A kid in need of lunch

Jay took her to a diner
And told her of his power
He checked into a hotel room
But only booked an hour
Rose Mary was no mug
She didn't miss a thing
When Jay stepped on the gas
Whipping off his ring

His wedding ring was buried
In the pocket of his pants
Which Rose Mary was going through
While Jay was scratching ants
He opened up the bathroom door
Feeling ill at ease
But Rose Mary was long gone
With his clothing and his keys

I was getting ready
To round up missing steers
When Rose Mary came knocking
In a crocodile of tears
She asked me what my name was
I said my name was Jay
She asked me did I sleep well
I said most every day
They say that money talks
Mine just said goodbye.



Strawbs: Dancing To The Devil's Beat, 2009, track 7



In the early dawn the Bishops' men
Shivered in the damp
But the shiver came not from the cold
And spread throughout the camp
The trembling horses sensed the fear
Of silent thoughtful men
Who prayed that wives and families
Might see them once again.

The bishops sent a dawn patrol
To investigate the weight
Of forces at the King's command
Ensconced behind the gate
The ground mist hid the patrol's approach
As they drew close enough to show
The sentries on the battlements
And an archer drew his bow.

From the topmost tower a sentry fell
As an arrow pierced his skull
And his headlong flight into the moat
Seemed that of a gull
The patrol reported little
There was nothing much to see
But the strong and silent castle
A symbol of the free.

The King's men took communion
As the first rays of the sun
Lit up the castle's gloomy walls
The fatal day begun
From the castle green the rooks took flight
To the high trees in the east
To their carrion minds the battlefield
Set a table for a feast.

A tide of black, the Bishops' men,
Equality their right
Swarmed like ants across the hill
Their aim at last in sight
The King's men dressed in purest white
Were driven back by force
And the fighting grew more violent
As the battle took its course.

The Bishops gave the order
No mercy to be shown
The sacrifice will reap rewards
When the King is overthrown
The sight of children lying dead
Made hardened soldiers weep
The outer walls began to fall
They moved towards the keep.

The rooks surveyed the battlefield
Their hungry beady eyes
Revelled in the sight of death
Showing no surprise
The pressure mounted steadily
As the Bishops neared the gate
And the desperate King called to his knights
"It's your lives or the State"

When the anxious King began to fail
As many thought he might
The Queen ran screaming round the walls
And urged the men to fight
The Bishops' men were tiring
As the afternoon drew late
And the King's men lowered the drawbridge
And poured out through the gate.

They fought their way across the bridge
The men like falling leaves
Or ears of corn that fall in swathes
The vicious sickle cleaves
The tide receded up the hill
The waste of reclaimed land
Once decaying swamp became
A shore of pure white sand.

A blinded priest was seen to bless
Both dying and the dead
As he stumbled around the battlefield
His cassock running red
If uniform were black or white
His eyes could never see
And death made no distinction
Whatever man he be.

As darkness fell both camps withdrew
Their soldiers slain like cattle
Leaving the rooks to feast alone
The victors of the battle
At evensong both camps reviewed
Their sad depleted ranks
As survivors of the battle
Gave God their grateful thanks.



Strawbs: Strawbs, 1969, side 2, track 5

Strawbs: Early Strawbs (2LP), 1974, side 4, track 5

Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: Old School Songs, 1979, side 1, track 5

Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: Old School Songs (CD, Muskrat), 1979, track 10

Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 3, track 5

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 1

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 3

Strawbs: Recollection, 2006, track 10

1970 live version

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD1, track 13

1970 live version, later released on Recollection

Strawbs: Strawbs (CD, Universal), 2008, track 11

Strawbs: Strawbs (CD, Universal), 2008, track 14

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 1 - In Session, 2010, track

1968 BBC sessions, track also released on Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (CD).

Strawbs: The Battle (2LP), 2019, side 1, track 1

1968 BBC sessions, track also released on Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (CD).

Strawbs: The Battle (2LP), 2019, side 2, track 4

1970 live version from Recollection


(Trad arr.)

By Clyde's bonny banks
As I sadly did wander
Among the coal slag heaps
As evening drew nigh,
I spied a fair maiden
A-weeping and wailing
Weeping and wailing
With many a sigh.

I stepped up beside her
And thus I addressed her:
"Pray tell me fair maid
Of your trouble and pain."
Sobbing and sighing,
She sadly did answer:
"Johnny Murphy, kind sir,
Was my true lover's name."

Twenty-one years of age,
Full of youth and good looking,
To work down the mines
To High Blantyre he came.
The wedding was fixed
All the guests were invited
That calm summers evening
Young Johnny was slain.

The explosion was heard,
All the women and children
With pale anxious faces
They haste to the mine.
When the news was made known,
The hills rang with their moaning,
Young miners were killed

Now husbands and wives
And sweethearts and brothers,
That Blantyre explosion
They'll never forget;
And all you young miners
That hear my sad story,
Shed a tear for the victims
Who are laid to their rest.



Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 3, track 9



A single light burns through the night
In the house across the street
She still wears her wedding dress
And the slippers on her feet
She hung her wedding garland
In her bedroom in the dark
And never thinks of anyone
But the man who lit her spark

He stole her heart in Margate
One summer afternoon
Before he took her virtue
On the hottest day in June
The sand clung to their bodies
Like a scene from Mills and Boon

No matter what the neighbours say
She bears herself with pride
And sheds her tears behind her veil
The broken-hearted bride

She needed no assurance
Just the flicker of his smile
They made plans for the wedding
To do it all in style
There was never any question
Of his promising career
And as he lay beside her
She shed a pregnant tear

He said he taught mathematics
At a college in Dubai
Told her of the genie's lamp
And a carpet that could fly
She loved his fairy stories
From the land of make believe
And clung to him for comfort
When he said he had to leave

He caught the train that morning
It was overcast and grey
He waved and blew her kisses
There was nothing left to say
He pulled the cord inside his coat
And blew himself away.



Strawbs: The Broken Hearted Bride, 2008, track 4



As from the mountaintops they come
By sandstorm desert stretching far
The fall of countless drops of light
The new moon and the crescent star

The silent march of muffled hooves
The gleam of glistening coal black eyes
The darkened blades and shrouded hoods
Beyond the means of compromise

No need to show remorse, regret
Or even shed a silent tear
A vision of the promised land
Where death holds no disgrace or fear
Will you heed the call

As from the new born land they come
By union state with endless might
The weak find their release in hope
The rosary, the guiding light

The revelation of the soul
Where every man can speak as free
To stand forever side by side
To breed a new democracy

No need to show remorse, regret
Or even shed a silent tear
A vision of the promised land
Where death holds no disgrace or fear
Will you heed the call

The humble will inherit
All of God's own holy grails
But God will not provide for them
When vanity prevails
Will you heed the call.



Dave Cousins and Conny Conrad: High Seas, 2005, track 1

Various Artists: The Witchwood Project, 2006, track 3

Cousins And Conrad version

Strawbs: The Broken Hearted Bride, 2008, track 1

Strawbs version

Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures, 2015, track 13

DC solo 2008 live performance






Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: 40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 2 (DVD), 2010, track 13



See Midnight



Strawbs: Deadlines (CD, WML), 2012, track 16

aka Midnight - Dave Cousins acoustic demo


(Trad. Arr.)




Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD1, track 2

Dave Cousins unreleassed recording



The night was ablaze
With the light of a thousand memories
Your eyes were on fire
With the light of a million stars
The clouds went sailing past the moon
Like silver-winged flamingoes
And then he kissed you

The eyes of your desert prince
Had held you spellbound
You could feel the full heat of the sun
Across his back
He dragged you to his Bedouin tent
This rapid Valentino
And then he kissed you

You had tasted the fruits
Of his privately owned oasis
He had drugged your wine
Massaged you with perfumed oils
He drank deep at the well
Until you fell back in surrender
And then he kissed you

The ceaselessly shifting sands
Have erased his footprints
You are left with his jewelled dagger
In your hand
Your face still glows with pleasure
As you linger in the sunset
Until I kiss you
Until I kiss you



Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill, 1978, track 7

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill, 1978, track 7

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill (CD, WML), 2006, track 7

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 7



Lyrics unavailable



Sandy Denny and the Strawbs: All Our Own Work (The Complete Sessions), 2010, track 23

Unreleased demo



The familiarity of old lovers
As intimate as thieves
A secret to be treasured
The guest who never leaves
The unlikelihood of wearing
Micky Mouse high heels
I don't remember you that tall
But that's the way it feels

The familiarity of old lovers
The secret rendezvous
The members club in Chelsea
No-one ever knew
The uncertainty of knowing
Whether it could last
It might have done, but who knows
It's buried in the past

The familiarity of old lovers
Much later, quite by chance
The lunchtime drink in Soho
We cut a merry dance
Regrettably we parted
So your way - I went mine
We stayed in touch whatever
Somehow it worked out fine

Now you've got a new man
I really wish you well
Who ever knows what might have been?
I won't ever tell

The familiarity of old lovers
It never ever leaves
A secret to be treasured
Through years of make believes.



Strawbs: The Ferryman's Curse, 2017, track 4






Dave Cousins and Conny Conrad: High Seas, 2005, track 11



The boatman lived in a stone-built house
Three score years and ten on earth
His wife was younger by several years
They lost their only child at birth
Father raised the house with his bare hands
Mother toiled the fields by day
He never spoke of the lady of the lake
The brush with death which caused him sway

The boatman made an honest living
Along the river's south-side bank
Family gatherings, household trips
From time to time the river grew dank

One such day when the river was foul
The boatman took his wife to town
Breathing heavy on the journey home
Fever struck as the sun went down
The sickness raged for several days
The doctor rambled in despair
The old priest read the sacraments
Decay and death hung in the air

A coin for the mouth of his dying wife
Was duly placed beside the bed
A knock on the door on that moonless night
The boatman feared the word had spread

A stranger stood on the front porch step
Stovepipe hat and long black coat
"I come from the other side" he whispered
"I carry souls in the ferryman's boat"
The ferryman growled, "I've come for your wife"
The boatman said, "She ain't dead yet"
The ferryman raged, "I need her now,
It's time that you repaid your debt"

The boatman tried to make the peace
The ferryman spat and cursed and swore
As evil speaks as evil must
He called the boatman's wife a whore

"You lusted for my daughter fair
Betrayed her in a mire of sin
You married, knowing of her fate
Time has come for the reckoning"
The boatman said "No debt is due"
The ferryman's rage could get no worse
"It was me who caused you suffering
The still-born child of the ferryman's curse"

"I ain't yet put the coin in her mouth"
The boatman said with rising fear
"That job is mine" the ferryman said,
And slashed the boatman on the ear

The ferryman held a wicked knife
Razor sharp, serrated blade
Stabbed at the boatman's arms and face
Terrifying were the screams he made
The boatman reached for his Bible
To shield him in the violent fight
He reached for a log from the open fire
And set the ferryman's hair alight

The ferryman fell to the floor in agony
Dropped the knife on the boatman's bed
The boatman stabbed him in the gut
The screams died as the floor turned red

The boatman sat beside the bed
Holding his young wife's tiny hand
Her eyes opened wide as the fever left
He gently stroked the wedding band

She sat up slow, looked all around
Bared her pointed teeth and smiled
Flung herself in the boatman's arms
"I am with child, I am with child"

They dragged the ferryman to his boat
Placed the coin in the deadman's mouth
They silently rowed to the other side
The ferryman's curse was the boatman's prize.



Strawbs: The Ferryman's Curse, 2017, track 8



While seasons change in timely way
The salt sea ever flows
Where open moors lie cold and bleak
A single flower grows.

Though winter snows fall deep and long
The flower grows the while
The weary traveller passing by
Feels warmer for her smile.

Sunshine and the tender flower
Both melt the young man's heart
But he who lingers waits his turn
Must learn to play his part.

Through summer days of warmth and love
The young man tends his flower
But blinded by their colours bright
Heeds not the passing hour.

The autumn trees once clothed with gold
Now frayed and sadly worn
The flower bids a chill farewell
The young man's heart is torn.

While seasons change in timely way
The salt sea ever flows
Where open moors lie cold and bleak
A single flower grows.



Strawbs: Grave New World, 1972, side 2, track 1

Strawbs: Grave New World (CD, Universal), 1998, track 7

Acoustic Strawbs: Baroque And Roll, 2001, track 12

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 7

1971 Live In Concert (recorded 23 Jun 1971, aired 1 Jun 1973) (Cousins vocal version)

Strawbs: The Battle (2LP), 2019, side 3, track 7

1971 Live In Concert (recorded 23 Jun 1971, aired 1 Jun 1973) (Cousins vocal version)


Strawbs: 45: "Lay Down"/"The Flower And The Young Man", 1972, side 2, track 1

The following territories had "The Flower And The Young Man" as the B-side to "Lay Down": Australia, NZ.



Introduction to DC solo 2008 live performance of "Hanging In The Gallery" on Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures.



Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures, 2015, track 1



The bird had silver wings, my friends,
And reached out for the sky;
It found its wings were broken,
It had lost the right to fly.
The pink-eyed salamander
Changed its colours for the day;
It changed from white to purest gold
And left the stag at bay.
Now I am but a p;oor man
In the apple blossom state,
I choose to fly where'er I please,
The stag must needs a mate.

My golden salamander,
You must take me as I am.
I cannot change my colours,
I am but a simple man.

The golden salamander
Had become the rite of spring;
The silver bird made promises
That scarcely meant a thing;
They told the wicked huntsman
Where the stag had run to rest.
Now the elderly survivor
Knew this was not for the best;
He opened up his heart
And prayed for peace for all mankind.
He asked a fortune teller
But found out that she was blind.

The clouds were passing over,
There was little sign of rain;
The sun was slowly rising
From its slumberdown again.
The stag had run to cover
In a copse beside the lake;
The huntsman broke the silence
And the birds began to wake.
The fortune teller smiled
As the survivor spoke of fate.
He thanked her for her interest
But knew it was too late.



Strawbs: Nomadness, 1975, side 1, track 3

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 11

Acoustic Strawbs: CD single: "Alice's Song", 2001, track 2

Acoustic Strawbs: Baroque And Roll, 2001, track 9

Strawbs: Nomadness (CD, Universal), 2008, track 3

Strawbs: Witchwood - The Very Best Of, 2014, track 18


Strawbs: 45: "Little Sleepy"/"The Golden Salamander", 1975, side 2, track 1

US, Portugal, NZ only


(Trad. Arr.)




Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD1, track 1

Strawberry Hill Boys live recording



The village square stands quiet with the curfew still in force
The streets are even clear of dogs and whores
Like some evil bird of prey the scaffold spreads its wings
The people build their fires and bolt their doors
The mayor is giving dinner to the officers and wives
His eldest son is learning how to fawn
The barrack block is hushed and tense, the soldiers drawing lots
Who will be the hangman in the dawn.

The lot falls on a young man who has served for but a year
His home is in the village close nearby
He shivers at the thought of what he's forced to do next day
He wonders who it is that has to die
The full moon casts a cold light on the gloomy prison walls
The papist walk his cell, he cannot sleep
He hears the waiting gallows creaking just beyond the door
He prays for he has no more tears to weep.

The day begins to break, the muffled drums begin to sound
A crowd begins to gather in the square
The presence of the hangman in his terrifying mask
Weighs heavy on the minds of all those there
The colonel reads the sentence which the papist knows by heart
He has failed to show allegiance to the King
His crime is thus with God himself, in His name he must hang
The papist, head held high, says not a thing.

The jailer binds his hands and puts the blindfold to his eyes
He leads him through the door before the crowd
The hangman sees his victim and the blood drains from his face
He sees his younger brother standing proud
The hangman tries to protest but is ordered to proceed
His trembling hands begin to take the strain
His eyes are blind with streaming tears, he cries for all to hear
"Forgive me God, we hang him in they name".



Strawbs: From The Witchwood, 1971, side 1, track 5

Dave Cousins And Strawbs: Japanese Sampler, 1973, side 1, track 2

Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: Old School Songs, 1979, side 2, track 1

Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: Old School Songs (CD, Muskrat), 1979, track 6

Strawbs: Heroes Are Forever (2CD bootleg), 1990, CD1, track 5

1973 Live In Concert (25 Mar 1973, Paris Theatre, London)

Strawbs: A Choice Selection Of Strawbs, 1992, track 6

Strawbs: Greatest Hits Live, 1993, track 3

Strawbs: Strawbs In Concert, 1995, track 4

1973 live BBC In Concert

Strawbs: From The Witchwood (CD, Universal), 1998, track 5

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 9

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 12

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: Live 1988, 2005, track 5

Live Exeter 1988

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD3, track 12

Version played on Rick Wakeman's GasTank show

Dave Cousins: Duochrome, 2008, track 4

DC solo, Milwaukee 2008

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 1 - In Session, 2010, track

1971 BBC sessions

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: 40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 2 (CD), 2010, track 1

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 1

1971 Live In Concert (recorded 23 Jun 1971, aired 1 Jun 1973)

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: 40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 2 (DVD), 2010, track 2

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 16

1973 Live In Concert (25 Mar 1973, Paris Theatre, London)

Strawbs: The Battle (2LP), 2019, side 3, track 1

1971 BBC sessions

Strawbs: The Battle (2LP), 2019, side 3, track 6

1971 BBC sessions



He’s the happiest boy in town
That’s what his teacher says
Always willing to lend a hand
Always greets you with a happy smile
At nine o’clock in the morning.

They all know Peter Jones
He lives at number five
With his mother, sister
And Auntie Maud
And his brother George
When he’s not abroad
On business in the Balkans

He knows the verger well
Through singing in the choir
And serving teas at the garden fete
In aid of the church
And the welfare state
On the weekend after Whitsun.

He starts his paper round at six
Never mind the weather
He doesn’t mind it raining hard
It doesn’t last forever
Hello Mrs Lubienski
How’s your arthiritis
I bet it gets you when it’s raining
Just like Uncle Titus

He joined the Boys Brigade
About the age of twelve
Took the lead in the bugle band
Till he came by a saxophone
Second hand
And got his marching orders.

Superintendent Brown
Who works at Scotland Yard
Wants him to be a police cadet
Peter says that he’s not sure yet
He’d rather join the army.

His mother’s very proud
And Auntie Maud as well
It seems he’s leaving school next year
His mother’s found him a fine career
As an undertaker’s junior.



Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD5, track 1

Strawberry Hill Boys demo

Various Artists: The Witchwood Project, 2006, track 14

Strawberry Hill Boys demo



The signpost stands where the crossways meet
There's but one road to the journey's end
The wanderer bent with his heavy load
Is waiting for a friend.

The sun sinks slowly behind the hill
The dead leaves lie where the wind has blown
Likewise he who has travelled far
Must find his way alone.

And as he leaves so the signpost turns
To point the way to the journey's end
The old grey man with his heavy load
No longer needs a friend.



Strawbs: Grave New World, 1972, side 2, track 6

Strawbs: Grave New World (CD, Universal), 1998, track 12



The soft blush of evening
Returns to the folded hills
The sky rains magenta
In praise of the shepherd's skills
The lion lies down beside the lamb
At peace in the holy ground.

The King is returning
And those that were lost are found.

The old moon is resting
She sleeps in the new moon's arms
The love of a mother
Eclipsed by her daughter's charms
The robin bares his wounded breast
And sings with a joyful sound.

The glory of Heaven
Explodes in the rising sun
The long wait is over
The new reign just begun
The ransom of the holly bush
Was paid when the King was crowned.

A symphony of harmonies
In one triumphant sound.



Strawbs: Ringing Down The Years (CD, Virgin Canada), 1991, track 2

Strawbs: Blue Angel, 2003, track 13

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD4, track 8

Hummingbird Cousins and Wakeman outtake


Strawbs/Cousins and Willoughby: 45: "The King"/"Ringing Down The Years", 1979, side 1, track 1

private label release, guest vocalist Maddy Prior

Strawbs: Cassette single: "Might As Well Be On Mars"/"The King", 1991, side 2, track 1

Canada only cassette single (Ringing Down The Years version of "The King", with Cathy Le Surf vocals)



My dear friend
We have crossed paths
But never ever met
It has taken such a long time
As I write with deep regret
Until today
I chanced upon the means
To join a circus on a whim
And woke to find me deeply mired in debt

There are clowns
Theer are jugglers
There are peg-leg one-eyed smugglers
And the spirit of adventure still it shows
There are duckers
There are divers
There are unremitting skivers
All night long the music ebbs and flows
And our lady of the night
She comes and goes
The lady of the night
She comes and goes

In sad bedraggled streets
I chanced on music to my ears
Driven by the need
To quench my thirst
And chase a buck
I lived in hope
Little did I know
It was a bruising in disguise
As family and friends
Wished me good luck

There are sorcerers
There are comics
There are scaled-down philharmonics
And the gypsies hardly ever come to blows
There are financiers
There are dancers
There are secret necromancers
All night long the music ebbs and flows
And our lady of the night
She comes and goes
The lady of the night
She comes and goes

Outside the ancient tavern
They still fly a pirate flag
A silent man is clutching
To a bulging bag of swag
He sold his soul
For the promise of time off for good behaviour
He doesn't take much notice as the tongues wag

There are losers
There are chancers
There are dodgy belly dancers
Ever ready bouncy highs and lows
There are painters
There are plumbers
There are antiquated strummers
All night long the music ebbs and flows
And our lady of the night
She comes and goes
The lady of the night
She comes and goes

I remain
Ever yours truly.



Strawbs: The Magic Of It All (CD), 2023, track 10



This is the last resort
You'll ever know
The old straight track
The long way back
One more familiar face has gone

Will you miss me
I doubt it
There are many more
At the last resort.

This is the last resort
You'll ever take
The summer old
The winter cold
And now the seasons will never change.

Will you miss me
I doubt it
There are many more
At the last resort.

This is the last resort
It's make or break
The ray of hope
The silken rope
Your feet are on the endless slope
Just one more chance to touch the sun.

Will you miss me
I doubt it
The damage has been done.

This is the last resort
You'll ever know
The lights are down
On your favourite clown
The time has come
The final bow

Will you miss me
I doubt it
There are many more
At the last resort.



Strawbs: Deadlines, 1978, side 1, track 5

Strawbs: Concert Classics, 1999, track 1

1978 Live BBC In Concert (recorded Dec 1977, aired Feb 1978)

Strawbs: Deadlines (CD, WML), 2012, track 5



Impressions Of Southall From The Train

Row upon row
Of drab colourless houses
Bowing low
Before high rise blocks
Varicosed housewives
With sweaty armpits
Scrimping and scrubbing
Their husbands' socks
A limp polluted flag
Flutters sadly in its death throes
While crippled trees in leg irons
Wearily haul themselves
Through another diluted acid day.

The Auction

The vultures stood outside the gate
Quite unaware that fate
Is unaware to those who wait
In vain. Their pride
Betrays the means of their destruction.

Take my rings and trinkets bright
But leave my eyes which give me light
My tongue which gives me leave to speak
The rest is yours and welcome.

The wolves will suck the bones they bought
Those over which they fought
Their elders always having taught
Them envy. Their greed
Explains their total lack of conscience.

The auctioneer is seldom lost
Our paths have sometimes crossed
But he has never failed to count the cost
Of passion. Desire
Is the whole point of his existence.

Now you have given cause to bleed
You join the wolf pack as you feed
But now you find yourself in need
Of comfort. But peace of mind
Has no home for the loveless.



Strawbs: Ghosts, 1974, side 2, track 1

Strawbs: Ghosts (CD, Universal), 1998, track 6

Strawbs: NY '75, 2007, track 11

1975 live version

Strawbs: Lay Down With The Strawbs (2CD), 2008, track 8

2006 live version



Meet me on the mountain
Behold the view below
Pirates in a pantomime
Marching to and fro
Saluting for a photograph
Where life's long shadows fall
This has been
The magic of it all

We were young pretenders
Hungry for a break
Dreamers in a game of chance
Few others dared to take
Climbing to the top
Of and imaginary wall
This has been
The magic of it all

The streets of New York City
To San Francisco Bay
Denver down to New Orleans
Well-wishers all the way
Friends who walk beside you
Ready should your fall
The magic of it all

Now we're making music
For people we can trust
We should have banked a goldmine
But then the bank went bust
It's hard to see a stop sign
When you're walking ten feet tall
This has been
The magic of it all

The circus tent in Paris
The Royal Albert Hall
Rome to Copenhagen
Toronto, Montreal
The Waterfront in Cape Town
The latest port of call
The magic of it all.



Strawbs: The Magic Of It All, 2023, side 1, track 2

Strawbs: The Magic Of It All (CD), 2023, track 2



He came into the shop and looked me straight between the eyes
And said "You know I'm Jesus", and I must have looked surprised
Because he said "Please don't be hasty, no-one understands
But I've got a way to prove it" and he lifted up his hands.

He was the man who called himself Jesus.

For a minute I was speechless, then I looked into his face
With sufficient lines of sadness for the total human race
And I said "You must be joking" but he slowly shook his head
And said "That's what they all say, I might as well be dead".

He asked me if I knew a place where he could start to preach
I said "Well try a church or maybe Brighton beach"
And I was trying to be serious but he didn't seem impressed
He said "You think I'm crazy, you're just like all the rest".

I was really quite embarrassed, he was looking so sincere
So I said "I close the shop soon, won't you come and have a beer"
Then he asked me if I meant it and he smiled a funny smile
And he said he'd rather like that and he hung around a while.

On the way he stopped to pat little children's heads
And he taught them one line prayers to say as they went off to their beds
But mostly they were frightened and they looked at him wide eyed
And when he said his name was Jesus, one girl even cried.

In the pub I asked him if he'd tried to see the Pope
And he said although he'd thought about it there was really not a hope
Then he said he thought he'd better go, he had some work to do
He said he'd come and see me in about a week or two.

Well after he had gone I thought of what he'd said
And all his funny actions they kept running through my head
And when I felt my mind was drowning in a sea of mud
It seemed his pint of beer had turned into a pint of blood.



Strawbs: Strawbs, 1969, side 1, track 1

Strawbs: By Choice, 1974, side 1, track 1

Strawbs: Early Strawbs (2LP), 1974, side 2, track 1

Strawbs: Rock Storia E Musica (cass), 1983, side 2, track 2

Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 2, track 5

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 1

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 3

Strawbs: The Collection, 2002, track 3

Strawbs: Recollection, 2006, track 6

1970 live version

Various Artists: The Witchwood Project, 2006, track 10

1970 live version, later released on Recollection

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD1, track 12

Alternate mix

Strawbs: Strawbs (CD, Universal), 2008, track 1

Strawbs: Lay Down With The Strawbs (2CD), 2008, track 6

Acoustic Strawbs - 2006 live version

Acoustic Strawbs: Acoustic Gold, 2011, track 11

Acoustic Strawbs unreleased version, recorded live at The Fishpond, Matlock Bath

Strawbs: Of A Time, 2012, track 6

Strawbs: Of A Time, 2012, track 17

Strawbs: The Battle (2LP), 2019, side 1, track 5

1972 session - Sounds Of The Seventies, 19 Apr 1972)


Strawbs: 45: "The Man Who Called Himself Jesus"/"Poor Jimmy Wilson", 1968, side 1, track 1

Strawbs: 45: "Oh How She Changed"/"The Man Who Called Himself Jesus", 1969, side 2, track 1

Japanese only single






Strawbs: Of A Time, 2012, track 22

The whole interview of which only part was used



I was told about a man
Who would never leave Grimsby
And that may sound strange
But his heart was in that town
With his friends and his family
And to make him leave
Would be pain indeed
Now he could have toured the world
He was highly respected
But to make him go
Would be ripping out his heart
And leaving him restless
So to see him play
Go the Grimsby way

'Cos he has a little love
But he gives a lot of love
It doesn't matter where he is
If you've got a little love
And you give a lot of love
It doesn't matter where you are
It's up to you
You could be in Grimsby too

Got a letter from a boy
From a village in Kenya
He was such a fan
So smitten by the band
They called him the Strawbs Boy
And that made him proud
He would play us loud
In the letter Lucky wrote
That he'd been to Nairobi
Which I found quite sad
Because he said he looked around
But he couldn't see me
With a faith like that
How I wish he had

Lucky had a little love
And he gave a lot of love
Didn't matter where he was

If you ever meet the man
Who would never leave Grimsby
Try to make him see
That the home is in the heart
And you carry it with you
You may never leave
And your spirit's free



Strawbs: Dancing To The Devil's Beat, 2009, track 6



The merchant adventurer’s spirit was mine
A wanderlust urge that no home could confine
A passion that burns in the true Romany
For the rush of the wind and the surge of the sea.

For seven long years I had travelled alone
The mast was my power, my foundation stone
The highway shone endlessly aquamarine
When the Queen of Temptation invaded the scene.

We burned in the sunset
Made tracks in the snow
We sailed over mountains
Swam oceans below
At last in possession of infinite sight
I entered the valley of earthly delight.

The merchant adventurer’s trust was betrayed
The lady could not keep the promises made
In the nine months she bore me the devil’s own son
The price was my soul and my trial had begun.



Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD3, track 1

Dave Cousins acoustic demo of unreleased song

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 16

demo of song not release until A Taste Of Strawbs.



You are the moon
I am the stars
We meet along the way
We are as one
The night in play
Dreaming the night away

Maybe we'll travel to another planet
There's so much left out there to do
Another galaxy, another universe
When all I ever see is you
Dreaming the night away

And if we find ourselves around the corner
Just let us hope it's not too far
We'll discover one another once again
Far behind an unknown star.



Dave Cousins and Conny Conrad: High Seas, 2005, track 6



The old church doors were open
She walked in stone alone
Standing by the altar
She checked her mobile phone
Her parents left together
They upped and passed away
They left her with their vinyl
She played albums every day
She looked up at an icon
A young man on a cross
He looked just like Bruce Springsteen
He could have been the Boss

The window in the chapel
Was some kind of a rose
The ancient smell of incense
Was getting up her nose
She walked off down the old canal
Tracing footprints of the dead
"What the hell is Jesus?"
A graffiti slogan read
She found a junk shop bargain
Competitively priced
He told her they were kosher
The nails from the hands of Christ

The nails were bent and rusty
As if to make a point
She looked them up on Google
And rolled herself a joint
She didn't see the young man
Quiet before the fire
He looked on in bewilderment
As the music took her higher
He danced the nails around the room
Her endearing poltergeist
He placed them in her bedside drawer
The nails from the hands of Christ

People make excuses
In the innocence of youth
To all intents and purposes
We all disguise the truth
She hunted high and low
To find her precious nails
A guilt lives on within us all
When everything else fails
She thought of all the many things
Her parents sacrificed
In her heart she holds her treasure
The nails from the hands of Christ.



Strawbs: The Ferryman's Curse, 2017, track 2



The plain stretched out before me as far as the slate grey sky
I told her I was leaving with the migrant birds to fly
I said she might expect me with the coming of the spring
When the birds return back home again with new-found songs to sing.

I hit out on the highway, high on the rising sun
I felt my spirit rising, my journey was newly begun
The joy of expectation rose in my heart with a song
The courage of conviction carried my journey along.

I bathed in the lake of comfort, the milk of my mother's breast
The son of constant sorrow sank to his knees in the West
I prayed to my God for guidance to find there was no-one but me
There was just the open highway as far as my eyes could see.

Throughout my endless journey I have been searching for paradise lost
I now retrace my footsteps with the burden of infinite cost
I see myself returning alone with my head held high
The plain stretched out before me as far as the slate grey sky.



Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: The Bridge, 1994, track 8

Strawbs: Blue Angel, 2003, track 7

Dave Cousins: The Spoken Word Of Dave Cousins, 2010, track 8

Spoken word version released on CD at back of Secrets, Stories and Song book



It was early in the morning
And our ship was still at sea,
With a lifetime far behind us we were free.
We had strong hearts and a faith
In our good Lord's guiding hands;
The mist before us cleared, and we saw the promised land.

With our brothers and our sisters
We soon forged into the land,
Building towns and cities far beyond our dreams.
As the tree which reaches to the sky,
The child who learns to stand,
So we had men of vision to create the promised land.

But the vision soon became
One man's view of wealth and fame,
And the gun became what wisdom used to be.
So the struggle had begun
Which has never yet been won,
Hear the people, hear them saying, "Are we free?"

So God bless you, my promised land,
Let nothing you dismay,
For the hand that guides our fortunes has strange ways.
And when the fight is over
And the judgment is at hand,
Please don't forget our brothers,
Far beyond the promised land.



Strawbs: Nomadness, 1975, side 2, track 5

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 17

Strawbs: Nomadness (CD, Universal), 2008, track 10






Strawbs: The Ferryman's Curse, 2017, track 7



Strawberry fields with long term views
Woodlice won’t pay union dues
I was airing my socialist views
Floating with the tide.

Self-centred pride was his vanity case
He never was one to ever lose face
Take it, leave it, win or lose
We’ve all of us got those rip it off blues.

Thirty per cent takes years to pay
You might make it before you turn grey
But you won’t make it if you go my way
Floating with the tide.

They bait their hooks with gold-plated worms
Let the fish off on their high interest terms
Take it, leave it, win or lose
We’ve all of us got those rip it off blues.

The truth of the matter is simple to see
Nothing comes easy, nothing comes free
I pay through the nose for the right to be me
Floating with the tide.

The rip it off, rip it off, rip it off blues
We’ve all of us got those rip it off blues.
Take it, leave it, win or lose
We’ve all of us got those rip it off blues.



Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 14

1972 demo



I made a sideways motion
Turning a new leaf
The single minded miner's girl
Was there to share my grief
I shivered in the butter wind
Three times the cockerel crowed
I waited for the river
But the river did not flow.

An autumn turned to silver
Winter turned to gold
The weatherman said dress up
Oh but I did not feel the cold
Kids waited with toboggans
As I sheltered from the snow
I waited for the river
But the river did not flow.

I will drink the milk from your breasts
Meld myself to you
Collect the valley lilies
The worshippers once strew
My body aches with hunger
Yet your belly has to grow
I waited for the river
But the river did not flow.



Strawbs: Bursting At The Seams, 1973, side 1, track 5

Strawbs: Heroes Are Forever (2CD bootleg), 1990, CD2, track 9

1974 Live In Concert (11 Apr 1974, Golders Green Hippodrome, London)

Strawbs: Heroes Are Forever (2CD bootleg), 1990, CD2, track 9

1973 Live In Concert (25 Mar 1973, Paris Theatre, London)

Strawbs: Greatest Hits Live, 1993, track 8

Strawbs: Strawbs In Concert, 1995, track 7

1973 live BBC In Concert

Strawbs: Bursting At The Seams (CD, Universal), 1998, track 4

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 4

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 15

Strawbs: The Complete Strawbs (Live At Chiswick House), 2000, track 13

Acoustic Strawbs: Baroque And Roll, 2001, track 10

Strawbs: Live At Nearfest, 2005, track 11

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD5, track 16

Live recording, Thalgau, 2006

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 3

1973 Live In Concert (25 Mar 1973, Paris Theatre, London)

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 16

1974 Live In Concert (11 Apr 1974, Golders Green Hippodrome, London)

Strawbs: Prognostic, 2014, track 6

Greatest Hits Live version

Strawbs: Witchwood - The Very Best Of, 2014, track 10



The rose will turn a symphony
From high to deep despair
As when a man of mortal means can fail
On solid air the lark must soar in space
To greet the only child new-born
When miracles of life
Extend beyond the rose-tint dawn

The rose will sooth the savage breast
The rose will tame the beast
The rose will blind a young man's heart
As when it matters least

The blood-red orange rose
Will bear the fruit of many wombs
Of maidens clutching child-like
Images of saddled grooms
Brushing manes with gentleness
And tender loving care
With every sign of innocence
But not a blush to spare

The purple rose
The mortal man must carry to his grave
A reminder of the way they needs must set to
Braving fire and water
Bless his simple soul
But ever burns the image
Of the rose of glowing coals.



Dave Cousins and Conny Conrad: High Seas, 2005, track 3



Introduction to DC solo 2008 live performance of "Song Of A Sad Little Girl" on Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures.



Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures, 2015, track 3



Introduction to DC solo 2008 live performance of "The Shepherd's Song" on Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures.



Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures, 2015, track 7



The heavy air was scented by
The disappointed flowers
The weatherman had promised them
Warm soft summer showers
They bowed their weary heads
Resigned to wait a few more hours
And we walked together in the half light
Down secret paths
Climbed wooden fences
Till a dancing meadow
Enveloped us within its grassy web.

There was no need for discussion
It was surely no disgrace
Her soft skin had the texture
Of the finest silken lace
Waiting moist and trembling
It was just the time and place
And our woven bodies sang together
In harmony
With understanding
Till we fell back smiling
Rejoicing in the music we had made.

The blood red summer sunset
Was a slowly spreading stain
That rose behind the bandstand
As the shepherd played again
We heard his silver trumpet
It had blown away the rain
And we lay together in the long grass
Holding hands
And making sweet talk
Till the smell of woodsmoke
Reminded us that it was to go.



Strawbs: From The Witchwood, 1971, side 2, track 3

Strawbs: By Choice, 1974, side 1, track 5

Strawbs: Rock Storia E Musica (cass), 1983, side 1, track 6

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 5

Strawbs: From The Witchwood (CD, Universal), 1998, track 8

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 11

Various Artists: Thirty Years In Rock, 2001, track 3

Cousins and Wakeman 1988 live track, subseqently released on Cousins And Wakeman Live

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: Live 1988, 2005, track 7

Live Exeter 1988

Dave Cousins: Secret Paths, 2008, track 3

with Melvin Duffy

Dave Cousins: Duochrome, 2008, track 8

DC with Ian Cutler, Philadelphi 2008

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: 40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 2 (CD), 2010, track 8

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 9

1971 Live In Concert (recorded 23 Jun 1971, aired 1 Jun 1973)

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: 40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 2 (DVD), 2010, track 14

Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures, 2015, track 8

DC solo 2008 live performance

Strawbs: The Battle (2LP), 2019, side 3, track 9

1971 Live In Concert (recorded 23 Jun 1971, aired 1 Jun 1973)



At Mr. Sainbury's counter, she looked cute
The dairy maid met the boy in a sailor suit
"Will you marry me" he said on their first date
Sailor boys were never ones to wait
Two hearts entwined
And I love you for the smile you left behind

They had a son in nine months to the day
He chose the submarines for better pay
He worked hard, you can see the care he took
I know because I've seen it in his book
It's underlined
And I love you for the smile you left behind

When you passed away the doves flew out of reach
I saw his name and wept on Southsea beach
I framed a photograph that you had missed
The words "I Love you" written on his wrist
Life's so unkind
But I love you for the smile you left behind.



Dave Cousins: The Boy In The Sailor Suit, 2007, track 3

with the Blue Angel Orchestra



The watchers on the hillside stand in silence
As the dawn appears
Then they gather to their horses in an instant
As a sunshaft sears
Through the morning mist which hangs low in the valleys
Like a serpent's tail
Both poisonous to enemies and heroes
In the soldiers' tale.

A lonely tower stands empty as a refuge
By the sullen lake
As the straggle of survivors, in their weakness,
Make a grave mistake
For the crossroad sign which points towards the cost
Is another nail
In the cross of the Pretender and his comrades
In the soldiers' tale.

The dream we once knew
Is now over
The battle is lost
The retreat has begun
Let us make our escape
In the dead of the night
While the lone widows wail
In the soldiers' tale.

The French boat, at the ready, stands at anchor
On the swollen tide
His loyal followers raise a faint cheer
As he draws aside
The Pretender's cause is lost, a sad farewell
As the boat sets sail
And the rain hurls down on the challenge of the gauntlet
In the soldiers' tale.

The soldiers' song is never sung
The soldiers' battle never won
The soldiers' lives are bought an sold
The soldiers' bayonets are cold
The soldiers' guns are never fired
The soldiers' eyes are never tired
The soldiers' hearts are filled with hate
A soldier's cause must ever wait.



Strawbs: Deep Cuts, 1976, side 1, track 5

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (CD, Muskrat), 2003, track 5

Dave Cousins: The Spoken Word Of Dave Cousins, 2010, track 12

Spoken word version released on CD at back of Secrets, Stories and Song book

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 5



Nobody knows where the song came from
The song of infinite sadness
Perhaps it came from Babylon

I hold you to the heavens
Your soul will speak to me
As you leave
The longer the wait
The softer your words become

Nobody knows who wrote the song
The song of infinite sadness
Perhaps he carved his name in stone

Two songbirds fly in silence
Two songbirds share a voice
With one tongue
The sun gods awake
The songbirds will sing once more

Two lovers torn apart
A heart that beats alone
One heart shared between two lovers
The song of infinite sadness

Nobody knows who sang the song
The song of infinite sadness
Perhaps he lives within us all.



Strawbs: The Ferryman's Curse, 2017, track 3



There's a new religion
And it's hot off the shelf
Where the congregation
Have to worship themselves
There's no fire and brimstone
But there's an inglenook
Where you can take communion
From a TV cook

There are Ten Commandments
And you can please yourself
If you keep or break them
You're still condemned to Hell
If you've a dollar in the bank
And that will see you through
But if your neighbour has a dollar
Well then you'd better get two

We can't negotiate a contract
A package to suit your claim
You'll get no justice in that sense
'Cos nobody's ever to blame

There's a high priestess
She knows the spice of life
She's only skin and bone
But she's a football wife
They take an altar to the terrace
So we can name our saints
You're given fifteen minutes
With karaoke brains

You'd better choose your friends
Very carefully
If they can help you network
Well they're no use to me
Take what you want
Not what you need
We used to have that problem
Now they're a dying breed.



Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD4, track 7

Lambert & Willoughby 2001 live recording

Strawbs: The Ferryman's Curse, 2017, track 6



The time has come for action
A plain and simple fact
Don't sit back
The time has come to act
Set aside distractions
The movement is intact

Power into might
Darkness into light
The time has come
For giving back

Politicians making deals
Palms all smeare with grease
Market rule the masters
Wonders never cease
We are prisoners of conscience
Counting days to our release

The rule of law has broken down
It's not as I once knew
Kindness has been sacrificed
To please a chosen few
Give back what's been taken
It belong to us - not you!



Strawbs: The Magic Of It All, 2023, side 2, track 2

Strawbs: The Magic Of It All (CD), 2023, track 6



Introduction to DC solo 2008 live performance of "Song Of A Sad Little Girl" on Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures.



Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures, 2015, track 5



The boatman rose to the sound of his heartbeat
Loud in the silent approach of the dawn
He glanced through the window at mist on the lake
Which hung like a shroud in the still of the morn
The silver cobwebs spun with the dew
Hung from the bushes in filigree splendour
And water lilies asleep on the lake
Were reflected so delicate, tranquil and tender.

The boat man sighed as he strode through the woods
To the place where his boat lay moored to a stake
The hollow sound as his footsteps echoed
Until the sound was lost on the lake
He cast off, poling the boat from the shore
Peering a head through damp clinging haze
He thought that he saw strange swirling shapes
A trick on the eyes that the mist often plays.

So intent was the boatman on crossing the lake
That he failed to notice the current that flowed
Leading his boat from familiar parts
He was firmly, yet somehow unknowingly, towed
All at once the mist seemed to lift
Sufficient to show the boatman a pool
That he'd never seen in the whole of his life
Unnaturally deep, black and silent, and cool.

The boatman's shirt clung to his back
He was sweating both from exertion and fear
He had the sensation that someone was watching
He felt the presence of somebody near
An invisible force prevented him moving
The strength of his arms was utterly sapped
The twisted bushes converged round the lake
Like a fish in a net he was trapped.

Suddenly out of the water before him
The wraith-like form of a maiden appeared
Clad in shimmering radiant robes
The maiden materialised as she neared
The hair which finely crowned her head
Was a halo of golden reflecting the sun
All of the beautiful women of time
Were formed all at once into one.

She handed the boatman the sword she was holding
Which flashed irridescent before his eyes
Excalibur surely was hardly a match
For a sword that simple description defies
The boatman stood transfixed by her gaze
Which reached to the depths of his very soul
To he who could conquer the evils of life
She offered herself as a whole.

The maiden vanished before his gaze
Leaving him clutching the sword in his fist
The hairs on the nape of his neck seemed to stiffen
A creature approached him from out of the mist
It was powerful, huge and yet stupid indeed
For it held right back and failed to attack
The boatman struck at its small stupid eyes
And it crashed to the ground and lay on its back.

Without a warning the sky seemed to blacken
As though the sun were in total eclipse
The boatman crouched low as a vast eagle swooped
And a horrified cry escaped from his lips
It strutted before him with pride in its bearing
Admiring its talons both vicious and cruel
Taking advantage the boatman struck fast
And the eagle slid to the depths of the pool.

The terrified boatman tried moving his boat
But his pole had grown roots in the watery deep
The bank grew alive with the coils of a snake
And all you could hear was its slither and creep
It cast an envious stare at the boatman
Slid into the water and swam to the boat
He stood hypnotised by its green jealous eyes
As it came from the water and coiled round his throat.

As its coils tightened slowly his breath came in gasps
As he choked so he lifted the sword in despair
As the snake was still gloating he severed its head
And in death the snake's coils thrashed wild in the air
The boatman wiped the sweat from his brow
His heart was pounding as never before
His eyes like a lizard's tongue darted around
Not daring to rest for a minute or more.

An involuntary shiver went up his spine
As he heard the sound of eerie howls
A wolf appeared on the banks of the pool
Saliva dripped from its loathsome jowls
Hatred smouldered deep in his eyes
Which glowed like coals from Hades fire
It seemed to grow as it crouched and snarled
And watched as the boatman began to tire.

It was almost as though the wolf had learned
For it did not attack as the others had done
But bided its time until the moment was right
And sprang as the boatman stared into the sun
But the boatman too had learned to hold back
And holding his sword as though a knife
He plunged it deep into the wolf's heart
Then fell to his knees and prayed for his life.

As he felt a hand on his shoulder he whirled
To find the maiden by his side
She smiled and the world seemed to open before him
He tried to speak but his tongue was tied
You must plunge the sword deep into my heart
Lest I should crumble into dust
She offered the boatman the meaning of life
And love, if he could but conquer lust.

She bared her breasts before his eyes
The boatman still was stricken dumb
He flung the sword back into the water
Back to the depths from which it had come
The water around him began to boil
The maiden began to wither away
His boat was swamped as the creatures arose
And evil lived for another day.



Strawbs: Dragonfly, 1970, side 2, track 4

Strawbs: Early Strawbs (2LP), 1974, side 3, track 3

Strawbs: Just A Collection Of Antiques And Curios (1998 CD, Universal), 1998, track 7

1998 CD bonus live track

Strawbs: Dragonfly (CD, Universal), 2008, track 8

Dave Cousins: The Spoken Word Of Dave Cousins, 2010, track 14

Spoken word version released on CD at back of Secrets, Stories and Song book

Strawbs: The Battle (2LP), 2019, side 2, track 3

1970 live version (QE Hall, 11 Jul 1970, released on Just A Collection OfAntiques And Curios, CD reissue, 1998)



She came to my door and I asked her inside
Her face had a beauty like nothing I'd seen
She was looking for someone she'd met long ago
He lived in a house by the old village green

The name that she mentioned meant nothing to me
I'd moved from the city a short while before
And I knew very little of people round here
Sorry but I couldn't help any more

Stay away from your windows
And lock all your doors
Don't let your children alone
I looked in her eyes
And said I'm not sure
I don’t think he lives here no more

The story was straight from a girl's magazine
They met by the river and talked for a while
He was fishing for salmon and dreaming his dreams
She paused for a moment and started to smile

They walked out together for weeks in that summer
The memories could never be taken away
Of picnics on Sundays, the taste of cool porter
A time before innocence started to fade.

I told her I envied her youth in the village
How often I'd dreamed of myself in tose days
A| time when the people had care for each other
A time that our progress has quickly erased

We sat there in silence and looked at each other
Slowly her features were starting to fade
There were many more questions I wanted to ask her
But only a feeling of sadness remained.



Strawbs: Settlement, 2021, side 2, track 1

Strawbs: Settlement (CD), 2021, track 5



The soldier smiling softly sings a song of sad farewell
As the train pulls out to take him far from home
His children waving gaily without knowing he has gone
Now you know what I feel.

And the thoughts that always greet you
Every morning when you rise
They never ever change they're just the same
When you're weary to extreme
And you never laugh or cry
You're just a sheet of glass behind a frame.

The best days of your life are when you don't know right from wrong
When the fantasies around you seem so real
And reality is really as fantastic as your dreams
Now you know how I feel.

So the train pulls out forever, just a whistle and it's gone
And the station disappears before your eyes
In time the rails will rust and you'll forget that you've been there
Now I know how you feel.



Strawbs: Dragonfly, 1970, side 1, track 1

Strawbs: Early Strawbs (2LP), 1974, side 1, track 1

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 4

Strawbs: Dragonfly (CD, Universal), 2008, track 1



Looks around with angel face
She does everything with amazing grace
She wears smart clothes but no-one knows
She's got nobody waiting at home.

She is not the only song I sing
Though I sing them all for her
There is something in her melody
That I've never heard before.

The winter and the summer
Need never come again
The winter and the summer
Need never come again
In my life there is no season
No reason.

She is not the only book I read
See her pages are not torn
And her story is of loneliness
Though her memory still war.

The winter and the summer
Need never come again
The winter and the summer
Need never come again
In my life there is no season
No reason.

Every now and then I'm sad
Thinking what we could have had
If we'd met some years before
Would we now be wanting more.

She is not the only sound I hear
Though to hear her lights my day
There's no picture in the gallery
That has half as much to say.

The winter and the summer
Need never come again
The winter and the summer
Need never come again
In my life there is no season
No reason.



Strawbs: Bursting At The Seams, 1973, side 2, track 3

Strawbs: Heroes Are Forever (2CD bootleg), 1990, CD2, track 11

1973 Live In Concert (25 Mar 1973, Paris Theatre, London)

Strawbs: Strawbs In Concert, 1995, track 9

1973 live BBC In Concert

Strawbs: Bursting At The Seams (CD, Universal), 1998, track 8

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD2, track 8

Dave Lambert home demo

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 1 - In Session, 2010, track

1973 BBC sessions

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 5

1973 Live In Concert (25 Mar 1973, Paris Theatre, London)

Strawbs: Witchwood - The Very Best Of, 2014, track 9


Strawbs: 45: "Lay Down"/"The Winter And The Summer", 1972, side 2, track 1

The following territories had "The Winter And The Summer" as the B-side to "Lay Down": US, Canada, Japan.

Strawbs: 45: "Part Of The Union"/"Invierno Y Verano (The Winter And The Summer)", 1973, side 2, track 1

Spain struck out alone with "Invierno Y Verano (The Winter And The Summer)" as the B-side to "Part Of The Union".



The cracks in the wall beside the bed open up
Behind them I find myself emptying
Into another world.

The pictures on the wall reflect me
Any yet somehow I reflect myself
In the cracks in the wall
Ever sure, yet ever insecure.

I wrote your name in pencil
On the wall once
To remind me of you constantly
Yet when I moved
Your name did not move with me
Only a vision of what you once were.

Your name remained upon the wall
So that the next one who came
Might wonder
What manner of person you were.



Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD2, track 13

Dave Cousins acoustic demo of unreleased song



Bring out your dead
The captain said
With no sense of remorse
The battle is not over
We must make a show of force
The silver band began to play
The moon began to rise
I could not hear their music
But I could read it in their eyes

My friend, the young pretender
Simply did not understand
Bring out your dead
The captain said
Or you will join the band

Bring out your dead
The captain said
We fight again at noon
For those who are courageous
It can never come too soon
The ship of fools came sailing by
On the early morning tide
Her sails were hanging lifeless
But her flag flew high with pride

My friend, the young pretender
Had forgotten to take note
Bring out your dead
The captain said
Or you will miss the boat

Bring out your dead
The captain said
The victory is near
The battle is all over
And the way ahead marked clear
The carnival procession
Took its third trip round the town
The bandsmen raised their trumpets
And the walls came a-tumbling down

My friend, the young pretender
Took a candle to the night
Bring out your dead
The captain said
It's time to see the light

Bring out your dead
The captain said
The band is leaving town
The ship will sail without you
And the only way is down
The windy streets were empty
And the damage cleared away
The townsfolk were preparing
To rebuild the wall next day
My friend, the young pretender
Took the lion to the Iamb
Bring out your dead
The captain said
He did not give a damn.



Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: Hummingbird, 2002, track 1



Sadness clouds the face of Mother Nature
Children dry the tears that she has shed
We will light a candle in her darkness
Beauty in the eyes of the beloved

There will come the day
When we'll be glad
There will come the day
For celebration
The day of hope
The day of innocence
The day of destiny
The right of man

The women that were raped are bearing children
Blood seeps in the furrows that we plough
We will sow the seeds of our salvation
While grave stones line the old road to the high brow

Spirits that were crushed still sing together
The ancient village raised will be reborn
We will join our hands and sing together
We will raise our voices to a new dawn.



Acoustic Strawbs: Baroque And Roll, 2001, track 6

Strawbs: Blue Angel, 2003, track 4



I have people to free, they're depending on me
So I can't afford to die
Get them safely back, then I won't stay too long
I'll be leaving soon for London
So I'll look this war straight in the eye
Only thirty days so I can't afford to die.

When I think of the dead, that go round in my head
No I can't afford to die
So the thing to do is pretend that they weren't there
With my baby at home waiting
I can give myself a little sigh
Only thirty days so I can't afford to die.

God ain't taking my hand, not to no promised land
So I can't afford to die
So I'll cease my command before another bomb
If I see my home a free man
I'll remember why I never cried
Only thirty days so I can't afford to die.



Strawbs: From The Witchwood, 1971, side 1, track 3

Strawbs: Japanese Sampler, 1973, side 2, track 2

Strawbs: From The Witchwood (CD, Universal), 1998, track 3


Strawbs: 45: "Thirty Days"/"Benedictus", 1971, side 1, track 1

Japanese only single



I took the children by the hand
Promised to show them all that God had planned
So sad but true, this moral maze
Betrays the innocence of bygone days
You can't hold back the march of time
I said
You can't hold back the march of time
This blood stained desert road on which we stand
Is testament to man
This barren land

Our song of joy, the countryside
Radiant fields forever glowed with pride
That once were blessed as golden shires
Now bear the sad remains of funeral pyres
You can't hold back the march of time
I said
You can't hold back the march of time
This wicked wilderness in which we stand
Is testament to man
This barren land

You can't hold back the march of time
I said
You can't hold back the march of time
This way of no return
Is testament to man
This barren land

On sullen shores we make our peace
We pray that the howling wind will someday cease
The waves of power can never bend
They ever take their course until the end
You can't hold back the march of time
I said
You can't hold back the march of time
This crumbling cliff top path on which we stand
Is testament to man
This barren land.



Strawbs: CD single:"On A Night Like This"/"This Barren Land"/"Sunday Morning (movie version)", 2002, track 2

Strawbs: Deja Fou, 2004, track 8

Strawbs: Live At Nearfest, 2005, track 10



There's a young man
Who sings to the wilderness moon
And his song of lament bears a harrowing tune
There are dreams to be treasured
When moments arise
Through Aphrodite's eyes

She was born on the blood
Of the foam on the sea
Instilled with the grace
Of a flowering tree
He appeared as a saint
But she read his disguise
Through Aphrodite's eyes

There were moments of peace
As they lay in the sun
And the cypress trees signalled
The battle was won
Nurtured by truth
She considered her prize
Through Aphrodite's eyes

While his manner of speech
Spoke of total neglect
She sought her revenge
For his lack of respect
He confessed to his sins
As she feigned her surprise
Through Aphrodite's eyes

Tortured by love
He wept as she smiled
Led to believe
That she carried his child
Condemned was the victim
She grew to despise
Through Aphrodite's eyes.



Strawbs: The Broken Hearted Bride, 2008, track 6

Strawbs: Prognostic, 2014, track 2



My love is as the rose
As wild and free as I should wish to be
Close guarded by the thorns
That shield her from the hands that seek to touch.

The hourglass sand that runs so free
Is rock that failed to halt the waves of time
My haven is the harbour bar
Sheltering from the storm
'Til the sun comes shining through, again.

My love a primrose fair
A gentle hedgerow flower in the spring
If gathered in the dawn
Come evening she will surely fade and die.

My love is as a pearl
A heart of stone that I can never own
More precious that my life
Thus meaning more than I can ever give.



Strawbs: Dragonfly, 1970, side 2, track 1

Strawbs: Early Strawbs (2LP), 1974, side 3, track 1

Strawbs: Dragonfly (CD, Universal), 2008, track 6



Time is the power
The enemy hour
The soul survivor of the news
The headlines.

Life is a friend
I value its end
For I can take it when I choose
The deadlines.

Time and life
Will meet at dawn
The swords have been drawn
For the takers.

Time has no heart
It wins from the start
Was I so foolish
As to try to ignore it.

Life is complete
And proud in defeat
At last I understand
Why I adore it.

Time and life
Fight to the end
But life has to bend
To her makers.



Strawbs: Deadlines, 1978, side 2, track 1

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD5, track 8

acoustic home demo

Strawbs: Deadlines (CD, WML), 2012, track 6

Strawbs: Deadlines (CD, WML), 2012, track 13

Dave Cousins acoustic demo






Strawbs: Don't Say Goodbye, 1987, side 1, track 4

Strawbs: Don't Say Goodbye (CD), 1987, track 4

Various Artists: Thirty Years In Rock, 2001, track 7


Strawbs: 45: "Let It Rain"/"Tina Dei Fada", 1988, side 2, track 1

UK and C anada only



The gilt-edged invitation came
And I said "What can this mean?
To attend the coronation
As the first guest of the Queen
And sit upon her right hand
Where the Prince is normally seen?"
The maids of honour stared at me
And registered surprise
To see a man of such good taste
Appear before their eyes
Now bring rather humble
I adopted a disguise
As the Minister of State
For Mass Environment Controls
Who condemn the working classes
For inhabiting the holes
That belong to Queen and Country
But do not permit their souls
To be free like me.

The perspex chandelier
Began to melt and slip away
One million candle-powered
It kept the night at bay
While the power station workers
Were busy making hay
The workers in the fields
Were engaged in self-defence
Which involved the use of barbed wire
As a self-containing fence
But as a means of self-protection
It was needlessly immense
I stopped to ask them for a light
They pointed at the sun
Which raised their hopes of harvesting
A better crop than guns
Can ever mass produce
At the expense of anyone
Who is free like me.

The solitary peasant
In his home above the lake
Raised high on wooden stilts
Has made the singular mistake
Of revolutionary conduct
At the celebration wake
His urban counterpart
Engaged in mundane occupation
Enjoys the chance of laughing
At the Queen's humiliation
At the hands of Ministers of State
For Rehabilitation
Now the power station worker
Though his aim is too disjointed
Finds himself around the corner
While his gun is never pointed
He is ever at the ready
He desires to be annointed
And be free like me.



Strawbs: Nomadness, 1975, side 1, track 1

Strawbs: Best Of Strawbs, 1978, side 2, track 3

Strawbs: A Choice Selection Of Strawbs, 1992, track 14

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 15

Strawbs: NY '75, 2007, track 12

1975 live version

Strawbs: Nomadness (CD, Universal), 2008, track 1






Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 7

John Ford - 2009 live track



The willows stand on guard in the dark
Where lovers are rowing alone in the park.
In awe of each other they make a mistake,
And find they must spend one more night on the lake.

And I don't care if anyone knows,
There's no-one so fair as my Tokyo rose.
I don't care if anyone knows,
There's no-one so fair as my Tokyo Rosie.

The blossom has fallen before the west wind;
The butterfly lies with its silken wings pinned;
Alone in the temple the lovers rejoice
And sing to each other with one single voice.

I wear my silk kimono black,
Get you monkey off my back.
No matter where the west wind blows,
You'll never find a fallen rose.

The flowers of heaven are roses in bloom;
The east wind turns west in the walls of my room.
I build my defence in the palace of sin,
The lovers make home and the loser must win.



Strawbs: Nomadness, 1975, side 2, track 2

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 12

Strawbs: The Collection, 2002, track 14

Strawbs: Nomadness (CD, Universal), 2008, track 7



You talked of me with acid tongue
And pointed trembling spiteful hands
Your presence almost overwhelmed
When Mother Nature tends her young
She comforts each and every one
The flower sheds its seeds and flourishes.

But now I walk a mile high
My shoulders in the clouds
I have seen the sun break through
I'll speak my thoughts aloud
For now I see tomorrow
Just as clearly as I see today
While yesterday
Which meant so much
Has grown so far away.



Strawbs: Grave New World, 1972, side 2, track 2

Strawbs: Japanese Sampler, 1973, side 2, track 4

Strawbs: Grave New World (CD, Universal), 1998, track 8

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD2, track 1

1972 BBC sessions, track also released on Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (CD).

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 1 - In Session, 2010, track

1972 BBC sessions, track also released on Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (CD).

Strawbs: Prognostic, 2014, track 9

1971 Production mix

Strawbs: The Battle (2LP), 2019, side 4, track 5

1972 session - Sounds Of The Seventies, 19 Apr 1972)


Strawbs: 45: "Here It Comes"/"Tomorrow", 1972, side 2, track 1

The following territories had "Tomorrow" as the B-side to "Here Germany, Australia, South Africa, and Kenya (the only known release here).

Strawbs: 45: "Lay Down"/"Tomorrow", 1972, side 2, track 1

The following territories had "Tomorrow" as the B-side to "Lay Down": US, Canada, South Africa, Spain (titles translated as "Tiendete (Lay Down)"/"Manana (Tomorrow)".

Strawbs: 45: "Keep The Devil Outside"/"Tomorrow", 1972, side 2, track 1

Japanese only release

Strawbs: 45: "Keep The Devil Outside"/"Tomorrow", 1972, side 1, track 2

Japanese only release

Strawbs: 45: "Part Of The Union"/"Tomorrow", 1973, side 2, track 1

The following territories had "Tomorrow" as the B-side to "Part Of The Union": US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Venezuela, Guatemala (TBC)

Strawbs: 45: "Part Of The Union (reissue)"/"Tomorrow", 1982, side 2, track 1

A&M Germany (Hits Come Back)



It started with the ring I wear
A journey few would care to share
Some say it is the braggart's boast
A life along the Barbary Coast
Pirate ships with jet black sails
Sirens clinging to the rails
Broken victims walked the plank
Before we struck the rock and sank
Too many angels have fallen at my feet
Too many angels have fallen

Washed up on a welcome beach
Where excise men could never reach
Riding horseback through the lanes
Soothed the traveller's aches and pains
Raising cattle, tending sheep
It's easier than losing sleep
A young girl's fancies loosely spun
The monkey and the damage done
The prisoner finally walking free
To spring in Little Italy
When in doubt just make a list
All that was was ever missed
Too many angels have fallen at my feet
Too many angels have fallen

The storm has finally come to pass
I pour my tears into the glass
You can't erase the lines of age
Or words upon the printed page
The dragonfly with folded wings
Has found the pleasure true love brings
And while we live in Tiffany time
The ring has stood the test of time
Nowadays it's far more clear
With all the loves I held so dear
Swirling gently through the mist
With softer tongue and velvet fist
As though they seem to understand
It started out with nothing planned
The days are closing in so fast
It's time to find some peace at last
Too many angels have fallen at my feet
Too many angels have fallen.



Strawbs: The Broken Hearted Bride, 2008, track 3






Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD3, track 9

Lambert/Cronk 1981 recording






Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 12

Zeus - 2009 live track



My life is never peaceful
As I fly me high above
For I hover like an eagle
With an olive branch of love
With the vision of a hunter
And the conscience of a dove.

Turn me round.

Now the eagle holds the aces
When it comes to strength and pace
For the dove is a beginner
In the universal race
But lonely is the hunter
As he closes in the chase.

Turn me round
Clear my vision
Let me see the light
Turn me round
Change position
Give the blind man sight
Turn me round.

Let me see the tracery
Of the lines upon your face
As I kneel in contemplation
Of your majesty and grace
For the eagle in his sorrow
Is a man in sure disgrace.

My dove, my mediator
May you flourish in your solitude
A haven in the storm clouds
Let me paint you in your studio
May the brushmarks on the canvas
Show the eagle in his eerie mood.



Strawbs: Deep Cuts, 1976, side 1, track 2

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (CD, Muskrat), 2003, track 2

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 2



When two separate people
Go two separate ways
There's too many hours
In the long and lonely days
When two separate people
Make two separate plans
There's two points of view
The woman's, the man's.

We're two separate people
Who drifted apart
Two separate people
Who made a false start
Two separate people
Beginning again
Two separate people
In need of a friend.

When two separate people
Lead two separate lives
There's too many kids
And not enough wives.



Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill, 1978, track 6

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill, 1978, track 6

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill (CD, WML), 2006, track 6

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 6



The dancing flames grow low
Burning embers start to glow
Pictures soon will fade
Pictures that the flames have made
Your hazy wistful face
Suddenly is gone without a trace.

Summer days all float downstream,
Wondering where the day has been
Boats that sail away at night
Come the day have sailed far out of sight.

Reminiscing, summer walks
Empty glances, moonlit talks
[Promises that mean so much
Broken with a single touch/
Candy floss and ice cream cones
Discotheques and Rolling Stones]
Passing fancies fly away
Empty shadows on a sunlit bay.

Summer days all [I] float downstream,
Wondering where the day has been
Boats that sail away at night
Come the day have sailed far out of sight.

[Deserted evenings warm and still
Strangers come and go at will
Driftwood on the silent shore
Laughter from an open door.
Friendly faces once again
Come inside before it starts to rain.]

Summer days all float downstream,
Wondering where the day has been
Boats that sail away at night
Come the day have sailed far out of sight.



Strawbs: Strawberry Music Sampler No. 1, 1969, side 1, track 4

Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer, 1972, side 1, track 1

Strawbs: Sandy Denny And The Strawbs, 1991, side 2, track 5

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 17

Dave Cousins

Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer (CD, Media Arte), 2005, track 1

Sandy Denny and the Strawbs: All Our Own Work (The Complete Sessions), 2010, track 13


Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 1




The painter from St Petersburg is making headline news
He paints his masterpieces to the sound of lonesome blues
There's no-one in the whole wide world can ever steal his shoes
Under a cloudless sky

The highwayman is hungry, hanging high in chains
His body may be weakened, but his will to live remains
He sleeps with one eye open watching out for planes
Under a cloudless sky

For forty days and nights I've been lost
How long have you been flying?
But I haven't had the time to count the cost
How long have you been flying?
The runway's cracked and broken
And the weeds are showing through
I've been so high so long
That I have lost sight of the view
There's no-one on the radio
To bring me back to you
Won't somebody try and understand
All I want to do is land

Vittorio Emanuel shows signs of deep mistrust
He carefully avoids Signora Montenegro's bust
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust
Under a cloudless sky

All along the promenade the day has just begun
Gilded Russian cuppolas glistening in the sun
The painter and the highwayman are surely having fun
Under a cloudless sky

The highwayman broke out into a shiver
How long have you been flying?
The painter flung his brushes in the river
How long have you been flying?
High above San Remo
Out of all control
The painter sold his icons
The highwayman his soul
They played in the Casino
On a never ending roll
Won't somebody try and understand
All I want to do is land.



Strawbs: Deja Fou, 2004, track 2







Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: Hummingbird, 2002, track 12




Every day and every night
I'm thinking of you, thinking of you
When I get into bed and turn out the light
I'm thinking of you, thinking of you.

Messing around with a song that I wrote
Thinking of you, thinking of you
Plucking up the courage to send you a note
Thinking of you, thinking of you.

I just get the feeling that I'm wasting my time
I can see you strung out on a different line
I'm wasting my time, wasting my time.

May be I am, maybe I'm not
Wasting my time, thinking of you
But I'm making the most of what little I've got
I'm wasting my time, thinking of you.

Getting my kicks from Algerian wine
Thinking of you, thinking of you
Getting hung up on the telephone line.
Wasting my time, thinking of you.



Strawbs: Deep Cuts, 1976, side 2, track 3

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (CD, Muskrat), 2003, track 8

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 8

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 13

edited version


Strawbs: 45: "I Only Want My Love To Grow In You"/"(Wasting My Time) Thinking Of You", 1976, side 2, track 1



I'm as the world forever spinning
Rekindled by the early rising sun
I'm as the road that's ever winding
A never ending journey just begun.

And the wheel turns in my heart and in my soul
The fire burns ever in my head
While others come with lanterns
That will last throughout the night
To follow in the ways where we have led.

She's as the river ever flowing
As constant as the Greenwich clock at noon
She's as the sea that's ever rolling
A high spring tide that rises with the moon.

And today is much the same
As any other day has been
And I think about tomorrow
And while there's not much that I need
To take me further on
There are still things that I borrow.

They are as the wheel forever turning
The heart that gives an athlete strength to win
They are as the fire that's ever burning
The flame that lights the lamp of life within.



Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer, 1972, side 2, track 3

Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: Old School Songs (CD, Muskrat), 1979, track 3

Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: Old School Songs, 1979, side 1, track 3

Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer (CD, Media Arte), 2005, track 7

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: Live 1988, 2005, track 8

Live Exeter 1988

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD5, track 3

Alternate take

Dave Cousins: Duochrome, 2008, track 9

DC with Ian Cutler, Philadelphi 2008

Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures, 2015, track 11

DC solo 2008 live performance

Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 7

Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 11

Alternate take


Dave Cousins: 45: "Going Home"/"Ways And Means", 1972, side 2, track 1

Released in UK and Japan only (the latter with a splndid picture wrapper).



We are restless
We are dreamers
We are lost souls
Join together
We are everyone

We are day
We are night
We are as one
Join together
We are everyone

I hear your song
You hear my song
Sing together
Join together
We are everyone

All bear witness
We are not lost
Come together
Join together
We are everyone.



Strawbs: Settlement, 2021, side 2, track 4

Strawbs: Settlement (CD), 2021, track 8



Like a high tree in the wind you are lost when you're alone
Like a wild bird in a cage you are trapped inside your home
If you don't accept the plan, you'd better get out while you can.

We can make it together
If we try
Oh if we try.

As the mountain top is trash so the bottom is decayed
The machinery is aging, like a worn out coat it's frayed
The frown on every face is the national disgrace.

We can make it together
We can make it together
If we try
Oh if we try.

As people feel the burden of the crosses that they bear
The social fabric stretches until at last it starts to tear
So hold your backs up proud, you'd better shout your name out loud.

We can make it together
We can make it together
We can make it together
If we try
Oh if we try.



Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill, 1978, track 3

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill, 1978, track 3

Strawbs: Don't Say Goodbye, 1987, side 1, track 3

Strawbs: Don't Say Goodbye (CD), 1987, track 8

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill (CD, WML), 2006, track 3

Strawbs: Heartbreak Hill (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2020, track 3


Strawbs: 45: "That's When The Crying Starts"/"We Can Make It Together", 1987, side 2, track 1

Canada only



We can try to find the answers
We can estimate the cost
We can count our many blessings
In the friends that we have lost
We can leave the crowded city
Break out on the open road
The child has long been growing
From the seed our father sowed

We have the power within us
To move mountains if we try
To change the course of rivers
Or the colour of the sky
We have the power to give life
Or to take it if we choose
Ours can be the answer
Make or break it, win or lose
It's in our hands

Be positive in conflict
Make victory complete
Give our former rivals
Honour in defeat
Watchful of our actions
Being sure to care
True to all our promises
Making time to spare

Spring is scarce remembered
Autumn just a name
The leaves will soon return back
To the earth from which they came
Ours is but a short life
From the moment of our birth
When our ashes scatter
To the corners of the earth.



Strawbs: The Ferryman's Curse, 2017, track 10



I only have my memories to last me the remainder of my days
For time has now decided that we must go our individual ways
The warmth I feel inside can more than overcome my loss
But this is me today and tomorrow I must count the cost.

We'll meet again sometime
Though the road is steep and very hard to climb.

The pleasures of a lifetime condensed into a fleeting glimpse of truth
A moment of delight as when a child receives a sixpence for a tooth
The simple things in life mean more to me than money ever buys
The greatest thing for me to see my love reflected in your eyes.

We'll meet again sometime
Though the road is steep and very hard to climb.

We'll meet again sometime
Though the way is never clear
My sacrifice is made
Everything that I hold dear
We'll meet again sometime
Though the road is steep and very hard to climb.

Oh lover of a lifetime let me look upon your loveliness alone
Oh but I cannot gaze too long for I fear that it will turn me into stone
A monument to life to stand forever by your grave
Inscribed for all to see, a message of respect, "Be brave".

For we'll meet again sometime
Though the road is steep and very hard to climb.



Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 1, track 9

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 6

hitherto unreleased versionNot Two Weeks version,

Strawbs: Just A Collection Of Antiques And Curios (1998 CD, Universal), 1998, track 8

1998 CD bonus live track

Strawbs: Recollection, 2006, track 1

1970 live version

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD4, track 12

2004 Acoustic Strawbs live recording

Strawbs: Dragonfly (CD, Universal), 2008, track 10

recorded June 1969??

Strawbs: The Broken Hearted Bride, 2008, track 11

2008 version

Dave Cousins: Duochrome, 2008, track 11

DC with Ian Cutler, Philadelphi 2008

Strawbs: Dragonfly (CD, Universal), 2008, track 13

John Peel Top Gear, 7 Sep 1969

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 1 - In Session, 2010, track

1969 BBC sessions

Dave Cousins: Moving Pictures, 2015, track 19

DC solo 2008 live performance

Strawbs: The Battle (2LP), 2019, side 2, track 2

1970 live version (QE Hall, 11 Jul 1970, released on Just A Collection OfAntiques And Curios, CD reissue, 1998)


Strawbs: 45: "Witchwood"/"Keep The Devil Outside/"Well Meet Again Sometime (live)", 1971, side 2, track 2

UK copies (promo and very rare quickly withdrawn release - have "Keep The Devil Outside" and an outtake from the Royal Festival Hall concert. The New Zealand Release has "A Glimpse Of Heaven".



The party wasn't over when my friends started leaving
Still a lot of things I had to say
If I walked back in the room would it be the way I left it?
Lost my nerve and turned away
And the rains came, and the skies turned grey

When the lights came on
I could see the picture
It burned my eyes and it bruised my mind
Gave me hope to face the future
I was not alone when the lights came on

They crucified the ox and threw his carcass to the fire
Stood around proclaiming they were free
Stripped away his flesh while giving thanks for all his labours
No-one saw the joke but him and me
Then the rains came, and the skies turned grey

The wise man built his house upon the rock beside the river
Cared not for the storms that lashed around
The foolish man was tempted, dipped his soul into the water
His body, though at peace, has not been found
Because the rains came, and the skies turned grey.



Strawbs: Deja Fou, 2004, track 9



Let us live for love
Love is what we need
We will find our true friends
When the spirit moves

Let us live in hope
Hope is what we need
We will find the new way
When the spirit moves

Let us live for peace
Peace is what we need
We will rest forever
When the spirit moves

Have you heard the news?
He's coming back
Right on time
On a one way track

When you see his face
Look him eye to eye
"Padremio Padre"
Crowds will multiply

Revelations speaks
Of the King of Kings
Wait and see
What tomorrow brings

It may bring sunshine
It could bring rain
It may bring pleasure
But it could bring pain

Let us all belong
Belonging at the start
We will find a welcome
When the spirit moves

Let us all be strong
Strength will be our freedom
We will be beside you
When the spirit moves

Let us be together
Togetherness is strength
We will be united
When the spirit moves

Let us sing together
This song is where it starts
We will be uplifted
When the spirit moves.



Strawbs: The Ferryman's Curse, 2017, track 5



When you were a child you were a friend of mine
And I loved you in my way
But though we grew apart, and I lost touch with you
It still seems like yesterday
I haven't seen you in a long time
Oh, but I bet you look the same way you always did
When you were a child you were a friend of mine
And I loved you in my way.

When you were a child you used to paint for me
And I loved you in my way
In time the paintings faded and were set aside
They have now been thrown away
I haven't seen you in a long time
Oh but I bet you look the same way you always did
When you were a child you used to paint for me
And I loved you in my way.

When you were a child you used to laugh for me
And I loved you in my way
But as the laughs turned silver they cost too much
You were far too grown to play
Though I hadn't seen you in a long time
Oh I just knew you'd look the same way you always did
When you were a child you used to laugh for me
And I loved you in my way.



Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer, 1972, side 2, track 2

Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer (CD, Media Arte), 2005, track 6

Dave Cousins: Two Weeks Last Summer (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 6



Where Am I?

I sit here in peaceful meditation by a river
Watch my thoughts go floating down the stream of consciousness
Never ever changing the direction of my dreaming
To realise myself
Nothing more or nothing less
And as the hours slip away
On this pleasant April day
I sit and watch the flowers grow
Where am I
Where am I ?

I'll Show You Where To Sleep

Just paint a picture of the world
In gentle pastel shades
Indistinct and somehow blurred
Like childhood escapades
The painting box is rather dear
But the paints themselves are cheap
Leave your pack at the side of the road
I'll show you where to sleep.

Dead brown weeds in a ditch at the side
Of a field of burning corn
The road opens out before you
Like the womb where you were born
There's no need to pretend again
To try and earn your keep
Leave your pack at the side of the road
I'll show you where to sleep.

And crowds will gather in the sun
As stone madonnas weep
And the shepherd is a good man
As he tends his flock of sheep.

In case you find your tortoise shell
Is getting rather tight
You can wrap yourself in your magic cloak
And disappear from sight
And I will stand guard over you
As through the door you creep
Leave your pack at the side of the road
I'll show you where to sleep.



Strawbs: Strawbs, 1969, side 2, track 4

Strawbs: Early Strawbs (2LP), 1974, side 4, track 4

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD1, track 17

1970 live version, later released on Recollection

Strawbs: Strawbs (CD, Universal), 2008, track 10



When you were young you were protected
When you were growing you were sheltered
But when you reached your adult years
You were left alone
And you had no-one to rely on
No-on to care for you
A lost soul in search of some kind of shelter and protection.

Now where do you run
Where do you hide
Where do you go
When you need a hole to crawl in
Where do you go?

I found that in our darkest hour
The young ones that I knew and loved well
Beckoned with the memory
Of their alluring spell
And so I gathered up my senses
Bade one and all Godspeed
If my ways were what you desired then love is what you must need.

I tried to find a consolation
But realised that deep down inside
Consolation is but yet
My all despairing pride
And now I'm dark eyed and bewildered
My guts can feel the strain
My mouth is dry, my chest is tight
And my forehead's lined with the pain.



Strawbs: Ghosts, 1974, side 1, track 4

Strawbs: Best Of Strawbs, 1978, side 2, track 4

Strawbs: Ghosts (CD, Universal), 1998, track 4


Strawbs: 45: "Lemon Pie"/"Where Do You Go (When You Need A Hole To Crawl In)", 1974, side 2, track 1

US, Canada and South Africa opted for "Where Do You Go" as the b-side

Strawbs: 45: "Hold On To Me (The Winter Long)"/"Where Do You Go (When You Need A Hole To Crawl In)", 1974, side 2, track 1



Wake up one day, you're left alone
From now on you're on your own
The sands of time are running low
You'll have nothing left to show
The months slip by and change to years
Soon the twilight gloom appears
And then one day before you know
You'll have nothing left to show.

Where is this dream of your youth.

The pictures on the walls are shaking
They can hear the storm a-breaking
Storms may come and storms go
You'll have nothing left to show
They can hear the earth a-quaking
Buildings come and buildings go
You'll have nothing left to show.

Tomorrow brings another dawn
It might be better from now on
Before too long that day will go
You'll have nothing left to show
You'll have nothing left to show
You'll have nothing left to show
You'll have nothing left to show.

Where is this dream of your youth ?



Strawbs: Strawbs, 1969, side 2, track 2

Strawbs: Just A Collection Of Antiques And Curios, 1970, side 2, track 3

Dave Cousins And Strawbs: Japanese Sampler, 1973, side 1, track 3

Strawbs: Japanese Sampler, 1973, side 1, track 7

Strawbs: Early Strawbs (2LP), 1974, side 4, track 2


Strawbs: Rock Storia E Musica (cass), 1983, side 2, track 3


Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 4, track 5

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 2

Strawbs: Just A Collection Of Antiques And Curios (1998 CD, Universal), 1998, track 6

Various Artists: Thirty Years In Rock, 2001, track 2

Preseves Uncanned version

Strawbs: Tears And Pavan, 2002, track 5

Strawbs: Recollection, 2006, track 11

1970 live version

Strawbs: Strawbs (CD, Universal), 2008, track 8

Strawbs: Of A Time, 2012, track 1

Strawbs: Witchwood - The Very Best Of, 2014, track 1


Strawbs: 45: "Where Is This Dream Of Your Youth Part 1"/"Where Is This Dream Of Your Youth Part 2", 1971, side 1, track 1

The German single has part 1 of the track on the A-side with part on the B-side.

Strawbs: 45: "Where Is This Dream Of Your Youth Part 1"/"Where Is This Dream Of Your Youth Part 2", 1971, side 2, track 1

The German single has the main track in two parts; the Dutch single has an edited version with "Fingertips" as the B-side

Strawbs: 45: "Where Is This Dream Of Your Youth"/"Fingertips", 1971, side 1, track 1

The Dutch single has the main track in two parts; the Dutch single has an edited version with "Fingertips" as the B-side.



The valiant soldier smiles
The lady lowers her eyes
The battle has been won
With no sense of surprise
She questions not at all
The valiant soldier's prize
The valiant soldier's prize

For all of those who fail to hear
The silent hero's call
We honour those who face themselves
Where silent shadows fall

The valiant soldier hears
From far and distant lands
The piper's sad lament
He feels his mother's hands
When all are in retreat
The valiant soldier stands
The valiant soldier stands

For all of those who fail to hear
The silent hero's call
We honour those who face themselves
Where silent shadows fall

The valiant soldier calls
The public purse denies
He sadly shakes his head
Weary of the lies
Who never knows his child
The valiant soldier dies
The valiant soldier dies

For all of those who fail to hear
The silent hero's call
We honour those who face themselves
Where silent shadows fall.



Strawbs: Dancing To The Devil's Beat, 2009, track 5

Various Artists: Strawberry Fayre (40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 1 (2CD), 2010, track 14

Strawbs with Royal Artillery Orchestra, conductor Robert Kirby - 2009 live track



I didn't realise how much it would grieve you
How I hurt you when I said I was going to leave you
Understand I didn't know, but it only goes to show
How blind I must have been not to believe you

My mind is in a whirl and its spinning madly
In my dreams you looked at me so very sadly
I tried to show surprise when a tear fell from your eyes
You know I didn't mean to hurt you so badly

I can't believe that I've been chasing rainbows
But I'll think of you and follow you whichever way the wind blows

In the silent hours of night I'll be thinking about you
And I wonder how it was I came to doubt you
Let fortune cast its spell remind me that I fell
Remind me that I just can't live without you

I can't believe that I've been chasing rainbows
But I'll think of you and follow you whichever way the wind blows.



Strawbs: Strawberry Music Sampler No. 1, 1969, side 2, track 7

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD2, track 9

Remake with Dave Cousins vocal replacing Tony Hooper's

Strawbs: Of A Time, 2012, track 11

Strawbs: Of A Time, 2012, track 18

1973 remix with DC vocals



Across the purple sky all the birds are leaving
How can they know it's time for them to go
Before the winter fire we'll still be dreaming
I have no thought of time.

But who knows where the time goes
Who knows where the time goes.

Sad deserted shore, your fickle friends are leaving
Ah but then you know, it's time for them to go
But I will still be here, I have no thought of leaving
I do not count the time.

But who knows where the time goes
Who knows where the time goes.

And I'm not alone, while my love is near me
I know it will be so until it's time to go
So come the storms of winter, and then the birds in spring again
I do not fear the time.

But who knows how my love grows
Who knows where the time goes.



Strawbs: Strawberry Music Sampler No. 1, 1969, side 1, track 6

Strawbs: All Our Own Work, 1973, side 1, track 2

Strawbs: Sandy Denny And The Strawbs, 1991, side 1, track 2

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD4, track 11

2004 Acoustic Strawbs live recording

Sandy Denny and the Strawbs: All Our Own Work (The Complete Sessions), 2010, track 2

Original 1973 release versioOriginal 1973 release versionn

Sandy Denny and the Strawbs: All Our Own Work (The Complete Sessions), 2010, track 16




Preserves Uncanned version

You are just a cuckoo clock on the wall
You ain't got no liquid at all
The hands on your face are spinning round
They wind you up or so I've found.

You're a tape machine with a long play spool
I suppose you think I'm some kind of fool
Rewind your reel, it's not too late
You just can't bend the arm of fate.

Well, keep on sliding down your wall Till you can't slide no more at all
You won't climb back, you never would
You just won't try, you know you should.


B side of "Hero And Heroine" single version

Mirror, mirror, speak the truth
I see my age but not my youth
Pride comes before a fall
The winner's eye is ever small.


I realise it's not too late
Standing firmly on the plate
The winter long I felt so free
Snow blind eyes can never see.


I keep on sliding down the wall
Till I can't slide no more at all
I can't climb back, I never could
And I just won't try but I know I should.




Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 4, track 6


Strawbs: 45: "Hero And Heroine"/"Why", 1974, side 2, track 1

Portugal, Yugoslavia, Australia and New Zealand followed the UK with "Why" as the b-side




Mirror, mirror, speak the truth
I see my age but not my youth
Pride comes before a fall
The winner's eye is ever small.


I realise it's not too late
Standing firmly on the plate
The winter long I felt so free
Snow blind eyes can never see.


I keep on sliding down the wall
Till I can't slide no more at all
I can't climb back, I never could
And I just won't try but I know I should.



Hope will ever spring eternal
From the well of my own tears
Life is but a single candle
Burning slowly through the years
Am I but a moth attracted
To the brightness of the flame
Let me fly into your path
And join you in your wicked game


The Queen of Hearts, came bearing frankincense
The Queen of Clubs, her flask was myrrh
The diamond Queen brought back a pot of gold
That I had one time given her.

The pack lay crushed and broken in my hand
Silence slipping sliding by
The Queen of Spades was all that I deserved
And I sat back and and wondered why
And I sat back and and wondered why.



Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, track

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 10

Strawbs: Hero And Heroine (SHM CD, Universal Japan), 2018, track 10

bonus track 2018 Japanese SHMCD release, replaces "Still Small Voice" which moves to Nomadness, as was the case with 2008 CD release


(Trad. Arr Strawbs)




Strawbs: All Our Own Work, 1973, side 1, track 6

Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 4, track 8

Sandy Denny and the Strawbs: All Our Own Work (The Complete Sessions), 2010, track 6

Original 1973 release version


(McPeake arr. Cousins/Hudson/Ford/Lambert/Weaver)

Late summer time is coming
With the trees still sweetly blooming
And the wild mountain thyme
Growing round the purple heather
Will you go, lassie go.

And we'll all go together
To pull wild mountain thyme
All around the purple heather
Will you go, lassie go.

I will build my love a bower
Behind the clear crystal fountain
And around it I will sow
All the flowers of the mountain
Will you go, lassie go.

And we'll all go together
To pull wild mountain thyme
All around the purple heather
Will you go, lassie go.

If my love should tell me no
Surely I will find another
To pull wild mountain thyme
All around the purple heather
Will you go, lassie go.

And we'll all go together
To pull wild mountain thyme
All around the purple heather
Will you go, lassie go.

And we'll all go together
To pull wild mountain thyme
All around the purple heather
Will you go, lassie go.Late summer time is coming
With the trees still sweetly blooming
And the wild mountain thyme
Growing round the purple heather
Will you go, lassie go.

And we'll all go together
To pull mountain thyme
All around the purple heather
Will you go, lassie go.

I will build my love a bower
Behind the clear crystal fountain
And around it I will sow
All the flowers of the mountain
Will you go, lassie go.

And we'll all go together
To pull wild mountain thyme
All around the purple heather
Will you go, lassie go.

If my love should tell me no
Surely I will find another
To pull wild mountain thyme
All around the purple heather
Will you go, lassie go.

And we'll all go together
To pull wild mountain thyme
All around the purple heather
Will you go, lassie go.

And we'll all go together
To pull wild mountain thyme
All around the purple heather
Will you go, lassie go.



Strawbs: Bursting At The Seams (CD, Universal), 1998, track 11

B-side of Part Of The Union in the UK and a number of other territories - other territories varied see Part Of The Union page for details.

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD2, track 14

Strawbs: The Collection, 2002, track 15


Strawbs: 45: "Part Of The Union"/"Will You Go", 1973, side 2, track 1

The following territories had "Will You Go" as the B-side to "Part Of The Union": UK, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany (also available with "New World" as the B-side), France, Portugal, Greece, Australia (withdrawn and replaced with "Tomorrow"), Turkey, Israel, South Africa.



Some folks say
I left it late
Blame it on a twist of fate
Fortune favours those who wait
I'm wiser now
Nowadays it's ever clear
Friendships that I once held dear
Fade away and disappear
I'm wiser now

Backstage, the curtain drops
Lock away those old stage props
But making music never stops
I'm wiser now

You live forever in my dreams .....



Strawbs: The Magic Of It All, 2023, side 2, track 5

Strawbs: The Magic Of It All (CD), 2023, track 9



I weep just like a willow
Welling from the heart
Struck by cruel lightning
It tears my heart apart
I often feel I'm boxed in
Bearing hammer blows
But I wear them on the inside
So no-one ever knows

Sometimes the world gets angry
Sometimes a bad wind blows
Sometimes there are flash floods
Even six foot snows
The weather is a mistress
Fickle as the rest
But most days I can wake up
With my arm across her breast.

A view along the promenade
Tinted pastel shades
Pictures of Madonna
In her many masquerades
The young girl in her wedding dress
The vicar with a beer
A postcard from a long lost friend
Wish you were here

I walked into a forest
Overgrown with briars
I reached for my machete
To cut away the wires
It used to take just one hand
But nowadays it's both
To cut away the dead wood
And introduce new growth.

I walked into a church
With an open heart and mind
Doing what I pleased
Without seeing I was blind
Like is like a pack of cards
Stable when it's straight
The trick is in the balance
And it all depends on fate.

A view along the promenade
Tinted pastel shades
A picture of Our Lady
Before the image fades
The young girl with her bra undone
The vicar with a leer
A postcard from a long lost friend
Wish you were here

I walked out on the pier
Turned round to face the town
The sea was lapping gently
And the sun was going down
The kids were playing for pennies
In the kiss-me-quick arcade
I smiled at their excitement
And all the ghosts I'd laid

A view along the promenade
Tinted pastel shades
Rows of empty deckchairs
On windy esplanades
The young girl with her knickers down
The vicar feeling queer
A postcard from a long lost friend
Wish you were here.



Dave Cousins: The Boy In The Sailor Suit, 2007, track 6

with the Blue Angel Orchestra



I dropped down in the witchwood
To see what I could find
The trees had taken time out
To blow away my mind
All that I could hear there
Was the sound of my own voice
But the music it was making
Was nothing of my choice.

The interwoven branches
Were laden deep with snow
A rainbow shone so softly
To show which way to go
I observed its many colours
Till my eyes were rimmed with frost
I tried hard to trace my footsteps
For I feared I might get lost.

The witchwood started singing
With a strange unearthly sound
My fingers grew like branches
I stood rooted to the ground
And the spell is still unbroken
I am still her bidden slave
Till a casket from the witchwood
Bears my body to the grave.



Strawbs: From The Witchwood, 1971, side 1, track 2

Strawbs: Rock Storia E Musica (cass), 1983, side 2, track 4

Strawbs: From The Witchwood (CD, Universal), 1998, track 2

Strawbs: Halcyon Days (UK edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 7

Strawbs: Halcyon Days - The A&M Years (US edition, 2CD), 1998, CD1, track 9

Strawbs: The Complete Strawbs (Live At Chiswick House), 2000, track 8

Strawbs: Tears And Pavan, 2002, track 4

Strawbs: The Collection, 2002, track 7

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: Live 1988, 2005, track 6

Live Exeter 1988

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 1 - In Session, 2010, track

1971 BBC sessions

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: 40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 2 (CD), 2010, track 2

Strawbs: Strawbs At The BBC Volume 2 - In Concert (2CD), 2010, track 4

1971 Live In Concert (recorded 23 Jun 1971, aired 1 Jun 1973)

Rick Wakeman and Dave Cousins: 40th Anniversary Celebrations Part 2 (DVD), 2010, track 8

Acoustic Strawbs: Acoustic Gold, 2011, track 10

Acoustic Strawbs Live At Hampton Court DVD - unreleased on CD

Strawbs: Witchwood - The Very Best Of, 2014, track 3

Strawbs: The Battle (2LP), 2019, side 3, track 4

1971 Live In Concert (recorded 23 Jun 1971, aired 1 Jun 1973)


Strawbs: 45: "Witchwood"/"Keep The Devil Outside/"Well Meet Again Sometime (live)", 1971, side 1, track 1

UK copies (promo and very rare quickly withdrawn release - have "Keep The Devil Outside" and an outtake from the Royal Festival Hall concert. The New Zealand Release has "A Glimpse Of Heaven".

Strawbs: 45: "Witchwood"/"A Glimpse Of Heaven", 1971, side 1, track 1

UK copies (promo and very rare quickly withdrawn release - have "Keep The Devil Outside" and an outtake from the Royal Festival Hall concert. The New Zealand Release has "A Glimpse Of Heaven".



The wise man came in deep disguise
All the way from Mexico
We sat in circles on the ground
And listened to his words of wisdom
He spoke of unclimbed mountain ranges
And plains
That stretched beyond the point of no return.

We talked in terms of solitude
And parted with respect
That the world held a place for us



Strawbs: Deadlines, 1978, side 2, track 4

Strawbs: Deadlines (CD, WML), 2012, track 9

Strawbs: Deadlines (CD, WML), 2012, track 15

Dave Cousins acoustic demo


Strawbs: 45: "I Don't Want To Talk About It"/"Words Of Wisdom", 1978, side 2, track 1

US, Canada and Guatemala only

Strawbs: 45: New Beginnings"/"Words Of Wisdom", 1978, side 2, track 1

UK only single






You and I (When We Were Young)

I sometimes sit and think about
Our evenings in the firelight
You and I
When we were young
Laughing at the crazy-patterned shadows
That were dancing on the wall
Without a care
With time to spend
Hardly speaking
For hours on end
That was you and I
When we were young.

Walking hand in hand beside the river
At the weekends
You and I
When we were young
Children with their fishing nets were laughing
As they took their catches home
Caterpillars in paper bags
Knees tied up with dirty rags
That was you and I
When we were young.

Brushing through the fallen leaves
Together in the autumn
You and I
When we were young
Planning for the future
Without knowing what it held for us at all
The road to nowhere never climbs
We changed direction a dozen times
That was you and I
When we were young.



Strawbs: Ghosts, 1974, side 2, track 4

Strawbs: Ghosts (CD, Universal), 1998, track 8

Acoustic Strawbs: Baroque And Roll, 2001, track 3

Strawbs: NY '75, 2007, track 8

1975 live version






Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD1, track 3

Strawberry Hill Boys demo



I see you in the mist across the river of the night
You're a shadow of the past that hurts me so
The icy stream of nothing runs before my sightless eyes
But I'm blinded by a driving sheet of snow
In the gutter I can see my lifeblood flowing
Where you cut me down with but a single blow.

So you keep going your way
And I'll keep going mine
And everything will turn out just fine
Yes, everything will turn out just fine.

A spider's web of intrigue, spun in strands of gleaming black
Oh the thousand lies to light the way to you
A bent and twisted scarecrow tells the future of the past
In a field high on a hill without a view
In a moment you had vanished from my dreaming
And I was left here with the chosen few.

So you keep going your way
And I'll keep going mine
And everything will turn out just fine
Yes, everything will turn out just fine.

The sand runs through my fingers as the hours fade away
And the stars they beckon from on high
A team of six black horses rising from the ocean deep
Will carry up my body when I die
The rustle of the pebbles on the shoreline
Reminds me that my time's in short supply.

So you keep going your way
And I'll keep going mine
And everything will turn out just fine
Yes, everything will turn out just fine.



Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: Old School Songs, 1979, side 1, track 4

Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: Old School Songs (CD, Muskrat), 1979, track 4

Strawbs: Preserves Uncanned, 1990, side 4, track 4

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD1, track 5

Strawberry Hill Boys demo



You know as well as I
The pieces in my jig-saw
Were never made to fit
I waste my time
Pretending I can do it
And you know as well as I
Black is black
And white is white
Hell is somewhere in-between
But never far from sight
Children will forever be
The keepers of the truth
The keys are hidden safely
With their nightmares

You know as well as I
The birds will leave in winter
We'll see them in the spring
They don't do much complaining
In the meantime
And you know as well as I
One way's up
And one way's down
Somewhere in the middle
Is where we will all be found
Genius of innocence
Will never be denied
The call of the emotions
Is deafening

You know as well as I
The journey to full happiness
Is uphill all the way
Our ladders reach the snakes
And so we weaken
And you know as well as I
Right is right
And that is that
Nothing can defeat it
While our souls remain intact
People of perfection
Might be living here quite soon
They won't be needing love
And deep emotion.



Strawbs: The Broken Hearted Bride, 2008, track 8



You said you were a virgin when I took you in the park
You didn't need a light to help you make it in the dark
You took the highest bidder who could satisfy your needs
You wrapped yourself around him and you squeezed him till he bleeds
You never needed wings until I taught you how to fly
You never needed water till your well ran dry.

You always set your target on the highest social scene
You never gave your number till you knew where he had been
You used to shop at Harrods, bought the smartest clothes
You wore them inside out so that the maker's label showed
You never needed money till I taught you what to buy
You never needed water till your well ran dry.

You're just about as subtle as a razor with your teeth
You got your greatest pleasure with your lover underneath
You sparkled like a diamond with a smile that you could trust
You would find yourself a sucker and you'd grind him into dust
You never started smoking till I taught you to get high
You never needed water till your well ran dry.

Water water everywhere, but not a drop to drink
Take a look into the mirror baby, it's later than you think
You're the ultimate expression of Picasso's favourite brush
The wall in his apartment he painted in a rush
You never shed a tear until I taught you how to cry
You never needed water till your well ran dry.



Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: Old School Songs (CD, Muskrat), 1979, track 12

from The Bridge

Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby: The Bridge, 1994, track 1

Various Artists: A Taste Of Strawbs (5CD - including bonus CD), 2006, CD5, track 13

From The Bridge






Strawbs: Deep Cuts (CD, Muskrat), 2003, track 11

CD bonus track outtake

Strawbs: Deep Cuts (Extended Edition CD, Esoteric), 2019, track 11



Wandering the streets
Searching for a thought
I chanced across an unexpected park
Streams of boys and girls
Laughing as they ran
Were there to see the puppet man
Perform his mighty tricks
And you and I are young again.

Running through the grass
Hold your hand in mine
And lose yourself in simple skyman dreams
Sing out with rest
When he says the word
The magic word to make his tricks
Succeed before your eyes
And you and I are young again.

Silver smiles and peals
Bursting from within
I know what innocence can really mean
Never let it grow
Stay a child within
And you will find a peace of mind
That's rare these softless days
And you and I are young again
And you and I are young again
And you and I are young again.



Strawbs: Strawberry Music Sampler No. 1, 1969, side 2, track 6

Strawbs: Dragonfly, 1970, side 2, track 2

Strawbs: Early Strawbs (2LP), 1974, side 3, track 2

Strawbs: Dragonfly (CD, Universal), 2008, track 7

Strawbs: Of A Time, 2012, track 24

Strawberry Sampler version

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